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OMG! The whining around here this morning!

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My morning has been a bit like that as well. The boys would rather be playing. I had light saber duels going on as soon as they finished eating, now they won't stay in the house.


I slept in and didn't get to do yoga today, so I'm a little short tempered. I had a rough tone with my son because he couldn't understand long division. :001_huh:


I would also rather be playing, be outside and doing anything but explaining concepts to the kids. Maybe we all need a long recess. :001_smile:

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Geez, sounds like me!!! I have to clean the house for family guests coming tomorrow and the motivation just. isn't. there.


Would it hurt to lay everything down and just do math later today? :D


Chris (off to scrub toilets and wash floors and change the catbox and do the laundry and ....:tongue_smilie:)

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I've tried so hard to implement the "no one may whine except for Mama" rule, but I still find myself homeschooling amidst a cacophony of whining (not mine, either). Whining, along with bickering, makes me totally crazy, but I have yet to find a way to completely rid the house of either one.

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Oh, I hear you.


Whining offspring: "My [online class] is hard! There's so much homework!"


Shockingly unsympathetic mother: "I should hope so. We paid rather a lot of money for that class, so they'd better be giving you lots to do. Get cracking."


Not exactly the Oh Poor Baby and plate of chocolate chip cookies he was hoping for. Though the cookies are still a possibility, if he zips it and gets to studying.

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