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Another snake in my house!!

Guest Cindie2dds

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Guest Cindie2dds

Grrr. This is the second time a snake has been in my house. My youngest spotted it in the hallway to her bedroom. A SNAKE!!! Dh captured it in a towel and put it outside. Any suggestions? One is a fluke, two something is going on. Ack!

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Were you not advised to move the last time this happened? And did you ignore that wise advice?


Yeah, that's what I thought. As we say in our house, "Don't come cryin' to me...."


Terri (who really is super-sympathetic and would be sleeping in the car tonight)




I'm right there in the car too. Seriously, call an exterminator. Ick, Ick, and Double Ick! :auto:

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Guest Cindie2dds
Were you not advised to move the last time this happened? And did you ignore that wise advice?


Yeah, that's what I thought. As we say in our house, "Don't come cryin' to me...."


Terri (who really is super-sympathetic and would be sleeping in the car tonight)




Oh, yeah, I've thought about it after the mouse ran across my foot at the breakfast table when I was nine months pregnant with my first. It's a lovely farm on family land... I'm stuck here. Thanks for the sympathy, though.

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Guest Cindie2dds

I'm right there in the car too. Seriously, call an exterminator. Ick, Ick, and Double Ick! :auto:


Yep, calling them tomorrow. We just had them out for carpenter ants, so now I have one more thing to call him back for. :glare:

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I would be looking for the way the snake got in.

Do people leave the door open? Is there a hole under the sink, etc.?

Anyplace a mouse could get in, a snake could get in. And if the mouse got in, that might be what interested the snake.

Also, make sure that your yard is clear of the kind of habitat that would attract rodents--or at least that that stuff is far from the house. Keep grass trimmed, natural areas away from the house, woodpiles away from the house, etc.

Getting rid of rodents will get rid of the snake's primary food source.

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Guest Cindie2dds
I would be looking for the way the snake got in.

Do people leave the door open? Is there a hole under the sink, etc.?

Anyplace a mouse could get in, a snake could get in. And if the mouse got in, that might be what interested the snake.

Also, make sure that your yard is clear of the kind of habitat that would attract rodents--or at least that that stuff is far from the house. Keep grass trimmed, natural areas away from the house, woodpiles away from the house, etc.

Getting rid of rodents will get rid of the snake's primary food source.


We haven't had mice for quite some time, but that makes perfect sense that the snake would be where the food source is. I have a hottub we don't use (old and broken, got it free, cost too much to fix). I think we need to have that hauled off. I'm guessing that's where they are all nesting. Ick!!!!

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Any suggestions? One is a fluke, two something is going on. Ack!



Remove all family members, pets, items of value both sentimental and monetary. Back cars out of garage. Hose down neighbors' roof. Buy two cans of gasoline.


Burn the sucker down.


Sorry. I jest. But I CANNOT. TOLERATE. SNAKES. :ack2::ack2::svengo::svengo:



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Guest Cindie2dds
Rat snakes are better than rats or mice. The snake is the exterminator.




I agree completely until the snake is in my house. I point them out in the garden, tell the girls how beneficial they are and so on. Once they cross my door step, logic flies out the window. ;)

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We haven't had mice for quite some time, but that makes perfect sense that the snake would be where the food source is. I have a hottub we don't use (old and broken, got it free, cost too much to fix). I think we need to have that hauled off. I'm guessing that's where they are all nesting. Ick!!!!


I'd do that before I called an exterminator for snakes. I can't imagine what it would take to exterminate any potential snakes that might crawl across your property. It's not like you can put out bait, y'know? They eat live food. TAn exterminator might put out deterents of some sort, but exterminating snakes? I'd be worried about how much toxic stuff was around for the humans in the family.


Was it the same kind/size that you had before? If so, I'd guess your house is in its territory. If you see it again (hopefully not), have dh tie it in a pillow case and drive it somewhere else before releasing.


Also, if it's starting to get cold where you live, snakes will be looking for winter hibernation spaces. This is often in the ground, etc. but the warmth of your house could have attracted it.


Again, I'd be looking for the entrance and plugging that up.

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It's just a Texas rat snake, dh says, as I'm huddled on top of the kitchen island with my girls.:glare:


We have had a total of three snakes venture into the house. They were "just" rat snakes. The one that fell out of my washing machine and the one my cats played with for over an hour were technically babies, but they may as well have been anacondas. Any time a snake crosses the threshold of your house, its size increases by at least 1,000.


:grouphug: I hate snakes. I want to move. Seriously. I am so glad it is chilly here, of course that just means it is mouse season. This country living thing just isn't for me.

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Remove all family members, pets, items of value both sentimental and monetary. Back cars out of garage. Hose down neighbors' roof. Buy two cans of gasoline.


Burn the sucker down.


Sorry. I jest. But I CANNOT. TOLERATE. SNAKES. :ack2::ack2::svengo::svengo:





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