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Book a Week in 2010 - Week 50

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Today is the start of book week 50 and the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Where are you in your quest? Mr. Linky is all set up on the 52 books blog and ready for you to link to your reviews.


52 books blog - X is for xenization. Having a bit of fun and highlighting Save The Words. Adopt words that are disappearing from the english language and help save a word.


Things in the works for the 2011 52 books challenge:


I'm melding in the science fiction challenge Mind Voyages with 52 books as a mini challenge. The goal is to read the Hugo winners and there are different voyages. Links to the different voyages with lists of books can be found on the Mind Voyages blog.

Read around the World. I probably did read around the world last year but didn't pay much attention. So this year I'm paying attention to setting. Keep track of where the story takes place and see how many places you end up. or just stick with one country such as Ireland and do the


The Ireland Reading Challenge: Read books set in Ireland, written by Irish Authors or with an Irish theme. Pick 2, 4, or 6 books to read.

Jane Austen Mini Challenge: Read Jane Austen's books -Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion. All can be found online here.


Well Educated Mind Mini Challenge: Read 3 books from each category: Fiction, autobiography, History Drama and Poetry.


New Author Mini Challenge: Read at least one new to you author per month.


Try a new genre challenge: Read at least one book in a genre you've never tried before.


And of course, with all you folks who are getting e-readers for Christmas, we'll have an e-book reading challenge.


and we'll have some assorted Mini Challenges which will be introduced during the year.


and for those who don't think they have the time to read 52 books but want to play along, we have


Read 12 classics in 12 months or 12 Chunksters in 12 Months


And if you need some ideas check out Novel Challenges. It is an awesome collection of all the novel challenges out there in the blogosphere.



What are you reading this week?

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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I have not kept up with the challenge. I hit a reading wall in the summer and I just could not get past it. I think I have only read about 35 books. I am still not able to read books as quickly as I used to. But I did finish a book last week: "The History of Food" by Reay Tannahill. I am now reading "My Reading Life" by Pat Conroy. I think that I might actually finish this book within the week. It is very good book. :001_smile:

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This week I finished #65 - The Scent of Water, by Elizabeth Goudge. This was the second book by her that I have read, and I simply could not put it down - her quiet writing often runs deep (or so it seems in the two books I've read so far). I am currently reading #66 - The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey, as I have seen it mentioned so often here on the Hive.

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I just finished A Break with Charity: A Story of the Salem Witch Trials by Ann Rinaldi. This was a YA book, and I read it today because I resolved to stay in bed and rest today. i woke up exhausted so curled up with this book. I enjoyed the story based on historical documents.


Looking forward to next years challenge. I think i kept up, but I lost count of the books I read...sigh. i will try to keep better track next year.



Edited by Mommyfaithe
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I finished my Sister Pelagia mysteries. I can't decide if the end was stupid or not. And I read the Mars and Venus guy's book on health. I figured, being a relationship guru, that he would have to be cashing in on his brand and the book would have to be a lot of waffle. I'm almost annoyed it wasn't :lol: So now I have some research to do on dopamine and seratonin deficiencies, which I'm expecting to be very interesting.




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On impulse, because I wanted to read something light and funny, I tried one of the Jeeves books which I've heard so much about but have never really read. I wanted to get the first book in the series, I don't think I was successful in that though. I got a copy of Carry On, Jeeves from the library. It was very light and humorous but I didn't care for the last chapter when things are suddenly told from Jeeves' point of view. I didn't like the rather cold way he manipulated his master. Bertie is thoroughly lovable and a good 'egg' and all that, what! He is always getting himself into embarrassing scrapes, but I didn't care for it when Jeeves deliberately manipulates a whole school of girls and their headmistress to mortify Bertie and the way Jeeves lies to him boldfaced. That just wasn't as funny or endearing.

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I finished my Sister Pelagia mysteries. I can't decide if the end was stupid or not. And I read the Mars and Venus guy's book on health. I figured, being a relationship guru, that he would have to be cashing in on his brand and the book would have to be a lot of waffle. I'm almost annoyed it wasn't :lol: So now I have some research to do on dopamine and seratonin deficiencies, which I'm expecting to be very interesting.





John Gray has another mars and venus book? Where have I been. Will have to check this one out. Just looked it up - Are you talking about the Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice? Please tell a bit more about it.... pretty please.

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Week 50! Ack!

I read "Apostle" last week by Brad Thor. Sue Thomas meets Kabul Beauty School. Quick read. My big take-away is that there's a qualitative diff between the Taliban and Al Queda.

Quick, easy read. Definitely from a conservative political pov.


Robyn, I love the mini-challenges. Looks like I'll have to spend more time planning next year's reading. Are you doing all of them? How are you going to organize that for yourself? The ones I'm thinking of doing are: read around the world, 1 classic a month and, of course, Jane = ).


Thanks for doing this. I needed the encourgement and I can really tell how much richer my life is from the intentional reading and the great weekly discussion on these threads!

Edited by laughing lioness
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Try a new genre challenge: Read at least one book in a genre you've never tried before.



This one has me intrigued. I'm now trying to think of a genre I've never read before, so perhaps someone can help me out. The genres I've read during the course of my life that I can remembere are:




sci fi





I think I read a cowboy book once because I think I read a Zane Grey novel (is that cowboy?) when I was a kid.



alternate future

alternate past


time travel (not sure if that's a genre, but it comes up in different genres)

action/spy (some of each if they are different)

humour (again, in more than one genre), satire & spoof

Christian (not a lot here, because I mostly saw romance novels which aren't my thing)


I may or may not have read other genres, too, but if there is a genre I've never read that has something I can stand to read (I've tried Jan Caron and another series by someone else with some store called Piggly Wiggly, and may like them, but I couldn't finish them, for eg) and you have a recommendation, there's still time for me to try that this year. If not, for next year.


This week I'm not reading a novel, but (for educational purposes, since from time to time I read books associated with evolution/creationism/ID) am readng Darwin on Trial.

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Robyn, I love the mini-challenges. Looks like I'll have to spend more time planning next year's reading. Are you doing all of them? How are you going to organize that for yourself? The ones I'm thinking of doing are: read around the world, 1 classic a month and, of course, Jane = ).


Thanks for doing this. I needed the encouragement and I can really tell how much richer my life is from the intentional reading and the great weekly discussion on these threads!


Organized? Me? Pshaw.... :)


I try to do the challenges that I already have the books for. (horrible sentence - my internal editor is still on vacation.) I have a list of all the books I own and if I'm at a loss at what to read, use Random.org to pick a book off the list. I need to update the list with the classics we have so I'll remember to read them, especially the austen books. In the past I've joined Katrina's Winter reading or Spring reading challenge which helps me make a list on which books to concentrate. HTH. You are very welcome and thanks for joining in. It's been a lot of fun.

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John Gray has another mars and venus book? Where have I been. Will have to check this one out. Just looked it up - Are you talking about the Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice? Please tell a bit more about it.... pretty please.


:eek: That sounds raunchy!


I'm talking about this one: http://www.amazon.com/Mars-Venus-Diet-Exercise-Solution/dp/B000VYTYGQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1292284017&sr=8-1


Perhaps your Fire and Ice is an updated edition.



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Drop by my blog tomorrow and enter for a chance to win a copy of Tami Hoag's Deeper than the Dead and sequel Secrets to the Grave which is being released December 28th. Excellent stories, full of twists and turns.


Started new e book last night "The Thieves of Heaven" by Richard Doetsch. Good so far.

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This one has me intrigued. I'm now trying to think of a genre I've never read before, so perhaps someone can help me out.


Here's a list of book genre's and within every genre you have many subgenres. Have fun!



Thanks! I see that this includes more than fiction, and I hadn't even thought of nonfiction genres when I made that list. I can't remember if I've ever read an entire book on film or not, so there is a genre I haven't tried. Then I'll look into subgenres. I doubt I'll want to read every subgenre at this point in my life, though.

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Still reading Darwin on Trial, but also read a ya novel, The Lost Island of Tamarind. http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Island-Tamarind-Book/dp/0312608802/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1292849548&sr=1-3 My dd is reading it now. I heard about this book from my chiropractor who is related to the author, who lives in Bermuda. The sequel has been published in the UK already, but hasn't made it here yet.

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