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Would you take this list to the doc?


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Or would you dismiss these things as unrelated quirks and a crazy mommy? Of course there are more details, this is just the outline. And, they are not necessarily in order of importance/prevalence. Oh yes, this is a 3yo.


1. Night waking. Sporadic. Unconsolable.

2. Never quiet. Repeats phrases over and over again. Talks ALL THE TIME. Sound effects of engines. Screaming.

3. Picky eating/refusal to eat.

4. Does not like hands to be dirty.

5. Angry. Very angry. Yells, hits, kicks, tackles, head butts. Anger seems out of proportion to the situation.

6. Does not like the feel of hair.

7. Does not like water.

8. Wants to be dressed all the time. Only removes clothes for bathing, then demands them back on immediately.

9. Inability/refusal (question which one) to potty train.

10. Will not go outside on windy days.

11. Does not like to be snuggled.

12. Hates to have fingernails clipped.

13. Hates to have teeth brushed.

14. Plays ROUGH, often hurting others unintentionally.

15. Usually wakes up cranky, crying, or out of sorts. Tries to avoid going to sleep.



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I am no expert, but so much of what you describe seems like there's a sensory processing issue. Even the anger and emotional stuff could indicate sensory overload. I have two dds with mild, but still obvious sensory stuff; both were worse sleepers than the others.


I've had different experiences with pediatricians regarding sensory stuff. I was once asked if we had depression in the family and was given the card of a good child psychologist. Now I'm fortunate to have one with a dc with sensory integration disorder. Overall, the situation has improved for pediatricians to recognize it and recommend OT.


Hope this helps. :grouphug:


It's hard but it does get better. FWIW, I found 3 the most difficult age for sensory troubles for both of my sensory kids.

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I would definately take that list in. Just be prepared for in depth questioning. Either of our pediatricians would take that list and begin asking for more specific examples for some and the last time other things occurred. They would also be asking me what I do when those things happen to see what works, or doesn't.

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:grouphug: Oh, yeah. My non-professional Dr. Mom diagnosis is sensory integration issues. My DS 7 just started OT today for it, and DS11 starts on Monday. FWIW, my pediatrician (who I generally really like and trust) was of NO help whatsoever on my road to discovery with my boys. So if you get nowhere with your ped., go to an OT yourself. The book The Out of Sync Child is a good resource.

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