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my ds15 worries me. Please pray for him.

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he's had recurrent pneumonia. He had it three times in one year. Last year he didn't have it because as a part of his testing, he was immunized against it.


He seems to get sick more than anyone. This just started two years ago. He misses more school than anyone I've ever known. Today he called to say he's coughing up green and he's certain he has pneumonia. Oil of oregano didn't help. I talked to him this morning at school when he called to tell me he needed to get into the doctor. I asked if he needed to come home, he said no. He's already missed so much school that I trusted his judgment and ran to the store for more paint. While I was there dh called and told me to get to the school right away, that ds was VERY sick. He turned so quickly, which ALWAYS happens with him. Every time he's had pneumonia it's been walking pneumonia where he cycles through feeling horrible and feeling well.


Also, I found out that he's been skate boarding, something we won't allow since he suffered a double concussion last fall and has never been the same since. He's doing it anyway, and without a helmet. I can't prevent him from going to his friend's house, it's one of his best friends. Telling him he's not allowed isn't helping and honestly, I understand. This kid wants to take chances, wants to do sports, wants all the "boy" stuff. He wants the dirt bike, 4-wheeler (he drives mine periodically but I don't let him take it off our property!) football (which is where he suffered the double concussion) etc. He got depressed a little because he knew I wouldn't allow sports again, and I won't allow any of the above. He's going to do these things when he moves out anyway. I'm not going to get too upset about the skateboard as I feel like I'm a mom that's always saying, "No, No, NO!!!!!!!!!!!" The pediatrician told me two weeks ago, when we were seeing if his wrist was broken and he was limping due to an ankle injury, that I can't have him living in bubble wrap. Siiiiiiiiiiiiigh. BUT HIS HEAD. He's had such a year since his head injury, and I find out he's skatboarding! I feel SO bad keeping him from everything. And honestly, I'm NOT going to tell him he can't visit friends. He WILL skateboard and do things that could potentially cause another head injury.


My heart is heavy tonight. Can you please pray for my ds? We have a prescription called in for antibiotics for his pneumonia but we're going to try to hold out filling it until he sees the specialist again on Monday. If we start antibiotics, it may interfere with testing to see what's going on. There's a good chance we won't be able to hold off too long. We'll both be sleeping in recliners tonight. I hope he doesn't end up in the ER!!! It's frustrating because the specialist has been waiting for ds to get sick again so he could evaluate him, but now that he's sick, nobody could see him. The office originally said they couldn't see him until the 17th!!!!!!! I got angry and said, "Do you UNDERSTAND that my son has PNEUMONIA? He can NOT wait until the 17th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Please pray for my son!!!



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praying. And it sounds like maybe you should just let him skateboard WITH a helmet. Seems like a better idea than him doing it behind your back without a helmet.



And I am praying for your son. Mine has been chronically ill for the past 1 1/2 years due to Lyme Disease. It is no fun...he has had pneumonia 3 times in the past year as well.....it is horrible.




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Please - do not wait on the anti-biotics. I don't think they will affect the testing - but your son could go seriously downhill in a matter of hours with pneumonia. I've seen it - and it leads to long hospitalizations and far stronger drug therapies.....

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And I am praying for your son. Mine has been chronically ill for the past 1 1/2 years due to Lyme Disease. It is no fun...he has had pneumonia 3 times in the past year as well.....it is horrible.





Faithe, that's terrible!!! I will try to remember to tell you what the specialist says on Monday. Can you please keep me updated with the pneumonia issue with your son? Could it be related to lymes?


I took my son to the pediatrician a couple of years ago because I took a tick out of his chest and he had a deep purple bullseye which was black in the middle. The doctors never saw anything like it before and they called for about two months checking on him. He's not had other issues, but he's prone to pneumonia and gets viruses easily now. :001_huh:


I would GLADLY provide the helmet, but not only do I know he wouldn't bring it to school (they skateboard afterwards) I honestly don't think he'll wear it at all. We need to talk about this more but he's miserable right now


I'm SO sorry about your son!!!!!!!!!

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Please - do not wait on the anti-biotics. I don't think they will affect the testing - but your son could go seriously downhill in a matter of hours with pneumonia. I've seen it - and it leads to long hospitalizations and far stronger drug therapies.....


I know what you're saying. Honestly. My dad was like this. But my son gets what's classified as walking pneumonia with it coming and going. I keep asking if I should go get his medications, he says not yet. Thankfully he's old enough to tell me when enough is enough. BUT, now the pharmacy is closed, so we're going to have to go to the ER if he needs treatment.

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Ugh. You guys are definitely in my thoughts. My daughter came home from school today coughing and saying that one side of her chest hurts when she runs or lies down. She's had pneumonia twice already (once a year for the past two years), so it worried me. Now I feel like I have to keep an eye on her. At least she's five. I can't imagine what it's like with a kid so big and so strong-willed. Can't imagine the battle about the sports, either. What a nightmare. Good luck with everything, and I hope he gets to feeling better soon. Let us know what the specialist says!!!

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Faithe, that's terrible!!! I will try to remember to tell you what the specialist says on Monday. Can you please keep me updated with the pneumonia issue with your son? Could it be related to lymes?


I took my son to the pediatrician a couple of years ago because I took a tick out of his chest and he had a deep purple bullseye which was black in the middle. The doctors never saw anything like it before and they called for about two months checking on him. He's not had other issues, but he's prone to pneumonia and gets viruses easily now. :001_huh:


I would GLADLY provide the helmet, but not only do I know he wouldn't bring it to school (they skateboard afterwards) I honestly don't think he'll wear it at all. We need to talk about this more but he's miserable right now


I'm SO sorry about your son!!!!!!!!!


YES!!! This could definitely be related to Lyme Disease...PLEASE have him tested and make sure they do the western blot test. They used a short test w/ ds first and we recieved a false negative. The western blot checks for all kinds of tick born viruses. My son had Lyme for 15 months before he was diagnosed...now, he has been treated, but he is still suffering from what is called Post Lyme Syndrome. This is basically untreatable...except for treating the symptoms as they arise, getting him as healthy as we possibly can with a good diet, lots of exercise and tons of sleep....like 14-16 hours several days a week and at least 10-12 the other days...with naps when necessary. This is a nightmare....my son who taught himself to read at 3 1/2 and had a photographic memory, can not focus or retain his studies....he gets sick constantly....etc. He is so frustrated....Thank God we homeschool as he has lost an entire year grade wise...and will now instead of finishing early, he will probably take an extra year to graduate. I guess that part will be ok....if only I can get him healthy again.


I will be praying for your son...please get him tested for the Lyme...and I don't think you should wait on the anti-biotics.....call and ask if they will throw off testing, and if they will....test at a later date, rather than waiting and having you son crash...pneumonia moves way too quickly to mess around with.




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Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Can you get capsules of that or at least eat some cloves or spoonfuls of crushed?

Zinc lozenges with copper for immune function.

Vitamin A, C and E for antioxident and immune function and tissue repair.

Vitamin B complex for healthy mucous membranes.

Do not eat dairy and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Lots of fluid. I pray for him to be properly healed.

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Ugh. You guys are definitely in my thoughts. My daughter came home from school today coughing and saying that one side of her chest hurts when she runs or lies down. She's had pneumonia twice already (once a year for the past two years), so it worried me. Now I feel like I have to keep an eye on her. At least she's five. I can't imagine what it's like with a kid so big and so strong-willed. Can't imagine the battle about the sports, either. What a nightmare. Good luck with everything, and I hope he gets to feeling better soon. Let us know what the specialist says!!!


I'm surprised to hear that your little one has recurrent pneumonia, too. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I hope this bug doesn't turn into something worse for her!

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YES!!! This could definitely be related to Lyme Disease...PLEASE have him tested and make sure they do the western blot test. They used a short test w/ ds first and we recieved a false negative. The western blot checks for all kinds of tick born viruses. My son had Lyme for 15 months before he was diagnosed...now, he has been treated, but he is still suffering from what is called Post Lyme Syndrome. This is basically untreatable...except for treating the symptoms as they arise, getting him as healthy as we possibly can with a good diet, lots of exercise and tons of sleep....like 14-16 hours several days a week and at least 10-12 the other days...with naps when necessary. This is a nightmare....my son who taught himself to read at 3 1/2 and had a photographic memory, can not focus or retain his studies....he gets sick constantly....etc. He is so frustrated....Thank God we homeschool as he has lost an entire year grade wise...and will now instead of finishing early, he will probably take an extra year to graduate. I guess that part will be ok....if only I can get him healthy again.


I will be praying for your son...please get him tested for the Lyme...and I don't think you should wait on the anti-biotics.....call and ask if they will throw off testing, and if they will....test at a later date, rather than waiting and having you son crash...pneumonia moves way too quickly to mess around with.





Faithe, it's alarming how much you wrote sounds JUST LIKE my ds. His double concussions a year ago which resulted in focus and memory issues COULD be lymes, too. He says to thank you for posting all of this. We will need to move forward next week. ALL the sicknesses started AFTER the tick was pulled out. He used to be a kid who NEVER got sick.


I just got back from the pharmacist. Ds did say things were progressing and it was time for the meds. So, I guess we won't figure out if it was pneumonia this time as he'll have 4 of his 8 pills gone by the time we see the dr. :glare: But at least he'll be feeling better.


Thanks again!!!

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Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Can you get capsules of that or at least eat some cloves or spoonfuls of crushed?

Zinc lozenges with copper for immune function.

Vitamin A, C and E for antioxident and immune function and tissue repair.

Vitamin B complex for healthy mucous membranes.

Do not eat dairy and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Lots of fluid. I pray for him to be properly healed.

this is good stuff and all I've tried on him in the past. Nothing seems to work when he gets this.

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Has your son had his vitamin D levels tested? I used to get bronchitis and pneumonia at least once a year which would last for months. The only thing that helped was to get my vitamin D levels way up. Now when I feel something coming on, I take large doses of D3, usually 50,000 IU per day for several days.

Pneumonia can be scary. Hope you find some answers soon. I'll keep him in my prayers.

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Faithe, it's alarming how much you wrote sounds JUST LIKE my ds. His double concussions a year ago which resulted in focus and memory issues COULD be lymes, too. He says to thank you for posting all of this. We will need to move forward next week. ALL the sicknesses started AFTER the tick was pulled out. He used to be a kid who NEVER got sick.


I just got back from the pharmacist. Ds did say things were progressing and it was time for the meds. So, I guess we won't figure out if it was pneumonia this time as he'll have 4 of his 8 pills gone by the time we see the dr. :glare: But at least he'll be feeling better.


Thanks again!!!


Please keep me updated as to how your son is doing. If he does have Lyme, make sure he is treated for a full 28 days of doxycycline. One of the problems we had in getting the Lyme diagnosis was my son was on shorter courses anti-biotics to treat his respiratory issues, which calmed the Lyme symptoms but didn't completely kill off the bacteria...My son's symptoms were headaches, fuzzy thinking, swollen joints, fevers intermittently, terrible fatigue, body aches and susceptibility to every cold or virus that came by. He has been "adequately treated" according to the infectious diseases doctors, but it is going to take a long time for him to heal if he ever heals completely.

I am praying for you and your son. i know how stressful this is. I am glad he is starting on the anti-biotics.


Again, please update soon. Praying for your son and you.


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With Lyme Disease... of course you really need to catch it right away and do the long term antibiotics... BUT, my cousin had it a few years ago... didn't get the right length of antibiotics because the DR wasn't allowed to properly diagnose it...


Anyway, whatever the places where you're stuck in the rooms with pure Oxygen pumped into you... brought back his eyesight which was almost gone... and some other symptoms were lessened.... It's expensive... and they've paid enough... that now they get to go and be an "extra" sometimes... (as of last time I spoke with her about it...)


Just a thought... if that's what it turns out to be...

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