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Miquon users, do I need.....


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...the First Grade Diaries and the Notes to Teachers if I just want to use Miquon as a supplement? I guess I don't really understand what they are or what they are used for. I will, of course, be using the Annotations and I'll be using Miquon from the beginning (the orange book) with a soon to be first grader. Please advise if you think it's necessary to purchase the diaries and the notes. Thanks!

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I haven't properly started Miquon yet. But I've read through the Notes to Teachers and read parts of First Grade Diary. The Notes to Teachers shows the philosophy of the program. The First Grade Diary seems to give activity ideas and more detail of how a lab sheet was actually used in a class.


I found them both useful, but my plan is to use Miquon by itself once my son is ready and then add another program for 1st grade. If I were using Miquon as a secondary program, it would probably be less important.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
...the First Grade Diaries and the Notes to Teachers if I just want to use Miquon as a supplement? I guess I don't really understand what they are or what they are used for. I will, of course, be using the Annotations and I'll be using Miquon from the beginning (the orange book) with a soon to be first grader. Please advise if you think it's necessary to purchase the diaries and the notes. Thanks!


Necessary, no. Helpful, yes. I found the Lab Annotations book to be both necessary and helpful. It is my favorite of the three. :001_smile:

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I am a Miquon fan, and used it with two of my dc. I found it useful to read through the two (FGD & NT), but once I'd read them I didn't refer back to them at all, so borrow from a friend and that may be all you need. I am a math-y person and I could riff once I got the idea, but not everyone is like that, so YMMV.

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I think if one hopes to understand how to teach Miquon as intended that is ESSENTIAL to read all 3 teachers books.


I've seen too many posts where people gave up saying they "didn't get it." And in almost every case they didn't read the teachers materials. Absorbing the teaching method is much more important IMO than being able to "do" the lab-sheets. The First Grade Diary is like having a wise mentor showing you the ropes.


I had lots of "ah ha!" moments. The idea is to awaken the giant with-in you (the teacher) so you have the tools and mind-set to create a learning environment where your child can learn mathematical axioms though doing.


So without question or hesitation I would say they are vital. And some of the most rewarding and enriching books on childhood education I've ever read.



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