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She didn't tell me she was in pain!

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My daughter, who has Asperger's, has chosen this past week to wear her shoes without socks. Whatever. The other day I noticed some red spots, asked her what had happened and she didn't know. I didn't think anything of it. Tonight I see WAY more and more severe red spots and realize they're BLISTERS caused by her shows. When I asked her if her shoes were tight, she'd said, "Sorta." Sorta?? :glare: I told her that straight after school tomorrow we're going shopping for new shoes! Goodness! I also told her she needs to TELL me when her shoes are causing her pain! :ohmy:


Anyone else had this experience with their kiddos?

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My daughter, who has Asperger's, has chosen this past week to wear her shoes without socks. Whatever. The other day I noticed some red spots, asked her what had happened and she didn't know. I didn't think anything of it. Tonight I see WAY more and more severe red spots and realize they're BLISTERS caused by her shows. When I asked her if her shoes were tight, she'd said, "Sorta." Sorta?? :glare: I told her that straight after school tomorrow we're going shopping for new shoes! Goodness! I also told her she needs to TELL me when her shoes are causing her pain! :ohmy:


Anyone else had this experience with their kiddos?


Yes. My 14 yo is undersensitive to pain. From the time she was little, she doesn't complain when she's sick, gets hurt, or her shoes get too small. One time when she was 2 or 3, I looked at her and realized she was really sick, so I got her a dr appt. She had a double ear infection and sinus infection, but had not complained one little bit. When she gets new shoes that are 2 sizes bigger than her old shoes, I realize she needs all her shoes replaced.

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My 17 yo dd who is severely ADHD does this too for pains not in her main part of her body (head, torso). ABout five years ago, she did decided to try taking a wagon and rolling down a hill with it. She fell off and all she complained about was her knee which was scrapped and bleeding. I treated that. Almost a week later, she tells me her arm has been hurting ever since the fall so I take her in and she has a cast on it less than an hour later. (Belgian ERs are the fastest ERs I have ever seen). She had broken it and never mentioned it till almost a week later.

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Yes! My son mentioned once to me that his shoes were getting a little small. I certainly meant to do something about it, but with everything else going on, I forgot. He never mentioned it again.


We were on vacation in Disney and he could not walk normally and I asked him if something was bothering him. Well, not only were his shoes too small, but there was a staple-like piece of metal that had popped up in the bottom of one of his shoes and had severely irritated his heel to where he could no longer step on it. I couldn't believe he hadn't said anything to me! We immediately went and bought him some crocs and he was fine within a couple of days, but a Disney trip was not the best time to discover this problem.



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My twins both have a high pain tolerance! One broke his finger and didn't tell me until it was so swollen it couldn't be bent and then said, "My finger looks funny Mama," and the ER sent us home saying that it couldn't be broken if it didn't hurt. Ped called the next morning to tell us it actually was broken. They don't run fevers either so when they were little we wouldn't know they had an ear infection until their eardrums burst. My asthmatic doesn't tell me he is having a hard time breathing until his lips start turning blue, needless to say we have a pulse oximeter at home now and I just do random checks!


It isn't any fun! I think some kids are so busy with life, they are able to tune out everything else or something. (That is my theory with them ATM lol) It doesn't seem to matter how many times we have the conversation that it is important for me to know when something doesn't hurts or they don't feel well.

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I told her AGAIN today that she NEEDS to tell me when she's in pain! Thankfully, Payless had 3 different pairs of sneakers in her size (9W and she's 12!) and one of them actually fit! Whew! Granted, they did cost $22.99, which I find a bit steep considering she may grow out of them in another four months BUT I've learned to NOT skimp where shoes are concerned!

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Be grateful they are only $23. My DD has terrible, terrible feet. I spend $150 on her sneakers to get the support that she needs. Ugh.


I cannot tell you the number of times DS (who has Asperger's) has told me that the shoes he's trying on "feel great", only to discover weeks later that they never fit right and are hurting his feet. He does the same thing with clothes. I think he's so distracted by the shopping experience that he really doesn't realize that the shoes are uncomfortable.

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Be grateful they are only $23. My DD has terrible, terrible feet. I spend $150 on her sneakers to get the support that she needs. Ugh.


I cannot tell you the number of times DS (who has Asperger's) has told me that the shoes he's trying on "feel great", only to discover weeks later that they never fit right and are hurting his feet. He does the same thing with clothes. I think he's so distracted by the shopping experience that he really doesn't realize that the shoes are uncomfortable.


I fear my son and shoes. He'll need an adult size 7 wide this fall, and he'll be 8 in a month. He does the same thing, though. He was wearing a size 3 1/2 shoe all last winter and spring. I took him to the store to get him some flip-flops for summer and handed him a 4. His toes hung over the edges!! Even a 5 had NO growing room. It took a 6 to fit him. I about died. I asked him if his shoes were too tight, and he said, "Oh, well, maybe a little bit. I hadn't really thought about it."




If it's a visible wound, though, or a potential bruise, he screams bloody murder. Until it's serious.


He slashed his finger with a brand-new pocket knife a couple of weeks ago and just walked into the house, started rinsing his hand, and calmly announced, "Mom, I hurt myself." I thought he was finally realizing wounds were no big deal and he was getting to be all grown up, so I said, "OK, glad you're washing the germs out." Then he said, "No, Mom, I hurt myself BAD."


Two butterfly bandages later....


(more :banghead:)

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My oldest has this thing about change -- he doesn't like it, especially when it comes to his clothes/shoes. He'd prefer it if he never had to give up clothes (even when we change seasons!). So, he never tells me if the waists are too tight or the shoes hurt his feet until it's so bad that he's limping or can hardly breathe. I have to do random spot checks. (I finally realized that last year. He's 11. Sigh!)

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