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just a vent. no need to read

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I'm so mad! Yesterday we got a visit from dd9's modeling agent. Before I get flamed, modeling here is nothing like in the states. It's more of a game for the kids and they get totally spoiled. Anyway she came over and told us she got picked for a tv commercial. She spent 45 freakin' minutes here measuring her for clothes and shoes and going over the details with us and getting my approval and all that. My dd had put steaks of fake red hair in a while back ago which we took out and got ready and everything.


THEN she comes back 45 minutes later and dd opened the door. She tells her "oh you not pretty enough now that you cut your hair. sorry." Then she tries to pay her the U.S. equivalent of $8. um if there was a problem with her hair WHY not tell her right away instead of getting her all excited.


It's not the fact that she got rejected for the job, that's zero problem and she understands how that works. It's the fact that the lady told her TO HER FACE that she wasn't pretty. So my dd cried for over an hour last night because she was ugly. She knows I would never let her model in the states so this was her last chance. Then she goes on about how nobody likes her. I guess last year when she was in school the teacher at the end of the day had 20 minute sessions for the kids to tell each other what problems they had with them and some of the boys had issues with her. I knew about the vent sessions but not that she was regularly called out.


I miss the days where all I had to do was feed them and change them. And I'm ticked cause I paid $30 for the red streaks for dd's hair that we had to take out.

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I went to high school in Korea and did the whole model/tv thing so I completely understand your poor daughters situation. The agents aren't very good at censoring their words, sadly. My sister was told in several stores that she'd walk in "Too fat, nothing here for you!" I feel for your little girl! No kid should be made to feel not beautiful...:angry:

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I'm so mad! Yesterday we got a visit from dd9's modeling agent. Before I get flamed, modeling here is nothing like in the states. It's more of a game for the kids and they get totally spoiled. Anyway she came over and told us she got picked for a tv commercial. She spent 45 freakin' minutes here measuring her for clothes and shoes and going over the details with us and getting my approval and all that. My dd had put steaks of fake red hair in a while back ago which we took out and got ready and everything.


THEN she comes back 45 minutes later and dd opened the door. She tells her "oh you not pretty enough now that you cut your hair. sorry." Then she tries to pay her the U.S. equivalent of $8. um if there was a problem with her hair WHY not tell her right away instead of getting her all excited.


It's not the fact that she got rejected for the job, that's zero problem and she understands how that works. It's the fact that the lady told her TO HER FACE that she wasn't pretty. So my dd cried for over an hour last night because she was ugly. She knows I would never let her model in the states so this was her last chance. Then she goes on about how nobody likes her. I guess last year when she was in school the teacher at the end of the day had 20 minute sessions for the kids to tell each other what problems they had with them and some of the boys had issues with her. I knew about the vent sessions but not that she was regularly called out.


I miss the days where all I had to do was feed them and change them. And I'm ticked cause I paid $30 for the red streaks for dd's hair that we had to take out.


I'm not sure I understand how she missed the length of your daughter's hair when she was there doing measurements. Did she have to go back and get approval after she left you?


I think this is unprofessional behavior for her to tell this to your dd, rather than telling you (the adults) that with the hair shorter she isn't what the customer wanted. I would very much consider spreading the word to other modeling parents that she is unprofessional. And if is someone who comes in to modeling fairs on a military base, I would make a complaint about her behavior to the folks who arrange the fairs.


I keep thinking that I should have had my youngest doing some modeling while we were here in Japan. Then I remember why we don't.

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