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Bed time/wake time

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When do your kids go to bed and when do they get up?


My boys go to bed at 8:30 and my oldest usually gets up first. He's up around 8:00. My 6 yr old gets up closer to 9. My toddler goes to bed at 8 and gets up at 8.


So my 9 yr old sleeps about 12 hours, my almost 2 yr old sleeps 12 hours (and then a nap), and my 6 yr old sleeps 13 hours, and if he doesn't he is very hard to parent the next day.


Just wondering what the average is for others because I often think about the kids that are in karate with boys. Some days the class is not over until after 7. I can't imagine having time to eat, finish any homework, prepare for the next day, bathe, and getting to bed at a time so kids have 12 hours of sleep.


My kids need their 12 hours minimum!

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DS is a 7PM-7AM child. Those 12 hours are definitely needed. On Wednesdays, he is in bed at 7:30 (TaeKwanDo till 7:00). Thursdays are our hardest nights as he has Mandarin lessons until 7:45 and then it takes an hour to get home. DS does tend to make up the lost 2.5 hours of sleep over time during the week as somedays he will hit the hay by 6:45 and others he will sleep till 7:30.


It says that children from ages 5-12 need from 9-11 hours of sleep each night. I am often amazed at how little sleep some children have who are involved in sports, etc. until after 9PM and then must be on the bus headed to school by 6:45 the next morning.


My pediatrician is a huge believer in enough sleep. He has talked about its impact on growth and development as well as mood. No wonder he is such a huge homeschool advocate.:)

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My kids don't get nearly 12 hours per night. The 8yo & 6yo go to bed a 8pm, but were regularly still awake at 10pm. They'd stay fairly quiet for an hour or so, but then they'd get bored and come downstairs for more books or to see what we're doing, etc. So recently I've started allowing them to play together until 9pm and then they have to stay in their beds and stay quiet. They're still usually awake until 10, though. But at least they're not popping downstairs at all. They're up between 7:30 and 8am usually. So they're only getting 10 hours or less per night. The older boys are supposed to be in bed at 10 (though we're more flexible and they'll stay up a bit later sometimes), but they're not usually asleep until 11pm. The 14yo is up at 7:30 to get ready for school and the 12yo gets up at 8:30, though he'd sleep a lot later if I let him. I wish they all got more sleep, but they're all night owls like dh and just can't fall asleep at night.

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My kids are the worst sleepers ever.


They get put to bed at 9:30 but fall asleep at about 10:00. The 2YO is always up at 6:30 am. He rarely takes a nap. 4YO, if not woken up by the 2YO is up at 7:00. DD8 reads in bed until 10-10:30 and is up at 7:30 if not woken up earlier. More often than not the 2YO wakes up everyone.


They never ever ever sleep past 8 am. Even if I let them stay up until midnight. The 8YO and 4YO have hardly ever napped, even as babies. I dont think I ever saw a day where a kid slept longer than 9 hours.

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My 6yo is an 11-11.5 hour girl (she *needs* this), and my 8 yo usually sleeps about 10 hours. Their lights out times are 8pm and 9:30pm... but only because we've been slipping a bit knowing the time change is coming. After it will be 1/2 hour earlier.

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My kids don't get nearly 12 hours per night. The 8yo & 6yo go to bed a 8pm, but were regularly still awake at 10pm. They'd stay fairly quiet for an hour or so, but then they'd get bored and come downstairs for more books or to see what we're doing, etc. So recently I've started allowing them to play together until 9pm and then they have to stay in their beds and stay quiet. They're still usually awake until 10, though. But at least they're not popping downstairs at all. They're up between 7:30 and 8am usually. So they're only getting 10 hours or less per night. The older boys are supposed to be in bed at 10 (though we're more flexible and they'll stay up a bit later sometimes), but they're not usually asleep until 11pm. The 14yo is up at 7:30 to get ready for school and the 12yo gets up at 8:30, though he'd sleep a lot later if I let him. I wish they all got more sleep, but they're all night owls like dh and just can't fall asleep at night.



This is our family!

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My kids are the worst sleepers ever.


They get put to bed at 9:30 but fall asleep at about 10:00. The 2YO is always up at 6:30 am. He rarely takes a nap. 4YO, if not woken up by the 2YO is up at 7:00. DD8 reads in bed until 10-10:30 and is up at 7:30 if not woken up earlier. More often than not the 2YO wakes up everyone.


They never ever ever sleep past 8 am. Even if I let them stay up until midnight. The 8YO and 4YO have hardly ever napped, even as babies. I dont think I ever saw a day where a kid slept longer than 9 hours.


I wouldn't be so sure about that.


My oldest has never really been a sleeper. I used to have to hold him down to get him to fall asleep for a nap when he was young. While I send him to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 each night, he's usually awake until nearly midnight reading. He's up around 8 the next morning.


My 8 year old daughter sleeps.


My 3 year old son gave up naps about 6 months or more ago. I put him to bed around 7:30 but he's often up until 10, playing in his bed and yelling out requests for dinosaurs, stories, vitamins, water, and quizzing me on my activities. He's usually the first one up in the morning. Today he woke me up at 7.


The baby has been a wonderful sleeper so far. Just what his Mommy needed.

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dd12 - 8 hours (10:00 - 6:00)

dd10 - 7 hours (10:30 - 5:30)

dd6 - 11 hours (8:30 - 7:30)

ds5 - 11 hours (8:30 - 7:30)

dh - 8 hours (7:30 - 3:30)

me - 6 hours (12:00 - 6:00)


The only one who naps around here is me. :D I try and get in a 15-20 minute 'power nap' while the kids eat lunch.

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