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What would you have chosen as a career?

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Don't limit yourself from an advanced degree due to money. I'm in grad school now at a fairly expensive private school and my program provides tuition remission (meaning I don't pay tuition), plus a stipend on which to live. I still need loans, but they are very small, about $2000 per semester. If I did not have a son living at home, I could get a room mate, live cheaper, and not have loans at all. I'm in the science area and pretty much every graduate program I looked at was similar as far as the financial situation went. State schools did not have quite as good a deal, but they were already less expensive so it worked out about the same in the long run.


What I'm trying to say is don't just look at a college catalog, see the tuition and run the other way. My school is about $40,000 a year for tuition, room, board, etc, but very few students actually pay all that.

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Don't limit yourself from an advanced degree due to money. I'm in grad school now at a fairly expensive private school and my program provides tuition remission (meaning I don't pay tuition), plus a stipend on which to live. I still need loans, but they are very small, about $2000 per semester. If I did not have a son living at home, I could get a room mate, live cheaper, and not have loans at all. I'm in the science area and pretty much every graduate program I looked at was similar as far as the financial situation went. State schools did not have quite as good a deal, but they were already less expensive so it worked out about the same in the long run.


What I'm trying to say is don't just look at a college catalog, see the tuition and run the other way. My school is about $40,000 a year for tuition, room, board, etc, but very few students actually pay all that.

There are lots of possibilities for graduate students. Some colleges have good grad assistant programs where you work part time for the college and they pay a good portion of your tuition. I was able to get a scholarship for my MEd based on my BSE GPA.

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I'm a nurse who gave up nursing. I may go back to it but after 10 years I had about every issue a nurse could have from bad back to eczema flareups (from constant handwashing and glove irritation) to scabies and Herpetic whitlow (right where my glove ended).


I do love the medical field but if I had to do it over again I would pick Speech therapy.

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I'm a newbie here, and somewhat hesitant to jump into this discussion, but here goes...


Before I dreamed of homeschooling, I dreamed of archaeology. Following that path has never been a regret of mine. There is nothing like doing something that one loves, and even out of the field - it still makes my heart pound.


If you feel that way about becoming a curator - then pursuing that path will give you great joy. That joy will trickle into other parts of your life.


I also have a degree in American Studies, and was planning to teach, which I believe would have afforded enough flexibility to homeschool. Life happened differently for me, though, and my health intervened. Still no regrets.


Now I am a full time HSing mom, and love every moment of it.


I'm of the mindset that if you pursue what you love - you will find a way to make it work. There are so many, many programs to finance grad school. This is certainly something that you can make happen.

Edited by Spryte
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