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Couch to 5k Day 1

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Great idea for PE w/ the kids!


Except it wasn't.


And I can't count while walking/jogging/pushing a stroller/talking to kidlets.


And the timer on my cell phone was WAY wrong for doing 60 seconds over & over.


So we accidentally walked/jogged between 1.5m & 2m.


Sounds great, right?


Nope. We realized we'd bitten off more than we could chew when we were the furthest from home we could get. The last 3/4 m or so was just dragging our sorry selves home w/ the bigs begging me to stop, the littles saying, "WE DON"T WANT TO GO HOME!!!! WHEEE!!!" & me knowing that if we stopped, it was going to take a wheelchair to get *me* home & somebody else was goign to have to figure out what to do about kidlets.


I'd almost talked them into signing up for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot before we left the house. All the way home, they used every spare ounce of air to tell me over & over that they did NOT want to do the Turkey Trot.



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Roflol! I'm *loving* doing C25K, and I've gone from huffing and puffing my way through 3 minute intervals to being able to jog for 30 minutes in less than two months. ... But I go before the kids get up in the morning. If I had to take them with me, it would *never* have happened. *Now* that I've done the whole C25K thing, I might try it with them -- but not while I was trying to work up to that level myself.


I hope they forgive you! :)

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Roflol! I'm *loving* doing C25K, and I've gone from huffing and puffing my way through 3 minute intervals to being able to jog for 30 minutes in less than two months. ... But I go before the kids get up in the morning. If I had to take them with me, it would *never* have happened. *Now* that I've done the whole C25K thing, I might try it with them -- but not while I was trying to work up to that level myself.


I hope they forgive you! :)


Welll...if I didn't take them, I probably wouldn't do it. We were getting ready to go tonight, & I was grousing that I didn't want to go, & dd7 said, "I know you don't, Mama. You can just watch us if you want." :lol:


Since we went twice as far as we were supposed to, I think they'll be willing to give it another try. I think I'll mark the spaces on a google map first. :001_huh:

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Do you have an ipod?

C25K Podcasts


No...but I have a small device that plays things...with letters & numbers, I forget what they're called. Newer than CDs. Dh got it for school, never used it, & I claimed it. But then I made the mistake of waiting for him to figure it out/set it up. So technically now neither of us has used it. :glare:


ETA: MP3s!

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It's the "oh my gosh, Audrey, you are homeschooling, packing for a major move, writing a book or two or three, and now you are adding in a training program; I'm impressed in an 'I can't believe anyone can do all this' kind of tone." You're doing this crushing amount already, and now you're doing something else as well! Woah!

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It's the "oh my gosh, Audrey, you are homeschooling, packing for a major move, writing a book or two or three, and now you are adding in a training program; I'm impressed in an 'I can't believe anyone can do all this' kind of tone." You're doing this crushing amount already, and now you're doing something else as well! Woah!


Oh. Whew. Thanks, lol.


I'm terrible about giving the kids exercise, & when it's not too hot to go outside, they climb trees & play in the dirt. Iow, they don't run, ride bikes, etc.


They're healthy, but I'm not, so this seemed like an easy solution, maybe? I'd prefer to get a treadmill & run in a/c w/ a movie on, but that hasn't happened so far & doesn't help w/ the kid exercise.


Ok, the truth is, I'd LOVE to get a wii AND a treadmill. I'm extremely competitive, so I think the wii would be wonderful motivation. Esp because dh would do it, too. We argued for over 10 min the other day about whether or not the library drive-through was designed backwards. :confused:


And when he said, "Let's talk about something else; I'm not actually that interested," I begged him to finish it. Because...I don't know? At one point, he laughed at me & pointed out that he'd never had any hope of convincing me *I* was wrong, he was just trying to hold his ground.


Doncha think we need to work this angst out w/ a wii? :lol:


But today was our first day of school, & I'm determined that the move isn't going to derail us this time. I'm hoping taht if we start strong, we might not fizzle as badly as we ... erm... sometimes do.


We sure fizzled on the run (walk) home today, though. :lol:

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What timing!


I just got back from session 1 of week 2 of the C2K program with my boys. They can giggle and jump and make goofy boy jokes throughout the length of each and every jogging portion.


I, however, feel like giving up with every step.


I'm even too tired to make snappy, witty insights and recaps like Aubrey can. And snappy, witty insights and recaps are usually my thing.




So it doesn't get better, huh? That's ok, I thought not.


I'm thinking we might need to stay at week 1 for about 4 weeks, lol. Although, after looking at the map, we did make it 0.8m before really beginning to fizzle, so maybe a true week 1 will be ok.


I just told the kids how far we really went, & now they're back on board. Three miles will be a cinch after several weeks of this, they say. :lol:

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I've just started it too, Aubrey, though since I seem to not make it out every day and don't believe in social promotion, I've repeated Week 1 like three weeks in a row. I have a baby, so I go during nap, putting the baby monitor on the back step and running in painful ovals around my back yard. My dd5 runs with me too, sort of, and I do not think it's cool that she thinks she can outrun me, and sort of actually does. (I, however, Being Superior, can run/walk at least a minute or two further without having to flop on the grass to complain.)


For accountability and incentive, however, I DID sign us both up for our town's turkey trot. 5k for me and 2.5 laps around the track for her.


Keep it up!!! Surely we can get our kids to realize, somehow, that we really are better than they are. Really. :D

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Aubrey - because I'm nice, I won't tell you which week really, really kicked my butt. (it wasn't week 1 is all I'm saying :D)


I can't imagine doing it the way you are. I did it on a track with my 15yo, we both had our own mp3 players & we both went at our own pace. The advantage of the track is that it's a wide open space & I don't worry about being separated.


If I were going with small kids, I'd definitely do it on a track & have everyone go at their own pace.


Oh & we drive to the track :lol:

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Hornblower has an excellent idea! I ran on a track a few weeks ago when my dd wanted to go with me. I needed to get 6 miles in but I knew she couldn't go for that long. She ran 1.5 miles and then practiced soccer drills while I finished running. This was the perfect solution for us.

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