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If you had the chance to meet an historically relevant person...

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...but were required to wait in a pretty big line, not be guaranteed access....all for 30 seconds to meet'n'greet along with your kids (likely no photo op)...would you do it? This person is important to our family, not just some person...but a person with significant meaning for our family.


Debating an opportunity, knowing that it'll be short, may not be remembered by the oldest, won't be remembered in the future by the youngest (except on the typical scrapbook page I'll have to do on it), but will be remembered by me always.

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How much expense and time will this event cost you? Without a photo-op, I would not be inclined to do this unless it was close-by and therefore not a big expense or a matter of significant travel.


If it is close by and would otherwise not destroy a whole day, I might be tempted...but I'd have my cell phone ready for an impromptu pic as soon as I got close to the intended person of significance.



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Travel time is 5 am for about half hour to the venue. There will be no photo opportunities at all..not even cell phones allowed. LOL


I probably would go. You could consider it a cultural exercise, to see how people in the public eye are treated and have to treat others. I bet you'll be surprised what they remember down the road.

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...but were required to wait in a pretty big line, not be guaranteed access....all for 30 seconds to meet'n'greet along with your kids (likely no photo op)...would you do it?


I probably wouldn't, but that's most likely because I can't think of anyone I feel so strongly about seeing so it's hard for me to fathom.


This person is important to our family, not just some person...but a person with significant meaning for our family.


This stands out to me. On this basis alone, if it weren't a hardship to do so, I'd give it a shot. I'd rather go and regret circumstances out of my control (no guaranteed access) than to NOT go and regret not having taken advantage of an opportunity.


I had a similar conversation with my kids' dad regarding the shuttle launch. I have absolutely zero interest in it, and even less desire to go on that trip. My eldest MIGHT remember it down the road, but most likely from conversations and/or pictures only -- not direct memories. My youngest won't remember it at all, save for conversations and pictures. Their dad will remember it forever. And you know what? He convinced me that his direct memory would be enough to remind them and fuel their indirect memories as they got older LOL. His excitement was contagious, and that really pumped the kids up now; I'm sure it will continue to when the experience is long past and just another shared memory. I'd imagine the same could be said for your opportunity, even minus the souvenir picture.


Go :001_smile:

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Travel time is 5 am for about half hour to the venue.


a person with significant meaning for our family.




will be remembered by me always.



Do I have this correct? A half hour drive for a lifetime memory for you? I think that's a go! :auto:


Even if you can't get personal photos, are there other photos or memorabilia available? Maybe you can make a scrapbook page of whatever you have available, including personal photos of you and children the day of the event, and written memories of what was said, what you thought, etc. Be sure to tell the significance of this person to your family - what is the significance, etc.


Will you share with us who this person is?


Best wishes.

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For the most part, I would say no, not worth it. Also I would suggest you prep your kids in case the person or their entourage turn out to be a real jerks and big time disappointment.


IMO, many times the ideals that a person (and/or their PR team) is able to inspire amongst the public are much too grand for any one human being to be able to actually embody. And therefore, they are bound to disappoint.


Because dh works in the broadcasting industry, dd and I have been privileged to meet several US presidents and other political figures, many prominent entertainers, sports figures, musicians, etc. And I can honestly say that I wouldn't go through much inconvenience to meet any of them again. They are normal people who are very weary of others wanting a piece of them. They are trying to lead their own lives and have their own problems to deal with. Even as part of a sanctioned media event, they are still usually either distracted or put on a false, happy face and then rip the well-meaning and adoring fans to shreds behind the scenes.


That said, dd's favorite "celebrity" meeting ops were with The Kratt Brothers and Jeff Corwin. She doesn't give a fig about meeting politicians.


Unless this person owes you money or you will reap some other benefit from going to see them, I would suggest just sleeping in.

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