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Overwhelmed...need schedule help...*again!*


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It happens the same way every. single. year!!! I try to streamline things and I still end up with this really tight schedule which makes for a stressful and long day. For reasons I won't go into, I should really be de-stressing my day.


I am schooling 6 dc: K'er doing 1st grade work, 1st grader, 3rd grader, 4th grader, 5th grader, and an 8th grader.


Here is what my day looks like:


8:30 AM Math w/ 5th grader

9:00 AM Phonics with Ker and 1st grader

9:30 AM Math with 3rd and 4th grader

10:00 AM Snack

10:15 AM Spelling with 3rd and 4th grader

10:30 AM Math with Ker and 1st grader

11:00 AM FLL4-3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

11:30 AM WWE2-3rd and 4th grader (5th grader, maybe...he really struggled with this last year)

11:45 AM Oral reading with 3rd grader

12:00 PM Lunch & Clean up

12:30 PM Spelling with 5th grader

12:45 PM Latin with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

1:00 PM Shurley English with 8th grader

1:30 PM Meaningful Composition with 8th grader

1:45 PM Meaningful Composition with 5th grader

2:00 PM History M,W & Science T,Th (On Fridays, we'll do music & art)

3:00 PM Snack/Laundry

3:30 PM Check work

4:00 PM Go over work


Am I absolutely crazy? I just don't see a way to cut something out. Thank you, btw, if you made it all the way through reading this schedule. I guess I am so overwhelmed because we are in the midst of remodeling a house and will be moving in about 5 weeks...dh insists we must do school fully until then and then take a moving break.


So, we will be starting the school adventure on Tuesday...we've been doing school light until now. I will ease into this schedule, but I just don't know if I can realistically keep that kind of pace going!!!


What can I do? I would *love* to hear from moms of lots of children, as you know more the world I live in. How do you streamline? It seems that if you school a few levels together, someone is stretched academically, while another may be at too low of a level. I cannot figure out how to make this thing work. Please help.:confused:


Thanks a bunch!!! :001_smile:

Edited by Mommy7
Hoping to make school part easier to notice by removing the personal part of my schedule.
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Oh my. That looks positively exhausting. For you... and when do the kids get to just, you know, PLAY?


I don't know what WWE and FLL are. Are they BOTH things your kids REALLY need?


Do your kids REALLY need to know Latin?


Can't some of this stuff can be getting done simultaneously? For instance, when you say "spelling with 3rd and 4th grader" what are they doing? Do you mean spelling review? Like, "write sentences, 3X each, alphabetical order" or that kind of thing? If so, can't they do that independently while you're doing something else with an older kid, for instance? And if so, why does the 5th grader need spelling at a different time? Can't they all do their spelling at the same time?


Isn't your 8th grader able to do some of those things independently while you do some things with the younger kids, instead of scheduling each kid/subject for a separate block of time? Like, can't your 8th grader be doing their writing composition earlier in the morning while you're doing math with the younger kids (or whatever the case may be), and he/she can just come ask you questions if needed? So that your day can be shortened when all is said and done?


Your day just seems SO long and overscheduled to me.

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I don't have lots of childre...just 3 (5,7, and9yrs)


I can't see your kids's schedule, just yours, but I am wondering about math and spelling. Spelling Power was taking too much time last year so ds9 is now doing spellingcity.com with lists I pre-entered over the summer. This requires no time from me now. ds7 is doing spelling workout. I orally pre-test on Thursday and then written test about 5 uncertain words on Friday, taking me about 10 minutes a week.


For math, I work with ds5 and then if minor questions come up with ds7 and ds9 I try to address them as they happen. But I do set about 15 minutes aside in the afternoon to address lessons in grammar or math that need to be taught for either child and be aware of when those lessons are going to need to happen.



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NanceXToo, thank you for your response.


Believe me, the kids play at all different times during the day. You are only seeing *my* schedule here. For spelling, we do All About Spelling. So, my 5th grader is able to move much more quickly than the other two. So, he has a separate slot to allow for that. He actually needs some remedial work this year in math and composition, so I am trying to devote a little more of my teaching time to him. My 8th grader does a ton independently. My 15 minute slot is for explaining her assignment and looking over her work. Also, the Latin slot is only 15 minutes. It is also the first thing to go if our day is not running on track.


Btw, WWE is Writing with Ease and FLL is First Language Lessons...they are language arts programs...composition and grammar.


I am sure it is hard to imagine juggling 6 dc's schedules. I think your signature says you are schooling 3? Don't get me wrong; when I was schooling one, my day felt busy...it's just that it has continued to get busier.


I know my day looks crazy, but I am dependent on that schedule because my head would just be spinning with the constant decision of what needed to be done next and we probably wouldn't get much accomplished without it. I focus better when I can do things as one at a time as possible.


Thank you for your suggestions. I will bear them in mind. It's a hard one to figure out, that's for sure. ;)

Edited by Mommy7
forgot to say what WWE and FLL are
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Brownie, spelling is the one thing I keep thinking I could maybe change. The change I have made from last year is that I have changed my 8th grader to Phonetic Zoo...an independent program. Also, I have decided to put my 3rd and 4th grader together because they were only a few lessons apart in AAS anyway. So, my schedule went from an hour on spelling to a half hour. I guess that helped a little.


Thanks for your thoughts. :)

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Okay, first off hats off to you schooling 6. I have just made the bump up to 4, with a toddler and baby soon to arrive and we've been remodeling while we live in the house. It makes life amazingly hectic, doesn't it?!?


The one modification I've made to our schedule is to drop AAS. I feel like it's an excellent program, but I just don't have time for it. I use WWE and FLL too, and although those are teacher intensive I feel its worth it. I've gone back to Spelling Workout for my 3rd & 5th grader. My 7th grader is done with spelling and I'll start AAS with my K'er in a few months. Spelling to me is important but not as important as writing and grammar.


I would look at keeping the 5th grader in with the others for WWE and dropping Meaningful Composition for him for this year.


The other thing I've done is have my kids take turns making snacks and lunch. I don't do anything for those 2 meals. They actually enjoy planning what they'll make and getting a choice of what to purchase at the grocery store. While they're working on preparing lunch/snacks I can be working with the other kids.


I don't know if that's helpful or not, but those are the only places I can see for you to shave time off of your personal schedule.

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I am new here, so basically clueless :D but I love to schedule and organize and I am a dork and read all the scheduling posts.


I saw on one where the lady taught her DC's a math concept the night before and then had them work independantly together the next day and she was just able to "float" amoung them. I have no idea what Math program you are doing...just an idea.


Good luck! you are amazing for doing all that!!

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Oh my!! 5 in elementary school. :001_huh: You have quite a busy year ahead of you.


I'm schooling 5 this year...2 in Jr. High and 3 in elementary. My schedule looks a bit similar to yours. I'm going from 8 to 5 with a 30 min. break for lunch. (Please note that that is MY schedule not my dc's schedule) We've had 11 days of school this year and so far so good. AND I'm still caught up on my laundry and haven't ordered out pizza once. That's not to say every day went off without a hitch. But so far, we've been able to dust off and keep going.


Anyway, I like to streamline my day as much as possible. At 8:00 we do Bible. My Jr. high guys are then off on their own until the afternoon.

I then do History, Geography, Science and Story Time with the other 3. Then I excuse the 1st grader and continue on with Latin. Group time is now over and it's 10 a.m. Except for our chapter-book read-aloud after lunch (which is very low-key...as in no chairs, tables or supplies are necessary) I do not need to gather them all together in one place again. And that is a huge sanity saver for me.


I quickly go over my 5th grader's math lesson with him and send him off.

I then start meeting with them individually starting with the 1st grader. We do math, phonics, WWE, handwriting all in one fell swoop. I scheduled an hour. It usually takes 40 min. So most days I do get a 20 min. break in there to change out laundry or work puzzles with my babies or put something back together that fell apart, dig play-doh out of the carpet, etc. :lol: Then I work with my 3rd grader. She has done some independent work. I check that and work on her WWE, math, and cursive.


It is now lunchtime and get babies down for a nap time. Then our 30 minute read-aloud time which is quite relaxing and enjoyable and doesn't feel like "work." At 1:00 I'm with the 5th grader, grading math and other independent work, WWE, cursive and we do his Saxon grammar together orally because he's very writing phobic.

At 2:00 I'm with my 8th grader (he works faster than the 7th grader)We go over math,and other independent work (vocab, geography, Latin,writing) discuss his readings (history, science, logic, literature) I explain the next day's writing assignment (if necessary) and do a little Latin drill.

At 3:30 I'm with my 7th grader, usually til 5 doing the exact same thing except at his level.


It is a long day but it flows nicely and doesn't feel too chaotic. I think that's because when I finally sit down with one child or a group of children I do everything I need to do with them before sending them on their way. Rounding up the necessary children and supplies and letting them know it is NOW time to attend to ME takes quite a bit of energy. :tongue_smilie:


I think the less often you have to do that, the better off you'll be. At least that's how it works for me.


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I was just re-reading your post and thought I'd play with your schedule just for fun. Feel free to ignore it. :001_smile:


It happens the same way every. single. year!!! I try to streamline things and I still end up with this really tight schedule which makes for a stressful and long day. For reasons I won't go into, I should really be de-stressing my day.


I am schooling 6 dc: K'er doing 1st grade work, 1st grader, 3rd grader, 4th grader, 5th grader, and an 8th grader.


Here is what my day looks like:

If I were you and your dc were mine...which they're not :001_smile: so, of course, this might not work for you...but this is what I would do...



#1 I'd start with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and do

FLL4, WWE2, and Latin

1 HOUR ...excuse the 5th grader to independent work



#2 do the 3rd/4th grader's math, spelling





SNACK ...excuse the 4th grader to independent work/play



#3 read with the 3rd grader

15 MIN. ...excuse the 3rd grader to independent work/play



#4 do the K'er and 1st grader's phonics and math.







Check-in with 5th grader...go over work, MC and spelling

45 MIN.



Check-in with 8th grader...go over work, MC and Shurley




Now everyone is together for History/Science.




There it's 3:15 and you're done with school and you're done checking too right? Except maybe your 3rd/4th grader had some independent work to check real quick...but not much probably. And hopefully most hour-long segments didn't actually take a full hour because you were being so efficient and moving bam bam bam from one thing to the next thus giving you maybe 10-15 min. to catch a breather, rinse the dishes, sweep the cheerios...whatever you have to do to keep the sanity flowing. If you're like me, don't check your e-mail because then you'll be late for the next segment. :tongue_smilie: But a little tidying up, going to the bathroom...do NOT underestimate this :lol:... between things really makes for a more relaxed day even though it is still kind of long.


8:30 AM Math w/ 5th grader

9:00 AM Phonics with Ker and 1st grader

9:30 AM Math with 3rd and 4th grader

10:00 AM Snack

10:15 AM Spelling with 3rd and 4th grader

10:30 AM Math with Ker and 1st grader

11:00 AM FLL4-3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

11:30 AM WWE2-3rd and 4th grader (5th grader, maybe...he really struggled with this last year)

11:45 AM Oral reading with 3rd grader

12:00 PM Lunch & Clean up

12:30 PM Spelling with 5th grader

12:45 PM Latin with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

1:00 PM Shurley English with 8th grader

1:30 PM Meaningful Composition with 8th grader

1:45 PM Meaningful Composition with 5th grader

2:00 PM History M,W & Science T,Th (On Fridays, we'll do music & art)

3:00 PM Snack/Laundry

3:30 PM Check work

4:00 PM Go over work


Am I absolutely crazy? I just don't see a way to cut something out. Thank you, btw, if you made it all the way through reading this schedule. I guess I am so overwhelmed because we are in the midst of remodeling a house and will be moving in about 5 weeks...dh insists we must do school fully until then and then take a moving break.


So, we will be starting the school adventure on Tuesday...we've been doing school light until now. I will ease into this schedule, but I just don't know if I can realistically keep that kind of pace going!!!


What can I do? I would *love* to hear from moms of lots of children, as you know more the world I live in. How do you streamline? It seems that if you school a few levels together, someone is stretched academically, while another may be at too low of a level. I cannot figure out how to make this thing work. Please help.:confused:


Thanks a bunch!!! :001_smile:

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I am so impressed! I really like the looks of that schedule...the only thing missing is my 5th grader's math, which would take 30 minutes. Where would you add that? Were you starting the day at 8 AM by the way? Right now, my 8th grader is going through a quick review before starting Pre-Alg., when I will need to be more involved. Where would you put that?


I really like the way you get it all done with each little group and then dismiss them.


Btw, what do you use for Latin with your 8th grader that is independent? We're going to try First Form w/ DVD's this year. We started it last year...I had this idealistic goal that I would learn and do Latin right along with her. I think that lasted a week. :) This year, she will be doing it independently...dh said if she has questions, she'll have to email Memoria Press for the answer or watch the DVD again. My 8th grader wanted to take their online class, but we can't really afford it. We planned for her to take that class this year, but when it came down to it...no $. So, it's either independent or no Latin because there is no way I can learn it. So, after all my rambling, what are you guys using?


Any other thoughts? I can't tell you how much I appreciate your response!!!!


My name is Rebecca, too, btw...but I go by "Becky."

Edited by Mommy7
added question about Latin
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8:30 AM Math w/ 5th grader

9:00 AM Phonics with Ker and 1st grader

9:30 AM Math with 3rd and 4th grader

10:00 AM Snack

10:15 AM Spelling with 3rd and 4th grader

10:30 AM Math with Ker and 1st grader

11:00 AM FLL4-3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

11:30 AM WWE2-3rd and 4th grader (5th grader, maybe...he really struggled with this last year)

11:45 AM Oral reading with 3rd grader

12:00 PM Lunch & Clean up

12:30 PM Spelling with 5th grader

12:45 PM Latin with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

1:00 PM Shurley English with 8th grader

1:30 PM Meaningful Composition with 8th grader

1:45 PM Meaningful Composition with 5th grader

2:00 PM History M,W & Science T,Th (On Fridays, we'll do music & art)

3:00 PM Snack/Laundry

3:30 PM Check work

4:00 PM Go over work



We only have 2 DC who are only 1 grade apart (although learning disabilities have made things a bit tricky for one of them to do any solo work), so take anything I say with a grain of salt... But, how about:



- schedule the children to work in pairs (K with 8th, 1st with 5th, 3rd and 4th) to do laundry and make/clean up from lunches/snacks, with each "team" scheduled for laundry 1x/week, lunch 1x/week, and snacks 1x/week


- depending on the personality, have 8th grader checking some of own work (that would not have worked with one of our DC...)


- have older students help younger students with spelling practice and quizzes


- cut grammar to just 3x/week (we were using Winston Grammar and other grammar items, but grammar 3x/week was often enough here for it to stick) -- it just means it takes you a little longer to get through a program; just pick back up where you left off the following year


- do some of the grammar aloud/orally or do just a few exercises on the whiteboard so there's no worksheet for you to have to grade; and orally you can *hear* (whiteboard you can *see*) whether they're getting the concept or not; just because you HAVE the worksheets doesn't mean you HAVE to use every single one...


- do a little bit of read aloud while eating lunch (take turns with older DC), or have DH participate by doing some reading aloud 2-3 evenings a week


- cut music and art out entirely and enjoy them over the summer, which gives you the option of a larger block of time several days a week to do it in an enjoyable way -- plus, leaving more time on Fridays for finishing up, field trips, educational games, etc.


- make 1 day a week or every other week a free writing day -- have them work on either individual or joint stories, journal write from a prompt, an on-going written conversation with you or with their dad -- or other writing that does not require input/teaching/grading by you


- make every Friday or every other Friday "fun math" day -- practice math skills with fun games, software, handheld electronic device, baking a goodie (fractions!) so there's no math for you to have to grade/go over Friday afternoon


- let each student drop a different subject from their schedule each day, so that they are doing each subject 4x/week rather than 5x/week; a friend of mine did this by setting each child up with their own baggie, with each of that child's different subject (math, spelling, grammar, writing, etc.) written on an index card; each child would draw from their bag and that was the subject they got to skip that day; mom then put that card away (so it wouldn't be drawn again in that week); and the next day another subject would be drawn and skipped; amazingly, most students do just about as well doing most subjects just 4x/week as 5x/week; if there's a reason a student *must* do a subject 5x/week, then don't make a card to draw for that subject -- maybe a card that allows them to skip making/cleaning up lunch or doing laundry; and, of course, something like Latin done with 3 DC at once either don't make it an option to draw -- or, you just announce Latin gets skipped that day


- how about stretching your school year from 36 to 42 weeks and do less work on each day (maybe a variation on the about 4x/week idea), and then use those extra weeks in your school year to accommodate those "missed" days


- have all DC put away all their own work in a tub, crate, stacking unit drawer or whatever, as soon as they finish with it, and place finished work in your "in basket" so you'll know it's ready to be looked at; have *DC* keep the work area picked up makes it visually -- and mentally -- so much less stressful, and so much more organized looking/feeling!



BEST of luck in your new school year and big upcoming changes! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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It is a long day but it flows nicely and doesn't feel too chaotic. I think that's because when I finally sit down with one child or a group of children I do everything I need to do with them before sending them on their way. Rounding up the necessary children and supplies and letting them know it is NOW time to attend to ME takes quite a bit of energy. :tongue_smilie:



I totally agree with this. I usually start with my youngest schoolie and work on math, reading, phonics, handwriting, then let him go and play. While doing this, dd8 is working through her math and maybe handwriting. When I am finished with 6yo I can check dd8's work and do our together things. Other children are all working through their 'lists' so I can check with them later.

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It happens the same way every. single. year!!! I try to streamline things and I still end up with this really tight schedule which makes for a stressful and long day. For reasons I won't go into, I should really be de-stressing my day.


I am schooling 6 dc: K'er doing 1st grade work, 1st grader, 3rd grader, 4th grader, 5th grader, and an 8th grader.


Here is what my day looks like:


8:30 AM Math w/ 5th grader

9:00 AM Phonics with Ker and 1st grader

9:30 AM Math with 3rd and 4th grader

10:00 AM Snack

10:15 AM Spelling with 3rd and 4th grader

10:30 AM Math with Ker and 1st grader

11:00 AM FLL4-3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

11:30 AM WWE2-3rd and 4th grader (5th grader, maybe...he really struggled with this last year)

11:45 AM Oral reading with 3rd grader

12:00 PM Lunch & Clean up

12:30 PM Spelling with 5th grader

12:45 PM Latin with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

1:00 PM Shurley English with 8th grader

1:30 PM Meaningful Composition with 8th grader

1:45 PM Meaningful Composition with 5th grader

2:00 PM History M,W & Science T,Th (On Fridays, we'll do music & art)

3:00 PM Snack/Laundry

3:30 PM Check work

4:00 PM Go over work


Am I absolutely crazy? I just don't see a way to cut something out. Thank you, btw, if you made it all the way through reading this schedule. I guess I am so overwhelmed because we are in the midst of remodeling a house and will be moving in about 5 weeks...dh insists we must do school fully until then and then take a moving break.


So, we will be starting the school adventure on Tuesday...we've been doing school light until now. I will ease into this schedule, but I just don't know if I can realistically keep that kind of pace going!!!


What can I do? I would *love* to hear from moms of lots of children, as you know more the world I live in. How do you streamline? It seems that if you school a few levels together, someone is stretched academically, while another may be at too low of a level. I cannot figure out how to make this thing work. Please help.:confused:


Thanks a bunch!!! :001_smile:


I teach from 7:45 until 1:00. I've got a Jr.K (he misses the cutoff by a few days, but he's ready and begging for K work), 1st grader, 3rd grader, 5th grader, and 6th grader. I find it easiest to work with each child in blocks, rather than each subject, partly because they stay focused better. Streamlining by teaching boys together (especially the younger years) has always left me frazzled.


My schedule for this semester looks like this:


7:45-8:15 Sonlight Read Aloud (while they eat) and Memory Work

8:15-8:45 Spelling & Vocabulary for 6th, 5th, & 3rd

8:45-9:30 Writing, Math, Latin, & Logic with 3rd grader

9:30-11:15 Grammar, Writing, Latin, Logic, Math, Speech Therapy, Public Speaking (they're part of an organization and I still have to help him write and/or memorize), & Oral Reading with 1st grader

11:15-12:15 Math, Phonics, & Penmanship with Ker.

12:15-1:00 Sonlight history & geography

1:00-2:00 Lunch & Quiet Time


My older 2 boys are mostly independent, and my 3rd and 1st graders have independent work as well. When they have a question, they use the Help! tag (described at the bottom of this post on my blog). I talked to my older two boys about having a meeting time with me, and neither felt it was necessary. They like me to answer questions as they have them instead, and I'll often talk over corrections with them "after hours".


I could cut stuff out, but it would mean cutting out stuff they like (they like Latin, logic & vocabulary). I could not worry about my youngest, but he loves his school and begs for it. By 1:00 I need the quiet time, but it also means we each have a couple hours free in the afternoon (which is important to me).

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JudoMom, I am absolutely amazed. How in the world do you get so much done in such a short period of time. What is your time with them like? Do you teach the lesson and then send them on their way to do the actual work?


I definitely like the idea of blocks of time with each child or group rather than subject by subject the way I've been doing it. Silliness 7 suggested that also.


Do you mind sharing what curriculum you are using that allows for so much independence? In particular, I am wondering about math...I just see that listed for your Ker, 1st grader, and 3rd grader. What do your 5th and 6th grader use? I'm not being critical at all; I'm just open for ideas.


Thanks so much for the encouragement. Boy, if I could finish by 1:00, I'd be one happy camper. :D I'm so happy for you that you are able to do that while teaching so many children!!!! I noticed also that you start 45 minutes earlier than I do. I know that if I got up earlier, it would really help...problem is I am *soooo* not a morning person. I have some health battles and I am just exhausted all day if I get up early. Of course, part of that problem is that I feel like I need some "down time" after such a busy day, so I have a hard time making myself go to bed early. ;)

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Hi Becky. I think that you've received a lot of great advice. I school 5 girls but only 4 are in elementary school(one is in high school). I've streamlined our schedule with "weekly notebooks." Each of my girls is color coded (which helps IMMENSELY). Binders have pencil cases in the front with all necessary items (even the always hard to find ruler). The girls make their own breakfasts which allows me to start school with whomever finishes first. I try to get my youngest (1st grade) completed first thing in the morning EXCEPT for the subjects she shares with her sisters (history and science). That means Math, FLL, FIAR, OPGTR, etc. While she is doing school, I "slip" the other girls in for math or grammar. ALL of their work for the week is in their binders(sans the subjects we do together) so if something isn't clear to them, they can start on another subject. Easy. There are days that NO ONE understands math and it can be kind of intense for me during the first "block" of the day. It's okay.Everyone gets their needs met. Some may be be reading while we're still finishing math. That's okay. Some may be working on grammar or spelling (SWS very independent too)but it's all good. All of the work is getting done. When we're ready to move on (note...NOT setting any kind of a time to this schedule, it made me feel "Behind" or stressed or something...)we switch to the "shared subjects." Again, we meet the needs of the youngest first usually. Sometimes, we might listen to a book geared more to the younger and then my fifth grader might leave to do additional research or reading on the subject. For us, we like being together. Even if we're just sharing a story (the 3rd,4th and 5th grader rarely miss a FIAR story), we're together. If we're doing a fun FIAR project, I make extras and the girls join us.My 5th grader does almost every project (shhh..not sure if she'd like me to share that!)AFTER she completes her other work. If my 5th grader needs a little extra "Mama help time" (usually with math, our new curriculum is much more difficult than what we previously used), we work AFTER the other girls have wrapped up. They might be reading, or drawing or crafting...Good luck finding a rhythm that works for you. In my experience, curriculum choices can make a big difference but mostly, it's the attitudes of the kids. When they realize that their needs WILL be met, they are more comfortable moving on with something else. That independence fosters a more involved learner who has ownership over their work. Hoping that this makes sense or helps a little bit! We've been homeschooling for thirteen years so we've had lots of time to "find our groove." AND it changes a bit every year and refines as the year passes.

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JudoMom, I am absolutely amazed. How in the world do you get so much done in such a short period of time. What is your time with them like? Do you teach the lesson and then send them on their way to do the actual work?


I definitely like the idea of blocks of time with each child or group rather than subject by subject the way I've been doing it. Silliness 7 suggested that also.


Do you mind sharing what curriculum you are using that allows for so much independence? In particular, I am wondering about math...I just see that listed for your Ker, 1st grader, and 3rd grader. What do your 5th and 6th grader use? I'm not being critical at all; I'm just open for ideas.


Thanks so much for the encouragement. Boy, if I could finish by 1:00, I'd be one happy camper. :D I'm so happy for you that you are able to do that while teaching so many children!!!!


Here is a list of what we're using. Three things have changed that I need to update: my 5th grader is doing the same Logic as my 6th, my older two are using the Basic Skills workbooks (Story Elements, and the other 3 recommended in the WTM) before we start Figuratively Speaking, and we're putting Latin Prep on hold and the older 2 are going to use LfC A to keep Latin fresh and they're starting Elementary Greek (I need to catch up in Latin so I can make sure they're truly understanding it, while dh knows Greek, so he's going to keep up with them).


We're Saxon users. My older 2 boys are completely independent (they watch the DIVE cd and read the lesson), while my middle son just began 5/4 and is working towards independence (there is a big jump from 3 to 5/4). My dh is pretty involved with their math, and we do something called Saturday School, where he teaches the older 3 stuff, including some math concepts that are completely unrelated to Saxon.


My time with them is pretty focused. I've really found if I sit down with them and focus, we all work harder and faster. They usually complete all the work for the scheduled subject while I'm with them, except for Math. With my 3rd grader, I go over the lesson and get him started and then he finishes on his own. I try to finish the lesson & worksheet with my 1st grader, but sometimes we run out of time and he has to finish it on his own. I do the complete lesson with my Ker. There are days where something takes longer than planned, and if that's the case I scan the schedule and decide if I will drop something for the day or if I'll pick up with it in the afternoon.


Next semester my older two will start Figuratively Speaking and move into Critical Thinking Book One, and I also want to add some more formal lit. discussion at that point, so they'll require about 45 minutes with me a day--they'll meet with me together to make more of a group dynamic with these subjects. I'll tackle that schedule over Christmas break :001_huh::lol:.

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You're welcome, Becky -- and while most of my suggestions are probably "no go" for you, my main thought was to give you a "jump start" in some out-of-the-box thinking about how to restructure entirely -- plus permission to NOT have to do EVERYTHING every single day. :)


I love the block scheduling ideas the other posters with large families have given you! Blessings, and best of luck in figuring out a much less stressful schedule! Warmest regards, Lori



PS -- in response to your question to another poster about a math program that allows independent working: We use Math-U-See with younger DS who has some LDs, and it has been SUCH a time saver! We watch the video teaching lesson together, then he just gets going with the math; up until this year with Algebra 2, he has rarely needed my help -- he has been able to do his math virtually solo. I am thinking that grade 5 or 6 and up could even watch the lessons solo and get to work; and each year you re-use the TM and DVDs so you're only needing new student workbooks after the initial investment...

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I didn't really read all these responses and I have only 1 child. So if you're still reading my response :tongue_smilie:, the thing that stands out is a lot of what you have is teacher intensive. AAS is very teacher intensive and so is WWE. I'd find things that do double duty. WWE is writing and dictation and AAS has dication for spelling. That's redundant to me. Then you have meaningful composition. That's writing. Not plugging anything, but something like BJU will add writing and grammar and you're not doing both at once. You're switching off between the two.


CM methods tend to do double duty. Use dictation and spelling as one. Take your music and art and apply it to your history instead of being separate. Projects in History or Science can be art. Do music over lunch. I'd also put the math's together...I realize you want to get one started while working with the others, it seems like by putting the subjects together your brain would be less taxed. Have the older help you check work. Have the one doing the oral reading, do it while you make lunch.


It seems that you have a lot of separateness on subjects when they can learned together...like BJU grammar/writing or dictation/spelling. Combine!

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I am so impressed! I really like the looks of that schedule...the only thing missing is my 5th grader's math, which would take 30 minutes. Where would you add that? Were you starting the day at 8 AM by the way? Right now, my 8th grader is going through a quick review before starting Pre-Alg., when I will need to be more involved. Where would you put that?


I really like the way you get it all done with each little group and then dismiss them.


Btw, what do you use for Latin with your 8th grader that is independent? We're going to try First Form w/ DVD's this year. We started it last year...I had this idealistic goal that I would learn and do Latin right along with her. I think that lasted a week. :) This year, she will be doing it independently...dh said if she has questions, she'll have to email Memoria Press for the answer or watch the DVD again. My 8th grader wanted to take their online class, but we can't really afford it. We planned for her to take that class this year, but when it came down to it...no $. So, it's either independent or no Latin because there is no way I can learn it. So, after all my rambling, what are you guys using?


Any other thoughts? I can't tell you how much I appreciate your response!!!!


My name is Rebecca, too, btw...but I go by "Becky."


Woops!! Sorry about that 5th grade math. That's not important is it? :lol:

My 5th grader uses Saxon and I go over the lesson with him right before I start independent lessons and that takes about 10-20 min. (though I've scheduled 20) then I send him off to do the work. It takes him about 30 min. but I've scheduled an hour. I think once it picks up speed he's really going to need it.


Does your 5th grader need 30 min. of math and then he/she is completely finished or is 30 min. needed to get the lesson down and then there is independent work to be done? If it's the first I think I'd do it first thing in the morning before gathering all the other kiddos together for segment #1 if you felt that taking a break from math before continuing on with independent work wouldn't be detrimental to the whole process. If it's the 2nd scenario I'd put it in the afternoon when you get back with your 5th grader one on one...you'll have to add more time in there and that blows the 3:15 finish. Sorry about that.:tongue_smilie:

Same thing with the 8th grader...I'd go over the math lesson first thing and then let her loose.


I did start you at 8:30 too.


(8:30 - 9:30)#1 I'd start with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and do

FLL4, WWE2, and Latin

1 HOUR ...excuse the 5th grader to independent work



(9:30 - 10:30) #2 do the 3rd/4th grader's math, spelling





(10:30 - 10:45)SNACK ...excuse the 4th grader to independent work/play



(10:45-11:00)#3 read with the 3rd grader

15 MIN. ...excuse the 3rd grader to independent work/play



(11:00 - 12:00)#4 do the K'er and 1st grader's phonics and math.







Check-in with 5th grader...go over work, MC and spelling

45 MIN.



Check-in with 8th grader...go over work, MC and Shurley




Now everyone is together for History/Science.




There it's 3:15 and you're done with school and you're done checking too right? Except maybe your 3rd/4th grader had some independent work to check real quick...but not much probably.


We are walking out the door for church so I'll have to come back about the Latin.

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Love these conversations with big families! Makes me feel normal.


I also tend do do each little kid in a big chunk so i don't have to keep finding them. My gr 5 works consistently through her work all morning with little checkins from me in between teaching her youbger siblings. We also do 1hr quiet time after lunch and then finish up with science or history.

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I'm curious as to what curriculum you are using that allows so much independence. I'm always open to ideas that could make school run smoother.



We are using:


Saxon Math - older four. They read the lesson themselves, coming to me for help if they need it, but they don't often need to.

Easy Learn Math - dd8 and ds6 until they transition to Saxon about 4th grade. This is a self-instructional Australian program. Dd8 works mostly independently, and even ds6 will sometimes figure out what to do without me (he is Mr Cool when he can do that ;) ). Obviously, I still need to mostly work with him here.


LLATL - oldest 5 kids using this. I work with dd8 at the moment but she will soon move to the next book and work independently. The others are independent, coming to me for dictation.


Successful Spelling/Spelling Matters - These are Australian, but are probably sort of similar to Spelling Workout. I pretest at the start of the unit and then test at the end of the unit. The in-between work is done independently.


Vocab from Classical Roots - older two do this. They work independently, then I check their memorized words at the end of a unit.


R&S Grammar - 2x a week. Older three read own lesson, come to me for oral class practice, then do independent written work. It works well this way for us and the oral work takes only a couple of minutes.


Apologia Science - older two. We go through Study Guide answers together.

Sonlight Science - read and do questions independently for dd12 and dd10.


History - Sonlight (although this year we have been doing an Australian history 'core'. Back to SL for next year.)



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Mommy7, I don't have any advice because my schedule looks like yours :). This year I'm adding in my last child (K, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th grades) and I'm shaking in my boots. I have combined some math and spelling but a lot I can't.

I just wanted to send (((hugs))) your way.

It happens the same way every. single. year!!! I try to streamline things and I still end up with this really tight schedule which makes for a stressful and long day. For reasons I won't go into, I should really be de-stressing my day.


I am schooling 6 dc: K'er doing 1st grade work, 1st grader, 3rd grader, 4th grader, 5th grader, and an 8th grader.


Here is what my day looks like:


8:30 AM Math w/ 5th grader

9:00 AM Phonics with Ker and 1st grader

9:30 AM Math with 3rd and 4th grader

10:00 AM Snack

10:15 AM Spelling with 3rd and 4th grader

10:30 AM Math with Ker and 1st grader

11:00 AM FLL4-3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

11:30 AM WWE2-3rd and 4th grader (5th grader, maybe...he really struggled with this last year)

11:45 AM Oral reading with 3rd grader

12:00 PM Lunch & Clean up

12:30 PM Spelling with 5th grader

12:45 PM Latin with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader

1:00 PM Shurley English with 8th grader

1:30 PM Meaningful Composition with 8th grader

1:45 PM Meaningful Composition with 5th grader

2:00 PM History M,W & Science T,Th (On Fridays, we'll do music & art)

3:00 PM Snack/Laundry

3:30 PM Check work

4:00 PM Go over work


Am I absolutely crazy? I just don't see a way to cut something out. Thank you, btw, if you made it all the way through reading this schedule. I guess I am so overwhelmed because we are in the midst of remodeling a house and will be moving in about 5 weeks...dh insists we must do school fully until then and then take a moving break.


So, we will be starting the school adventure on Tuesday...we've been doing school light until now. I will ease into this schedule, but I just don't know if I can realistically keep that kind of pace going!!!


What can I do? I would *love* to hear from moms of lots of children, as you know more the world I live in. How do you streamline? It seems that if you school a few levels together, someone is stretched academically, while another may be at too low of a level. I cannot figure out how to make this thing work. Please help.:confused:


Thanks a bunch!!! :001_smile:

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Homeschooling6, then all I can say is that we know exactly how to pray for each other...for lots of discipline to follow that crazy schedule, and for our children to behave perfectly, so that they won't wreck the day and prevent us from being able to follow it! :lol::lol::lol:

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Homeschooling6, then all I can say is that we know exactly how to pray for each other...for lots of discipline to follow that crazy schedule, and for our children to behave perfectly, so that they won't wreck the day and prevent us from being able to follow it! :lol::lol::lol:


I blogged about my crazy schedule back in July :D. I was too tired just writing it that I didn't continue after 2:00. I have my two oldest use textbooks for History & Science. My younger dc will use audio books for history. I'm going to attempt McRuffy Science with my K&1st graders and 2nd & 3rd graders (combing them of course).

I told myself as long as I get in Math and Language Arts/Phonics with each child we'll be okay. Everything else is gravy.

I had to toss FLL a few years ago for Annette and Josh because it was taking to much of my time. I decided to use something more independent (Saxon Grammar for this year with a mix of LLATL).


What makes things hard is my 7th grade needs me for spelling (Saxon Phonics Intervention) and Math (Bob Jones 4) as well as the four younger ones. My boys are 'late' readers.


The only two children that I can combine are my two middle kiddos Brent 3rd and Caleb 4th. They are both using PR2 for LA, McRuffy Science, Bob Jones Math. Science is IF we get to it (they listen to Jonathan Park too).


We'll be starting on the 7th as well:D. Yikes!:blink:


I'm busily getting my house cleaned up and chores assigned.


Yes, please pray :D I will too :001_smile:

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