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too much curriculum


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anyone else sudenly realizing that they have way too much curriculum for the next year. Like multiple curriculums for the same subject, same grade level. Argg.


For my 4th grader I have:


4 Language arts programs

3 science programs

2 art programs

2 history programs

(but only 1 math--finally figured that out!)



For my 1st grader I have


4 learning to read programs (some hand-me-downs from big sis)

3 math (again some hand-me-downs)

2 history

2 science



How does that happen? And then when it does, do you pick one a stick with it for the year or do you end up flipping between them through the year?


Just wonderin'


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If I have multiple curriculum of the same subject, it's usually because I'm trying to decide between them and am trying to see which one I like better. I either sell the one I'm not using or save it to use at a later date (next year). I think it would be too confusing to use multiple programs at once, unless I had designed a program to mix the two.

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I am in the same boat! I have homeschooled 15 years now and have a big assortment. Every year I whittle it down, and then find a "few" new ones to add to the mix. I AM getting better!


The hardest thing for me is just to realize when to cut my losses. If I haven't used it AT ALL it has to go. No matter how wonderful it seems. Curriculum gets outdated, and the sooner I realize it, the sooner I can sell it for the best price and the sooner someone else can be USING it instead of letting it sit there for ages. If I haven't used it in three years, it needs to go.


We are limited on space, and having such a huge variety is just more added clutter no matter how good it is. We can get a TON of extras from our awesome library - so I do not need to hang on to everything!


My overloaded subjects are Language Arts and History. My boys are passionate about history so most of those actually get used. It took me about 8 years to find a favorite science (Apologia) and math (Saxon with DIVE or Saxon Teacher CDs). I got rid of almost all the rest in those subjects. If I could do that with language Arts, I'd have a LOT less stuff. Just can't find a comprehensive LA curriculum I like.


Still it's an improvement! It DOES take time to work with them and see what REALLY fits. Plus, you may have different learning styles?? Don't worry too much about it, unless you're trying to do it ALL with the SAME student! That would overwhelm me! Good luck!

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For my youngest, she has McRuffy Phonics....but I also have Right Track Reading that I use parts of on occasion (the spelling with tile building). I just recently discovered Reading Made Easy and love that too. For Science we have McRuffy and Science Excursion (for 1st grade I think we'll still have two programs for Science....SE and Elemental). For Math we are using McRuffy and Moving With Math K (I love them both). But for first grade we will probably try MM along with Miquon and MMM (just kind of for play and a different way to approach math). But....then I just heard about MEP here. Oh my! I'm really, really trying not to look at that website...........because I still have MWM for 1st and 2nd sitting here too, LOL! And, just an fyi, this isn't too much for my dd. She'd much rather pull out Miquon and the rods and do another, different, math lesson than watch tv....or grab Reading Made Easy and do a lesson or two right before bed.

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Wow. No, I actually still haven't bought spelling/reading for the 3rd grader. :glare: I try to buy gradually, so it's not such a strain on our budget. 4 language arts programs?? Woo! You must really like LA! :D


We use a lot of CLE, so its keeping things really simple this year. :tongue_smilie: I think I buy 3 workbooks at a time (about 3 months worth of work).

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If I have multiple curriculum of the same subject, it's usually because I'm trying to decide between them and am trying to see which one I like better. I either sell the one I'm not using or save it to use at a later date (next year). I think it would be too confusing to use multiple programs at once, unless I had designed a program to mix the two.

:iagree: I have already weeded out several things!

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I try to stagger our curriculum so I always have something new to investigate and purchase. We start new math & LA programs at the beginning of the school year, then we start new history & science programs mid-year. I've learned the importance of sticking with ANY curriculum so I tried to really find something that was a good fit for my ds and now that I see it in action & working, it's comforting for me to just stick with what I know. :) I think funds are a big help in keeping my purchases down too. If something is not workin it has to go before I purchase something else. I am saving the good stuff ds users for the littles so we are starting to accumulate some curriculum to use later but it's not so much (right now) that it has become a burden space (or $) -wise...

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Yeah, it is terrible... and I just ordered another history curriculum yesterday...

:tongue_smilie:Me too. I like the one we are currently using, but I really like the look of the one I just purchased as well. I have 3 or 4 spelling curriculums, a couple grammar, a few science, etc.

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I am taking the time to read over my first edition WTM copy and have ordered a copy of the first edition of LCC. I am already seeing things that need to be whittled down or tossed, and feel a new sense of focus to the year.


I don't know if this will help you, but just reading through the "how-tos" has been helping me tremendously. Can you find a copy of the WTM at your library?

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