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I recieved my latest bloodwork results for my iron def anemia and

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My Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, RDW-CV are all in the normal range now. My Serum iron increased from 58 to 77. My Saturation rate is now above 20 at 21%, total iron binding capacity rose from 334-373(Should not be over 400).


BUT, my ferritan level dropped. I had 2 IV Iron infusions done the first week of August. At that time all of my numbers were all over the place, and my ferritan(iron storage) was very low, at 8. Even though Serum Iron was 65. I was aymsptomatic.


In September, about 6 week later, I had bloodwork, and my ferritan had risen from 8 to 52. The Dr was surprised it had risen so much because they did not get all the iron into me that they wanted since I passed out from the infusion.


My other numbers improved somewhat.


So since September I have been on Vitron-C. 2 pills a day. 65mg of elemental iron.


I am also taking 10ml 2X of Floradix.


2 TBSP Blackstrap Molasses off the spoon.


My ferritan level dropped from the 52 to 22 now. :confused:


I see the hematologist on Monday. Those two IV Iron infusions did NOT go well AT ALL. I spoke with the nurse who says he is probably going to suggest another one. But slower drip, over longer period of time.


That is not really the avenue I want to take.


Now, I have been taking my Vitron-C with a vitamin C tablet. But I also take with my coffee. I am assuming that is bad?


I also drink a TON of premixed, powdered green tea. That is all I drink all day long. Is this inhibiting my iron pills to absorb?


I guess I am looking for other ways to boost my ferritin levels back up again without those IV Iron infusions. I will do it if it is the ONLY way. But I am looking for alternatives.


I am still asymptomatic. I have plenty of energy. I dance, exercise, can stay up half the night. I am not fatigued or anything. I felt fine even when my ferritin was at 8.


I wanted to mention that hematologist feels my blood loss is due to my periods. I had sigmoid done and was clear. I am not interested in this time in taking steps to stop the period bleeding with any surgical procedure, IUD etc(I cannot take BCP). Had a full range of GYN testing and all is fine.


If nothing else, could you please say a prayer that the Lord will help me make the right decisions for this?

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How many milligrams of iron are you taking in each day?



Hmm, well the Vitron-C has 65mg of elemental iron. And I take 2 of them per day.


The Floradix has only 10mg of iron in each 10ml and I take 2/10ml per day.


And two tbsp of Blackstrap molasses. it has 25% iron in each TBSP.


I have no idea what that equals??? :tongue_smilie:


Cat, thank you for the prayers.

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:grouphug: That stinks. :grouphug:


If you don't have symptoms, why are they treating you? Have you ever had documented normal levels? Mind you, I don't know anything about iron, but I do know that my middle son runs low on certain blood markers, but is asymptomatic as well.

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:grouphug: That stinks. :grouphug:


If you don't have symptoms, why are they treating you? Have you ever had documented normal levels? Mind you, I don't know anything about iron, but I do know that my middle son runs low on certain blood markers, but is asymptomatic as well.


My numbers have been a little "off" for about 3 years now. It was only when my WBC count kept coming back a little elevated since last November, that I questioned it with my primary care Dr. And she decided to do a full blood panel. She did that in July and that is how I knew my ferritan level was low. My hematologist felt my WBC was slighlty elevated all the time due to the iron def.. My now, even with all of my numbers normalized, except my ferritan.


He said my elevated WBC all these months could be due from smoking. It runs between 11.2 to 13.9. With recent number of 12.5(normal should be between 4.5 and 11.0 with average of 7.0).


And I don't feel anemic. I mean, people who have numbers these low(ferritn), I have been told all they want to do is sleep, and can barely function.


I just went out and danced the night away until 2 am.


I shop, I clean house, I do not feel like I need a nap at all during the day.


Hematologist says that I have been this way for so long that my bidy has adjusted to it.


Yet, when my ferritian levels came up from 8 to 52. I didn't feel any different.??

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I wanted to add, that there are so many people struggling with much worse health problems here on this board. That I feel guilty even posting about this.


My trouble is miniscule in comparison to what people are going through here(Imp and Christine come to mind right now).


God Bless all of you for helping me. And praying for all here who are struggling with health issues.:grouphug:

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Hmm, well the Vitron-C has 65mg of elemental iron. And I take 2 of them per day.


The Floradix has only 10mg of iron in each 10ml and I take 2/10ml per day.


And two tbsp of Blackstrap molasses. it has 25% iron in each TBSP.


I have no idea what that equals??? :tongue_smilie:


Cat, thank you for the prayers.


I took 150mg of iron per day for eight months before my numbers leveled out. It looks to me like you are getting a lot of iron. After that I took 50mg per day as a maintenance dose for a couple years. Then, this year, suddenly my body seems to have learned how to metabolize iron a little better, because I was able to drop my intake to 26mg per day and hold steady there.


You will want to supplement aggressively for a time to get your numbers up, then you will need to find an appropriate maintenance dose.


I'd be tempted to kick up your intake to 200mg per day for six months, then test again. It may be that your numbers dropped after the IV iron "wore off" over time??? Since you react so badly to the IV, taking six months of a higher dose and comparing numbers might be the best thing to do.

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I took 150mg of iron per day for eight months before my numbers leveled out. It looks to me like you are getting a lot of iron. After that I took 50mg per day as a maintenance dose for a couple years. Then, this year, suddenly my body seems to have learned how to metabolize iron a little better, because I was able to drop my intake to 26mg per day and hold steady there.


You will want to supplement aggressively for a time to get your numbers up, then you will need to find an appropriate maintenance dose.


I'd be tempted to kick up your intake to 200mg per day for six months, then test again. It may be that your numbers dropped after the IV iron "wore off" over time??? Since you react so badly to the IV, taking six months of a higher dose and comparing numbers might be the best thing to do.



Oh, the IV was VERY scary. I have been told that some people take over 325mg of Iron per day.


Based on what I told you, how much iron am I getting(sorry, I know I am bad with math:tongue_smilie:)


Is there anything else I should add? And should I NOT take my iron pills(which has vitamin c in them) with my coffee, and cut out my powdered green tea? Is this inhibitin my absorption?


I have been told about SPATONE. But the website is confusing since it is not in the US, and it LOOKS like the shipping is like $50.00???!!??


Thanks Strider:grouphug:

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I understand that you heme thinks menstruation is the problem, but I'm wondering about your intestinal health too. I'm not talking about GI blood loss, but a basic inability to absorb it from your diet. If your body can't absorb it, even drinking liquid iron won't help. Any chance of celiac or other health issues that could be affecting absorption? If it has been checked, what is your B12 level? That one would be another indicator of intestinal function....


Do you eat meat? The absorption mechanisms for heme (meat) iron and non-heme (plant-derived) iron are different, so if your diet and supplements lean heavily toward non-heme, you might want to see if you can absorb more by deliberately increasing your heme iron intake.


Oh, and YES, green tea can inhibit iron absorption! I believe studies have shown that it is most problematic for those who are already anemic, but no big deal if you have normal iron levels.

Edited by jplain
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I understand that you heme thinks menstruation is the problem, but I'm wondering about your intestinal health too. If your body can't absorb it, even drinking liquid iron won't help. Any chance of celiac or other health issues that could be affecting absorption? If it has been checked, what is your B12 level? That one would be another indicator of intestinal function....


Do you eat meat? The absorption mechanisms for heme (meat) iron and non-heme (plant-derived) iron are different, so if your diet and supplements lean heavily toward non-heme, you might want to see if you can absorb more by deliberately increasing your heme iron intake.


My B-12 is fine(mine was 529, norm is 182-803), thyroid is fine. Folic acid fine.


Never been tested for Celiac, although not sure what symptoms are of that. I don't have any problems with my stomach.?

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Oh, the IV was VERY scary. I have been told that some people take over 325mg of Iron per day.


Based on what I told you, how much iron am I getting(sorry, I know I am bad with math:tongue_smilie:)


Is there anything else I should add? And should I NOT take my iron pills(which has vitamin c in them) with my coffee, and cut out my powdered green tea? Is this inhibitin my absorption?


I have been told about SPATONE. But the website is confusing since it is not in the US, and it LOOKS like the shipping is like $50.00???!!??


Thanks Strider:grouphug:


You are currently getting 150mg from the supplements, and some indeterminate number from the molasses. In your shoes I would be tempted to try adding another 50mg either by taking one more Vitron per day or taking enough Floradix to get up to 50mg. (The Vitron adds more, but that's okay.)


Another option would be to double both your Floradix and your molasses intake and call it even.


Definitely test again in six months to see if that had an effect. You should plan on iron testing every six months for the next few years. Then, once you know for sure that you have the right levels of iron and have found the appropriate maintenance dose, you should test yearly.

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Thanks Strider. Can I ask you another question? If you were in my shoes, and the Dr. told you that you NEED to have another iron infusion, would you do it based on my past experience?


I don't want to go into heart failure or anything...geesh.


And should I take those pills without my coffee, and instead take them at night before bed so I am not having anything to prohibit the absorption? Should I not drink any more of that green tea?


Thank you:grouphug:

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I had low ferritin levels for years and found out later it was gluten sensitivity (possibly celiac but gastr dr did not want me to go back on gluten to retest as my reactions to it were so bad). You do not have to have any stomach problems to have celiac disease. It would be worth checking out to have some peace of mind. Here is a list of possible symptoms, some stomach related and some not.




I wish you the best!

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Thanks Strider. Can I ask you another question? If you were in my shoes, and the Dr. told you that you NEED to have another iron infusion, would you do it based on my past experience?


I don't want to go into heart failure or anything...geesh.


And should I take those pills without my coffee, and instead take them at night before bed so I am not having anything to prohibit the absorption? Should I not drink any more of that green tea?


Thank you:grouphug:


I got a little lost in your OP--what is your hemoglobin number, and what is your ferritin number right now?

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Hemoglobin number is 12.9. And Ferritin is 22.

Oh........ TIBC is 373, Sat Rate is 21%. Serum Iron is 77. RBC is 4.50, Hematocrit is 38.7 and RDW-CV is 13.7. This is right now.(As of Wed)

Thanks Strider :0)


I will ask about Celiac as well, can't hurt to find out.

Edited by dancer67
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I had low ferritin levels for years and found out later it was gluten sensitivity (possibly celiac but gastr dr did not want me to go back on gluten to retest as my reactions to it were so bad). You do not have to have any stomach problems to have celiac disease. It would be worth checking out to have some peace of mind. Here is a list of possible symptoms, some stomach related and some not.




I wish you the best!


How is gluten intolernace tested? I looked at the symptoms, I have none of the gastro problems, and the non-gastro I know I have only one and that is the anemia. Exczema, yes. Born with it though. Depression, yes. And irregular cycles, not sure what that means. Mine are shorter now?? But no midcycle bleeing or anything. Nothing else on that list.

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I think you should definitely stop taking the supplements with the cup of coffee and see if that helps. If it doesn't, cut back on the tea too and see if that helps. I wonder if smoking can cause problems with absorption since it narrows the arteries. But I thought that iron was needed for oxygen absorption, not the other way around. Hmmm. Does your tea have a sweetener in it?

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I think you should definitely stop taking the supplements with the cup of coffee and see if that helps. If it doesn't, cut back on the tea too and see if that helps. I wonder if smoking can cause problems with absorption since it narrows the arteries. But I thought that iron was needed for oxygen absorption, not the other way around. Hmmm. Does your tea have a sweetener in it?


My green tea is FULL of sugar. It is the 4-C Green Tea powdered drink mix.


And I am going to change to taking my iron supplements at night before bed, instead of in the morning. See if that changes anything.

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If you take it before bed you need to eat something with it so it won't upset your stomach, just make sure it's not something sugary or with lots of calcium. I think that will improve your absorption if you don't have any intestinal problems that is causing you not to absorb the iron. Hope you don't have any other problems causing this one.

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Hemoglobin number is 12.9. And Ferritin is 22.

Oh........ TIBC is 373, Sat Rate is 21%. Serum Iron is 77. RBC is 4.50, Hematocrit is 38.7 and RDW-CV is 13.7. This is right now.(As of Wed)

Thanks Strider :0)


I will ask about Celiac as well, can't hurt to find out.


Your numbers are no worse than mine were when I was initially diagnosed. I never did an IV drip--I only used supplements.


I'm sorry to say that I have no idea what effect tea or coffee has on anemia.


However, as I said, my numbers were in the same range as yours when I was diagnosed. I think you can take 150-200mg of iron per day for six months and then test again to see if there has been an effect. You might ask your dr if there is a specific reason he thinks the IV drip is so important just in case.


One further thought--it's possibly that your monthly cycle issues are due to your anemia rather than the other way around. Anemia does affect the cycle for some women--in my case it made my flow terribly heavy and long, and improved as my ferritin and hemoglobin numbers improved.

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One further thought--


Prior to diagnosis, I was having truly awful sleep disturbance issues. This improved dramatically with iron supplements. I also noticed a definite improvement when I started taking my iron at night rather than during the day. I have also never had issues with stomach upset--I don't know if that's because I am lucky or if it's because I take the iron at night.

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My MCH/ MCV and what not, were all normal


You know Strider, now that you mention this thing with my period, it started last year when my ferritin levels were low and my hemoglobin. Interesting.


I do not need to take my iron on a full stomach. It doesn't not seem to bother me so I will start taking it at night with Orange Juice.


And I will ask him why he feels another IV drip should be warranted. My ferritin is the only number that is off right now.


And thank you so very much for everyones help:grouphug:

Edited by dancer67
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