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Is it possible to boost my 9 yr old's immune system?

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My 9 yr old ds has got a terrible immune system. He is adopted and his birth family, who we know very well, also have lots of health issues. My son has always battled some sort of problem with his health.


As a newborn, he had constant diaper rash, despite using organic cloth diapers and being VERY diligent about changing him as soon as he wet. He had also had terrible eczema as a baby, which he's largely outgrown. At 4 yrs old he was diagnosed with exercise-induced asthma and at 6 with allergies and asthma. Last year he had a bad fungal infection that spread clear across his chest and took 6 weeks and 3 different doctors to suppress. He catches every cold that comes along and has been sick for 15 days straight with what appears to be back to back colds (completely different symptoms). I feel so bad for my little guy and he tells me how he's so sick of being sick!


My 10 dd, also adopted but from a different birth family, is the polar opposite. She rarely gets sick. She's been sick once in her life with a cold, once with the flu and once with an ear ache, all under the age of 5. She hasn't been sick in over 5 years! I don't get it. Is there anything to do to help the immune system or do you just have to deal with the cards you're dealt? Anyone have experience with this?

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I would take him to a naturopathic doctor. I would suspect (with the eczema and asthma) that he might have food allergies that are taxing his system.


I admit I've never considered that before. I don't have the foggiest idea where I would begin to find a Dr. like that. He already sees an allergy and asthma specialist. Could/should we work with him since he's already familiar with my son? What would be the advantage of seeing a naturopathic doctor?

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I admit I've never considered that before. I don't have the foggiest idea where I would begin to find a Dr. like that. He already sees an allergy and asthma specialist. Could/should we work with him since he's already familiar with my son? What would be the advantage of seeing a naturopathic doctor?


A naturopathic doctor usually is more versed in lifestyle things like diet changes. But a regular allergy and asthma specialist should be able to do a blood test for food allergies. I prefer the blood test to a skin prick test mainly because I had the skin prick test which showed nothing but had a blood test which did show some problems (technically intolerances - not allergies). When my body wasn't constantly stressed then my immune system started to kick in more on its own. Eventually I outgrew most of my intolerances.


Also - look at Jenn in MO's thread on immune support supplements. There are lots of good suggestions there.

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Asthma, eczema and low immunity are related. I 2nd the naturopathic visit.

In the meantime, you could try fresh juices (freshly juiced carrots, apples, greens, beets) and some sort of high dose echinacea supplement. Olive leaf extract is also good, as well as Vitamin C. I would also feed him up on chicken soup and other nourishing foods (make real chicken stock from chicken bones) to help build his system.

Also....dairy allergy is the first thing I think of with those conditions (what nationality is he? ) and wheat the 2nd. Could be others, though.

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There are lots of immune booster herbs. I give my kids Wellness Formula by Source Naturals. I buy it at Vitacost.com


Your ds may not be allergic to dairy, but he may not process it well, and it may stress his body. Same with wheat. I've cut those out for myself.


Any processed foods aren't giving him the best nutrition. His body needs excellent 'building blocks', so sugar, white bread and any food colorings aren't feeding his health.


My sister has a child who struggles with asthma and exczema, and the doctor prescibes more and more steroids/inhalers, etc. These help the symptoms, but they don't improve the problem which causes the symptoms.


All the best as you work on helping your boy.:grouphug:

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