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Can choking cause what looks like an epileptic fit?

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I have just had the fright of my life and I am still a bit :crying: My DS14 was getting ready to sit at the table. I turned my back to get something and heard a crash. He was lying on the floor, shaking and making a strange noise in his throat. It lasted about 5 seconds, then he said he was ok, just dazed. He maintains he took a piece of cucumber in his mouth that got lodge in his windpipe and he couldn't breathe and passed out. He thinks when he landed on the floor it got dislodged and the noise in his throat was him coughing it out.


I have never heard or seen anything like it. Do I treat it as a choking incident or get his brain checked out? He also bit his tongue in the process.

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I would consult his doctor. Probably, it was only a choking incident, but the tongue biting suggests it might have been a seizure, and if he had a partial seizure, it might have caused him to start to choke if something was already in his mouth. I think an MRI and EEG would be reasonable to do. Is he absolutely fine-feeling now?

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I agree that I would get him checked out. However, to offer a bit of mental relief: shortly after ds got blood drawn at the doctor's, he passed out. It looked exactly like a seizure to me. The doctor said that it was normal to look like that. (He was shaking like a seizure.) Fortunately, he was still on the table (partially sitting up, but still on it) and didn't fall off. I was glad he wasn't standing or on a regular chair.

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Definitely have him checked out. You don't know if he had a seizure that caused the choking or choking that may have looked like a seizure or choking that may have triggered a seizure. Two of those three *need* follow-up.


yeah, i agree.


kinda a chicken and egg thing.


When DD's big seizure started on Friday, she made this strange gasping, choking noise. I thought she was going to vomit. If she had had anything in her mouth, she easily could have aspirated it.

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Thanks everyone. It's night-time here so we're about to go to bed. He's been fine since the incident - no confusion, etc.. I think I'll consult a doctor friend tomorrow anyway. I'm confident this has never happened before - he's pretty open with me about these kinds of things.


I have a new and very real respect for you parents who deal with major health issues in your kids on an ongoing basis. Mothering sure ain't for sissies... :scared:

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I would definitely get your son to a doctor. You will have better peace of mind if you get to the bottom of whether or not your son had a seizure. Most of the time with a tonic clonic (grand mal) seizure your son wouldn't know if it has happened to him before. They lose consciousness and most don't remember what has happened. With a simple partial (focal) seizure your son would be completely conscious and know exactly what was happening. A complex partial can result in impaired consciousness.


Many people seize during sleep so you wouldn't even know.


Hopefully, your son just had a terrible choking incident but it's not something to take lightly. I hope I'm not scaring you but it's so important to get checked out sooner rather than later.


God Bless,

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Can choking cause what looks like an epileptic fit?
While I do not know the answer to that, I will say that the first time DS6 had a febrile seizure, we thought he was choking. As has been stated, many things can trigger a seizure including fever, bright, flashing lights, etc. I imagine lack of oxygen from choking could also be a seizure trigger. Likely your son choked AND then had a seizure as a result.


:grouphug: Praying that he is OK!

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I have just had the fright of my life and I am still a bit :crying: My DS14 was getting ready to sit at the table. I turned my back to get something and heard a crash. He was lying on the floor, shaking and making a strange noise in his throat. It lasted about 5 seconds, then he said he was ok, just dazed. He maintains he took a piece of cucumber in his mouth that got lodge in his windpipe and he couldn't breathe and passed out. He thinks when he landed on the floor it got dislodged and the noise in his throat was him coughing it out.


I have never heard or seen anything like it. Do I treat it as a choking incident or get his brain checked out? He also bit his tongue in the process.


I'm the Mom of a child with controlled epilepsy. There are different "forms" or kinds of epil.


I'm having a hard time that choking sent him to the floor. But, it could happen. Still, you'll want to keep your eyes and ears open for any unusual happenings and yes, you should consult with a dr. If it happens again, don't delay and go to a pediatric neurol. Check out your ins. coverage. And, if you need a referral. HTH. Sheryl <><

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My son has reflex anoxic seizures on a regular basis and I know that there are a few kids who have these triggered by eating. They can be triggered by hurting yourself or touching strange textures or getting upset. Some kids have one and it never happens again some kids have lots like my son who has had roughly a 100 seizures/blackouts.


The stars website is useful. Its a support group with case studies




there is a US website too but its not as well laid out and doesn't cover RAS as much



My son has a mixture of blackouts and tonic clonic seizures. Its often mis diagnosed as epilepsy.

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For anyone who was following our drama, it turned out to be a choking fit that caused him to pass out. He is fine (although I can't say the same for myself :001_huh:)


Laurie4b, our doctor friend said exactly the same thing; she also said that choking can cause convulsions. The fact that he was only out for a few seconds makes it unlikely to be anything more serious. Thanks to everyone who asked about him :grouphug:

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