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It's time to be transparent

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No, it's not. And to say so is not only dangerous, it can be deadly.


Bipolar disorder, and all of the Axis I disorders (as opposed to the Axis II disorders of which Borderline is but one) is a biochemical disorder of the brain, not a fractured personality. Although therapy can help, BP can not "go away on its own" nor can it be "cured". Managed, yes. Cured, no.


You do the OP a tremendous disservice to suggest that her medications are a temporary crutch. They are not. They are part of her life now if she wishes to live. Do some reading in real, honest to god medical journals before spouting off this crap and getting someone killed.





Thank you. I am not diagnosed bipolar but I have depression and it is genetic In addition, my mom is bipolar and I do see some tendencies in myself at times.


I've been through counseling (10 years ago) and that counselor was great but told me there was really no need to keep going through counseling, it took me as far as I could get. I learned all the tools you need to learn to help cope with depression. I've been on and off antidepressants for 10 years too (mostly on).


Most recently, I went off my Paxil in August because I was going to the gym regularly and feeling good and well, there were a million reasons why. But that blew up in my face. I was extremely moody for the two months I was off and cried a lot and just barely held it together from day to day. It all culminated in a complete meltdown a few weeks ago where I had to call my husband to come help me with the kids because I just could not cope. There were no traumatic events to set this off, it just kept building until one day I started crying and just couldn't stop. Got back on antidepressants that day and I've been a million times better. If I ever need a reminder about why I pop those pills every day, that day was what I'll think about.


The way I see it is most people would not tell a cancer patient to just "pray the cancer away," so they should not tell someone with a biochemical imbalance to pray that away. It trivializes the very real danger posed by mental illness.

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I just wanted to thank you all for your answers to my questions. Sorry it took a few days to get back here. I really do appreciate the responses that help me understand my sister. That's interesting that habits like skin-picking, etc. were mentioned. My sister has picked at the calluses on her feet so badly that she will actually tear off pieces of skin and make them bleed. She has done this as long as I can remember, back to when we shared a bedroom as kids. She was also a high achiever in school. I know she hates what she is doing and how she reacts; she has told me so, many times. I am supporting her as much as I can. Unfortunately my DH doesn't have as much grace to extend (and I can't really expect him to love her like I do) so it gets sticky at times. Thanks again for the replies! Sending peaceful thoughts to all...

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My last post tonight/this am, as I'm freezing.

:grouphug: Nakia :grouphug: I am praying. I understand. I have been told by several people that if we had enough faith my son would be healed. Paul was not healed, and my son is not... yet... but His Will be done, not mine. I pray His Will over your life Nakia, that He will use this illness to glorify His name. :grouphug:

She said it well.


Nothing drives me more into a full body twitch, complete with foaming at the mouth more than ANYONE being told that a medical condition would resolve itself if they simply had enough faith.


Bite my big fat hiney. Repeatedly. I am not bipolar, but I developed RSD after being attacked by a resident at work, along with depression/grieving issues that go along with becoming suddenly disabled. I've heard the, "If you pray, and are faithful, God will hear you and heal you." more times than I can count. And have been told in a half bewildered/half accusatory tone that they didn't understand why I wasn't better, they'd asked their whole church to pray for me...Was I *really* praying?


Can God heal anyone of anything? Duh. He's God.


Does He? Nope. Why? Dunno. Lessons to be learned in ways you never could have believed possible? Yeah, that's proven true for me. Not just for me, but also others around me.


Fallen world? Oh, heck yes.


Because you don't have enough faith, the right faith, are just mean, nasty and deserve all the punishment you can get? No way in Hell. God, we're told, seeks to preserve us, not harm us.


Does He allow negative things to happen? 3 letters - J.O.B.


Thankfully, my faith has been strengthened since my injury, rather than eroded by idiots with their blather. In spite of, of course ;)


Asta, the thing about picking rings bells for me. Like another poster mentioned, as a kid I'd pick my feet until I limped badly, but could never just.stop.it. even when I knew I was going to bleed and be in pain. That its an 'overload' issue makes perfect sense to me, given the nightmare growing up was. Thanks!

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