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We resigned as staff pastors...

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...today, and I feel very mixed up about it. Mostly, I feel relief. I am so thankful for the wonderful relationships we have made, but I feel free to "be me."


I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone. Part of me is grieving, and part of me feels like a huge weight has been lifted off.


The freedom to question...is priceless :001_smile:!

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...today, and I feel very mixed up about it. Mostly, I feel relief. I am so thankful for the wonderful relationships we have made, but I feel free to "be me."


I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone. Part of me is grieving, and part of me feels like a huge weight has been lifted off.


The freedom to question...is priceless :001_smile:!


Have a lovely time!

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...today, and I feel very mixed up about it. Mostly, I feel relief. I am so thankful for the wonderful relationships we have made, but I feel free to "be me."


I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone. Part of me is grieving, and part of me feels like a huge weight has been lifted off.


The freedom to question...is priceless :001_smile:!


DH & I resigned 2 1/2 yrs ago, and its been a wild ride. I know what you feel RE the mixture of grief & relief...I still have grief moments, but cherish the freedom.



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...today, and I feel very mixed up about it. Mostly, I feel relief. I am so thankful for the wonderful relationships we have made, but I feel free to "be me."


I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone. Part of me is grieving, and part of me feels like a huge weight has been lifted off.



:grouphug: yes. it makes perfect sense to me & i've totally been there. i pray the next chapter will be an amazing one!

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8 more months and I will be right there with ya. I cannot wait until the end of the school year when I can ditch my leadership service and just be a peon. DH got lucky and there was someone to replace him so he stepped down last month. I am trying to not give into envy but it is a daily struggle.;)

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Part of me is grieving, and part of me feels like a huge weight has been lifted off.




A dear friend told me something similar to this when her dh was no longer pastoring a church. There were some things she loved, but there were also many, many expectations put on her as the pastor's wife to do certain things or to be a certain way, and she was glad to be rid of that part of it.



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