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do you have music embeded in you blog?

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I'm with them...just don't. Mostly for the fact that some people blog while the rest of the house sleeps, and music blaring when it's unexpected can be an issue. Some blogs also run poorly when there's music trying to upload - both from the provider standpoint and the user standpoing, working at odds against each other.

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No, for the same reason everyone else says. I don't work out of the home but sometimes my kids have computer games going and they'll leave the volume up and then I click onto a blog and all of a sudden music starts blaring and scares the cr*! out of me. I hate that! And it's rarely the same music as what I like. So all I would do would be to turn my speakers off if I can't find a quick easy way to stop their music from playing (if it's a site I REALLY want to check out- if I could take it or leave it or was undecided, I'd just X out of it immediately), and I'd be less likely to want to visit that blog again. I'd find it irritating.

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over at blog type forums, music on blogs it the top turn off. Don't do it!! If you do really want to do it, have it be the kind that is off, but you can turn it on if you want to hear it.


I hate it when my kids have been using my computer, have the sound turned up high..and then in the middle of the night, I'm reading blogs and I click over and almost have a heart attack! Then, I have to scroll through the blog, trying to find the button to stop it. Usually I just click away.

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I have a play list on mine (in this case, for our band's CD) that has a widget that can be clicked on optionally, it doesn't automatically play. I think there are sites that will let you simply put up an optional play list while browsing your site.


I had one from a site that shut down years ago for an old blog with a mix I chose. Again, it was optional though, and I don't know if there is another site that has widgets to customize for other music, midi files, etc. ReverbNation tends to be for artists.


I agree that automatic can be annoying.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
So glad I am not the only who feels that way - please don't! It's horribly annoying! When I open a page - blog or website/shop that plays music, I close it immediately.


:iagree: and :lol: because I really thought I was going to be the odd man out here saying don't do it.


I do not like it, even if I like the music! I do like the widgets that play music though. I've found some good stuff that way, so be sure to make it prominent.

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