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Need help with history curriculum...please!


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I am at a loss, and needing of assistance!!! I am trying to find a history curriculum that doesn't take a lot of prep time. I am having most trouble with my oldest who is in 5th grade and gifted. It has been difficult finding the right curriculum that challenges him and moves at a reasonable pace. I also am looking for something that will finish in a four year cycle. I have used easyclassical in the past but it just is too simplistic and I don't feel enough at his level. It includes Veritas Press which I don't feel is enough. I have looked into TOG and it looks great content but I don't have the time to figure all of that out (have a baby on the way), MFW looked great in regards to it's layout but looks to simplified. Any help out there with gifted kids would be greatly appreciated!!! It has been tough finding the right curriculum for him. Uhh!!! Thanks so much for your help!!!

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Hello ~


Last year I just used a spine, added lots of living books, had DD watch dvds or docudramas (library)

and tied my DD's 11.5 writing to the period we were studying.


This year I will add literature guides, outlining , and a timeline.


You might consider a program such as Notgrass history (high School) and select fewer books then add or subtract the componets you wish to use Bible, writing etc.


Best Wishes,


Dina :001_smile:

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You might look at the new self-paced online courses from VP. They'll give you a free one month trial, so you'll know if it's a good fit or not. VP *can* be as much as he needs. The online classes do a terrific job of filling in the blanks (the information around the cards, not just what is on them), adding it mapping, etc. I've always handed my dd a pile of books to go with the card and done crafts, so it has always become more for us just a few readings and a worksheet.


What time period are you on? You might look at AAH for him if he's ready for american or MOH if you're on ancients. For the Middle Ages, CLP has a book Story of the Middle Ages. Really though, I'd let him do the MARR online course from VP and read that CLP book to him yourself if you want. Throw in a few craft kits and book basket and you're done. The MARR class is what my dd has been doing with the trial, and it's FABULOUS!!!

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We are doing the trial too and ds begs to do it! I really don't know what I'll do after the trail has ended since I've already bought the scholars lesson plans so don't really want to buy the online classes this year.

I agree that VP can be as much or little as you want. I bought it because I wanted ds to start doing independent readings and learning how to look up and read the resources on the card for himself as well as do the worksheets.


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I know its not a wildly popular curriculum here but have you looked at History Odyssey? It is self-paced, almost no teacher prep except to gather the books needed, and you can add in additional books or projects as you see fit. My dd11 looks online for projects to go with the specific lessons and does these on her own.


If you go to their site http://www.pandiapress.com/history_odyssey.htm you can print out the first 5 or 6 chapters (or it may be more) to try for free.


Edited to add: for an advanced 5th I would look at the middle levels (2).

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You might take a look at onlineg3 or Athena's Advanced Academy. They both offer online history courses specifically targeted to gifted students. Onlineg3 offers American History using Hakim's History of US series and Athena's offers world history using SOTW.


I audited the American History course at onlineg3 over the summer to see if it would work for my ds in the future and it was excellent but fast paced. The teacher really engages the students in discussions and critical analysis of events and provides lots of online activities and links to support the reading.

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