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Food blogs?

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I just found this one and have been drooling over the stuff posted :)

thanks fellow hiver for mentioning it.

Love the sugar cookie frosting and recipe. And the Reese peanut butter bars? YUM and no bake!


What's a blog you visit for inspiration?


This is my nieces website....It is wonderful...and so is she :D




Beautiful site and her food is YUMMY!

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  • 3 weeks later...

What a fun thread. I just spent too much time gawking at all these...

" I like http://fortheloveofcooking-recipes.b...h/label/Salads and http://noblepig.com/ and http://foodgawker.com/ and http://www.tastespotting.com/"


some great holiday ideas there, and such pretty pictures!


Thanks for all the replies, will be coming to this thread and it's replies again and again this season.

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