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Dying eggs...

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Ok, so since we're not Christian and don't really do the cultural holiday stuff either (Christmas trees, Halloween, etc.), my kids have never done egg dying. Now, not wanting my kids to be culturally deprived, lol, I was thinking to do egg dying as our activity when studying early Russia this afternoon (about as close to Faberge eggs I'll ever come).


Obviously, we don't have the cute little Paas egg dying kits, lol, so I was thinking to do what we did at home one year when I was young, which was to use onion skins (and whatever else I have around the house). I do remember how we did that, so I'm ok with that and I do have onion skins, lol. Now I'm looking for suggestions for other "natural" items we could try to dye eggs... I think we may have some frozen blueberries.. anything else? Any flowers from outside people have tried (we have lots blooming now here)?



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Hijacking the thread for a moment:

Kate, do you have any suggestions for books set in a Muslim and/or Arab setting?


I really recommend the translations of Denys Johnson-Davies. He is a well-respected translator (I believe he has translated some of Naguib Mahfouz's books, as a matter of fact), and has done a series of books for children translating classic Arab cultural stories. You can find a number of them (not all) from Amideast:




Scroll down to his name and they are listed there. I ordered from here myself, and the quality and all is quite good. I also have a few of the books that are listed by other authors. If you have a question about a particular book from there, let me know..


Edited to add:


If you do an Amazon search you'll find more children's books he has done, but availability is sketchy..



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Two years ago I did this with blown brown eggs. I decorated them with bright sharpies, and the brown background muted the colors a lot. Then I strung them on pretty ribbon in coordinating colors, and laid the string out on a black table. Very effective! (BTW, the ribbon was knotted on each side of each egg to keep them spaced apart.)

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In case anyone is interested, we finally got around to dying our eggs, pics below. I have since read that petunias may be poisonous, so we will just throw those away and eat the remaining.. they didn't make the best color anyway.. we used marigolds, frozen cherries, red onion skins and purple petunias:










Thankfully we only had one casualty (hence the gap in my deviled-egg plate. Nobody in my family but me likes deviled eggs, so I almost never get the chance to use it :( )





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