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What to do in DC

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We are going to accompany my husband to DC in a few weeks. He'll be in a conference every day so the kids and I will be free to roam around. I have an 11 yr old, 8 1/2 and 3 yr old. What must we go see???? (We'll catch a shuttle from the hotel down to the mall and then be on foot from there.) What can we see as a family in the evening?


Any suggestions?


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I didn't get to take my dc until they were all grown up-18 and 21yo--so y'all are very blessed to be able to go now. :)


One thing I did was to make sure we saw the monuments--Washington, Lincoln, Vietnam, Korea, Jefferson--because those are the places that everyone recognizes, KWIM? Every television show and movie that is shot in DC will have those, and I wanted my dc to be able to say, "Hey! I was there!"


Of course, we only had one afternoon, so there was a TON of things we couldn't see and do. But I'd still recommend seeing those monuments along with everything else.

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Yes to what has already been posted and these suggestions:


National Cathedral (in Georgetown)(take the Guided Tour)

Museum of American history (look online for the hands on information and try to arrange to get into that room)

Check to see if there are IMAX films that you want to see

Library of Congress (take the Guided Tour)

Spy Museum ($$$ but worth it)

The Kennedy Center -- Don't know when performances geared to children begin (we buy our tix as they become available) but check on line and see if there is anything that you all may find interesting. The kid-friendly performances tend to be not longer than 30-45 minutes so even the younger ones should be able to sit through a performance) And, if by some chance, there is an opportunity to see a 'dress rehearsal' definitely consider it. Dress Rehearsal tix are typically $5. as opposed to $100. for the actual performance.


And I would just mention that while you walk around, there are scuptures, interesting scluptures, all over -- my kids LOVe the sculpture of Albert Einstein - excellent photo op.


Mt. Vernon - DEFINITELY!

And, Old Town Alexandria is alot of fun.....as is Georgetown.


I have recommended the Guided Tours b/c I have gone to all of these attractions on class trips for the most part. There is information that the docents share on the guided tours that is fascinating -- they leave no stone unturned as you tour and learn.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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We flew into DC, checked into our hotel, and got on the first tour bus we could :) It was wonderful. It was DC at dusk. We saw most things while it was still daylight, then saw part of the city at night, and it was beautiful. The kids would love it, too.


We did everything we could fit in. Museums, monuments, National Archives, etc. We took a tour of the White House (this requires a lot of pre-planning nowdays). We did the arboretum and the zoo.

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Smithsonian American History is our favorite. Natural History is amazing, too. We hated Air & Space, but I know it's very popular, so there must be *something* to it ;) (the "Tonight's Sky" in the planetarium is good - you have to get there early to get tickets for that (free, but it runs out)).


For art, we really like the National Portrait Gallery.


Doing the loop of the monuments is the best. Lots of walking, but if it's a nice day it's a pleasure.


Spy museum is okay, probably not for the ages of your kids, though. It's very Cold War heavy.

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This might be a bit off the beaten path, but it's really nice - the National Building Museum.


Right now they have a Lego exhibit, and who doesn't love Legos? The only problem is that you can't get tickets online (timed ticket entry), so you have to go to the museum and get your tickets in person at the info desk. If you're going on a weekday, it probably wouldn't be an issue to just walk right in and get your tickets for that day. But weekends are hectic there, so you have to plan ahead.


While you wait, they have some great toolbox kits you can check out to use... your kids can try to build a large arch, or use some of the other family kits. They are fun, and there's lots of space to spread out and create on the floor. There's also a play area for the younger set.

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I agree with the monuments and the natural history museum.


My kids really didn't like the air and space museum. There is a lot to read in there, so I think it's best for older kids, my then 4 year old got bored really fast.


My kids LOVED the zoo. It's a pretty good sized place and I know many don't like it but my kids had never had the opportunity to go to a zoo with actual Giant Pandas, they loved watching Tai Shan eating his afternoon fruit juice popsicle ring. He's since left the zoo, but I believe his parents Tian Tian (male) and Mei Xiang (female) are still there.

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For the evening suggestions... do the monuments in the evening at dusk. You can take a picnic and eat by the Tidal Basin or in the park between WWII and Vietnam. I always think there's something magical about the monuments in the evening.


Also, someone mentioned the Kennedy Center. Check out the FREE Millennium Stage shows at 6 every evening. We've seen a few great things that way. Most are child appropriate. If you're into theater, there are lots of other options - two theaters devoted to Shakespeare (Folger and the Shakespeare Theater) as well as a lot of other theaters and shows.


For the day time, it totally depends on what you want to see. If you want to focus on art, there are different options than if you want to focus on government or science or architecture or any of the many other things that you can make a bunch of time out of. However, if you just want to do the standard sample, then head down to the mall and museum hop, maybe carve out a day for the zoo and the Cathedral and see if you can take a White House or Congressional tour one day. Try to pack your own lunch - food on the mall is subpar and expensive (a negative combo). And have a good time!

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That's a good idea about packing food. We're staying on the MD side at the Gaylord, and I'm not sure where we'll be able to buy food to pack. We're flying in, so we really can't pack food to take. Any suggestions from people who are familiar with the area?


Thanks for all the suggestions! Is everything in walking distance. If not, what's the safest, cheapest way to get around?


I'm off to search online for info! Take care!

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That's a good idea about packing food. We're staying on the MD side at the Gaylord, and I'm not sure where we'll be able to buy food to pack. We're flying in, so we really can't pack food to take. Any suggestions from people who are familiar with the area?


Thanks for all the suggestions! Is everything in walking distance. If not, what's the safest, cheapest way to get around?


I'm off to search online for info! Take care!


Many things will be near the national mall, and most others are just a subway ride away. The Metro is great. I felt perfectly safe riding it with my kids. We just bought each person a pass and loaded them with about $20 each.


We just live in Chesapeake VA, so we drove up but once there the van never came out of the parking garage at the hotel until we were on our way home. We took the metro everywhere, the kids loved it, especially my train loving 4 year old.

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