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s/o What did your spouse not know about you?

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I don't know what my kids don't know about me, but that's all probably for the best. As far as I know, I know everything about dh. I don't remember him shocking me w/ anything. But that seems to happen w/ some regularity in reverse.


He was amazed to find out I was on the swim team in jr high--I can't swim. But I read the paper *very* closely, & it never said we had to know how to swim. Boy were the coaches cranky about that, though. :lol:


In highschool, I was on the basketball team. I've been 5'2" since I was 12, & I really hate sports. Basketball was kind-of fun, though.


I ran a marathon once. I can't remember when, but he still doesn't believe that.


This is getting embarrassing. I hadn't realized all of the most unbelievable things about me were sports-related.


Oh yeah. I had detention on a regular basis throughout highschool. I was always late. I don't know why he found that astonishing--maybe his school wasn't as strict about tardiness? Anyway, I didn't have a ride home until more than an hour after detention was over, so the only difference to me was that I got to sit in a chair at a table instead of in the floor by the front doors.


And I tood Advertising Design & Honors Chem in highschool. Not terribly interesting & should probably be put out that he's SO surprised. But he saw me teach the kids elem chem last yr, so I guess...yeah, it's pretty surprising that I passed honors chem. :lol:

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Apparently, prior to our engagement, I had failed to disclose that I had been engaged once before and proposed to on another occasion.


He did not understand, until we had been married three years, exactly how deeply and profoundly I hate snakes from the core of my being!


He was unaware, until we had been off the honeymoon a few days, that I was a horrible cook! Very, very bad....since then I have reformed and become quite good at it but I still do not enjoy cooking.


We'd been married about ten years when someone casually mentioned my cheerleading years. He looked surprised since his general impression of me was that except for when at school or doing homework, I was ALWAYS at the piano. "Dh, sometimes a person just desperately needs a break from Brahms."


Faith, married 22 years

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PS- Keeping a blog has really, really helped us communicate... about my past, about everything! I mean, I am always communicating, I was always communicating, but he just wasn't always soaking it all up... Poor guy. He understands me a lot better by reading my thoughts in a coherent form there and he can (sort of) manage to keep up with all I am doing with his kids by reading it. :D

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HA! My husband and I knew next to NOTHING - not even the significant stuff - about each other when we got hitched. We had known each other three months to the day. I was 18; he was 21. Immigration was involved. It's a long story. But we're still married 10 years later, so I guess we must have known enough.

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