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A true answer to prayer!! What a great day!...

Heather in VA

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I just had to thank everyone who dealt with my breakdown this weekend over the state of math with my 7 year old. I've been talking to her and trying to figure out what makes her so upset and why it's such a struggle. Today she sees me get math out again and gets that same upset look she always gets - although she did her flash cards with no problem. She said it was really boring and easy. Now I wasn't sure what to do with this because it's the right level for her but I just decided we were not going to struggle today. I pulled a Singapore workbook I have off the shelf and said we could try this today. I was worried because in the past these kinds of problems have eluded her completely. She could tell me that 5 + 4 = 9 but given the 9 and the 5, she had no idea the 4 went there even with the problem in front of her face. Math Mammoth was a complete bust because of this. Anyway, today something clicked. We worked through the first few together and suddenly she smiled. She just went. She did 5 pages each time asking for more. Then we got to the problems that required multiple ways to say the same thing 3+5=8 and 5+3=8. She actually made that connection herself. Something she's never done before even with me explaining it. She said 'hey mom - if you move them around it's still the same amount'. Most importantly, she was SO proud of herself. She ran to tell her dad (he works from home). She kept saying over and over how happy she was. I was near tears. This is a girl who loves absolutely everything about school and is so very compliant except for math. Today for the first time she smiled and enjoyed math.


I realize this isn't the last of our math troubles and she is still dealing with pretty basic stuff for a 7 year old but I decided that we are going to celebrate this even if it ends up being the only good math day we have for a while. Its a sign that there is hope for the future.


Thanks to you all for letting me come her to cry and now come here to rejoice.



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When my dd was around that age, I learned quickly that if she wasn't 'getting' a concept, to just give her a break for a few days. Seems her brain needed that time to assimilate all the 'new' information. Looks like that's just what happened here! Congrats to you and your daughter! Here's to more math success!

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Thanks for your post. There are quite a few days I feel like this :banghead: when it comes to ds and math. Just when I thought he had it, he surprises me by saying something completely outside the mark. Sigh. It's nice to see that there's hope, and that I'm not alone.


I do like Math Mammoth for us, as it forces him to think, and presents problems in different ways.

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