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I have 42,000 words of complete...

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crap. As I wrote them they seemed so very clever and they compelled me to write even more and more! This is fun! Writing is so easy!

At second glance, I could see that it all needed a little nip here a little tuck there. I have spent a little more time reading it and now it seems like the work of a third grader except perhaps not as well constructed.

Thank goodness November is almost over!

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Never fear they have National Editing month as well. :lol::lol:I forget which month. No first draft is ever that spectacular. Of course, it's genius while you're writing it, but that's what keeps you moving.


Does this happen to other people as well? I would spend the afternoon writing and then corner my husband when he got home from work. "Listen to THIS!" I would then read the day's work to him. I marveled at it and he endured it. Well what did KINGM say on a previous thread...that the first million words are crap?

Well only 960,000 more to go.

My poor husband.

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Does this happen to other people as well? I would spend the afternoon writing and then corner my husband when he got home from work. "Listen to THIS!" I would then read the day's work to him. I marveled at it and he endured it. Well what did KINGM say on a previous thread...that the first million words are crap?

Well only 960,000 more to go.

My poor husband.


Of course, it happens to most people, I hope. :D 2007 was my first Nano. I hadn't written for a long time and I came up with this great story, great plot and my family lovingly listened each for about the first half of the month. After that I quit reading to them. I re read the story the following spring and realized how much my dh loves me. :lol::lol: The first ten or so pages were okay and then the story died an awful death. I never noticed. He never said anything, and the story has been shelved since.

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I think it's supposed to be that way. You just keep writing and writing and writing - holding nothing back. Then, later, you edit. Dd18 is a "Nano Rebel" this year because she is editing last year's effort this month. She's formed a little group and they are calling themselves "NanoEdmo.":D

Thats almost the name for the Edmonton NANOers :lol:

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Didn't you lock away your inner editor? He's not supposed to be able to get out until December. So whoever is looking at your uncompleted manuscript and telling you it's crap should never have been welcomed into your mind. :)


It took me until May to read last year's absolute junk of a novel. I am enjoying the writing more this year, I think some of it might actually be decent, but I'm pretty sure that I'll discover it's all crap too. It's kind of sad, really. I get to those 50,000 words and think, "This isn't an accomplishment at all! This is a tragedy!!" But it really *is* an accomplishment. I consider it good practice.


Hope your last week of writing goes crazy! One of our local writers finished last year's novel with a nuclear bomb that killed everyone in his novel - that's how much he liked that story. :lol:

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My girls are doing Nanowrimo and one has won and the other is close behind. It was really hard not to edit etc. but I made myself hold back. They really have enjoyed the process. I've come away thinking that maybe I need to do less editing in the interest of encouraging them to enjoy writing. It has been a very interesting month!

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Aw, we are our own worst critics!


But, I am sure yours can't be any worse than mine. I've decided mine is going to have to be a young adult novel, because there aren't any adults who would ever be entertained by mine, lol.

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