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Can you help? Eczema is making my daughter MISERABLE.

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Thanks again for all of the help and replies here! I really appreciate them! After reading them several times and doing some more research, here's what I've decided on for now:


1. Get the allergy tests at the ped (we have an appointment on Wednesday) just to see if that rules anything in or out.


2. Use a humidifier at night every night in the winter months, starting tonight.


3. Continue to moisturize/lotion 2-4X a day (we'll use the lotion we have for now, and then we'll start using that CJ's BUTTer when it arrives and see how that works; it shipped out today).


4. I will buy AllClear, or Dreft, or some such detergent next time I go to the store and start washing her clothes in that.


5. I will get something like cetaphil cleanser (soap free) for her showers and baths (and of course we'll just pat dry and moisturize right after baths) Baths will be warm, not hot, etc.


6. I will pick up Zyrtec (after reading about it here, and then on Ask Dr. Sears) and start giving it to her morning and night for at least a few weeks (Dr. Sears says it's safe to use daily for several weeks but that they should get a break from it after a while when the symptoms are gone or mild) and start giving that to her to control the itching; as the scratching makes the symptoms worse.


7. Continue to use our prescription ointment on areas that flare up, as needed.


Please keep your fingers crossed that I can keep this somewhat under control over these winter months by taking all of these steps! I don't want her to be as miserable as she was last night, let alone how miserable she was last winter.


P.S. Her face is a lot better today after having put the prescription meds on it last night and again this morning.


P.S.S. I was also going to try fish oil as recommended here but found it only comes in softgels and she can't/won't swallow anything like that unless it's extremely tiny, she can't quite figure out how to swallow it without gagging and gets scared and resists trying. But hopefully the above steps will work.


P.S.S.S. That CJ of CJ's Sewing Room is an absolute ANGEL. I said before that I'd ordered the "CJ's BUTTer" from her last night and had asked to make sure it's safe to use on her face, and she had written me back this morning saying it was and that she'd also "throw in" a stick of BUTTer "for her backpack" which I thought was so sweet! And when I emailed her to thank her for that kind gesture, I added in a little bit of details/history pertaining to my daughter's eczema and how last night her face had been bothering her so much and commented that I hoped this stuff would help, and do you know what she said?!


She said: "Bless her heart, poor girl!! That must be awful for both of you. I'll also throw in an unflavored lip balm. It has some different ingredients than the BUTTer, but it might be easier to apply around her eyes because it's so small. Worth a try anyway!!!"


She's wonderful!!!!! I hope the product is a fraction as wonderful as she is!! AND, I got a notification that my stuff already shipped- TODAY. Thank you, whoever recommended that site to me!

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P.S.S. I was also going to try fish oil as recommended here but found it only comes in softgels and she can't/won't swallow anything like that unless it's extremely tiny, she can't quite figure out how to swallow it without gagging and gets scared and resists trying. But hopefully the above steps will work.


Nordic Naturals carries a very tiny softgel that smells like strawberries. It's small enough for most kids to swallow without trouble and some kids even like the taste if they accidentally chew.

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Nordic Naturals carries a very tiny softgel that smells like strawberries. It's small enough for most kids to swallow without trouble and some kids even like the taste if they accidentally chew.


Nordic Naturals also has gummy omega-3 fishies that taste great (as in, I want to sneak them for a treat), though they are quite expensive. My picky-eater/pill hater used those successfully for a while.

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Barleans makes a fish oil that is a flavored liquid. Its delicious!!!!!! I honestly thought it would make me gag, I mean, it's fish oil!!! But I tried it at an open house at the local health food store and OMG it is sooooo yummy!!!! And some stores carry a generic, which makes it pretty inexpensive. But the regular is worth it if you can't find generic. This is the stuff, it will be in the refrigerated section: http://www.barleans.com/omega-swirl.asp

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I have not read through the replies, but I wanted to throw in my two cents.

I've battled eczema most of my life, and now one of my kids has it. For a long time, the only relief I got was from Triamcinolone cream, which I wouldn't recommend, as it is a steroid cream.


I've found in our home that milk is the #1 culprit. I figured it out through an elimination diet. A dietary change has done far more to help than any ointments or creams ever did.


I hope you can get her cleared up. It's no fun having it :(.

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P.S.S. I was also going to try fish oil as recommended here but found it only comes in softgels and she can't/won't swallow anything like that unless it's extremely tiny, she can't quite figure out how to swallow it without gagging and gets scared and resists trying. But hopefully the above steps will work.

Try Coromega orange-flavor squeeze packets. They come in little foil packets (like ketchup in fast food places); you just tear off the top and let her squeeze it into her mouth. It tastes kind of like a creamsicle. Fish oil can make a BIG difference for some people with eczema, it's definitely worth trying.



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OMG, NOT dreft!!!!! It has TONS of perfumes and fragrances in it. It makes many people break out horribly!!!


Ah..I didn't realize. The Dr. Sears site mentioned "All Clear, Dreft or Ivory Snow." Thanks!


And thanks, everyone, for those fish oil suggestions regarding the liquids and squeeze packets and so on, I will look into those!

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First, I'm going to ask her ped to refer us to an allergist. I'm going to wait on cutting out dairy or any other products until she's been tested for allergies.











I am thinking at this point I will see what the allergist says before going that route (She doesn't go crazy with dairy products but they never bother her like April through October so I am just struggling with the idea of that if she gets eczema in November-March it has to do with dairy? I don't know, but I will def request a visit with an allergist and see what they say. If it does come to that, what do you do to replace any vitamins/nutrients/calcium etc that she would have gotten from the dairy products...?




I hate winter.



My dd uses soymilk products in place of cows milk. She drinks the chocolate soymilk (I like it too) and uses the vanilla on her cereal.


And you can get OJ with calcium added too.

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I didn't read through all the replies but this is what worked for us:


On the face - plain Chapstick. It doesn't sting or itch or feel weird or goopy. I used this on my 3yo's eye area when his eczema would flare up there.


Cetaphil or the store brand works just fine, too.


Ask your pharmacist for a lotion called Vanicream. It is free of dyes, perfumes, etc. and doesn't feel heavy or goopy, either. It works so well for eczema and anywhere you have extra-dry skin.


Our doc had us use a steriod cream, but you can just use a little Cortaid and then Vanicream over that.


I hope your dd finds some relief!

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