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American Sign Language program?


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My son would like to learn American Sign Language. Any suggestions on where to find a good curriculum?


I don't really know where to begin to look. :001_huh:


I'll be watching this thread. Thank you for bring up the topic. :)


Our co-op is checking out various sign language programs for a class next year. One mom has suggested Interax DVD Sign Language.




I would love to hear the pros/cons of this program, since I am unfamiliar with it.


I've used Signs for His Glory at a co-op a couple of years ago. Many of the moms were not happy with it. :001_unsure:

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Yeah, definitely check your tv schedule for Signing Time, ours is on Fridays.


I have a 2 year old that's speech delayed and he's learned several signs, they are a big help. Signing time is nice because you can see the sign in real life, I always had a hard time with a book, I couldn't figure out exactly what they were doing.


This site has been a big help for us, http://www.aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/aslpro.cgi

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Hey, I can help! I'm a sign langauage interpreter (B.A.) and am very picky about what I use with my children.


Signing Time has the best kids dvds hands down.


Pending the age of the child, what I really love (and what my college used) is Signing Naturally.


Whatever you get, make sure it is true ASL. Pidgin Sign English is NOT ASL or close to it. The Joy of Signing is NOT ASL. People like that book...and...I just won't comment on it.


If you are going to learn the language of the Deaf, it should be their true language and not the signing systems that were made up by hearing people to teach English to the Deaf (like SEE - Signing Exact English, etc).


www.harriscomm.com is a great place to get materials. They do have a children's section here, http://www.harriscomm.com/catalog/default.php?cPath=35_101 .


Here is their page for Signing Naturally:



And for learning grammar and syntax, this is the best book out there. It is a teacher's edition, but when you are learning this material is best to have all the info and answers right there for you...I wouldn't bother with the student editions:




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