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Epic Mickey Wii: anyone have this?

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My MIL bought this game for my 5 and 8 yo for Christmas. She asked me to look online and see if it's good for the boys. I've looked a little...but it seems a bit intense, esp for the 5 yo. It looked like a dark story line, geared more for older kids or even adults.


Anyone have this? Is it ok for little kids? They currently play things like Lego Star Wars or Mario games.

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Well, we haven't played it yet, but I purchased it today--my kids will be getting it for Christmas.


From what I've read, the storyline revolves around Mickey's encounters with some of the forgotten and obscure Disney characters (Oswald, for one), and their jealousy (in some cases) of his fame.


Early reviews say the game does a wonderful job of showcasing Walt Disney's work, and will especially appeal to die-hard Disney fans (which we are), and those interested in the history of Disney (again, we qualify ;))


As for it being dark, yes, it does sound a bit darker than usual Disney fare.


You can look at some of the reviews (some are video reviews) to see if you think it would be appropriate for your children.

Edited by Imprimis
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There was a wonderful interview on NPR today with Terri Gross and the composer who did the music for the game. The stakes have changed in the music for games and now high-profile composer are working on them. Disney opened their vaults and the composer was able to tweak and add original scores. This doesn't answer your question, but it was a fun interview.

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I found the video on

that is the first part of the game that introduces you to the story. (You know how they do that? It's a little movie you watch to explain the game, and then you play the game.)


The black demon thing coming through the mirror is a bit much, I'm thinking, for a 5 yo. But I was wondering if the game itself is that scary, or just the opening movie.


We can skip the opening movie if that's the only scary part. I'm bumping this in case anyone has actually played the game yet.


The game does look intriguing, but maybe not for a couple more years. I am hoping the game is ok, but I don't want to scare my little guy. After reading the responses above, it's probably something MIL should shelve for a couple more years.


Anyone out there who has played it yet?

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