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Lactation experts - I have a question for you.

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I confess that I'm off to take a nap as soon as I type this, so I'll have to respond later. :D


My darling son now has two beautiful teeth! Yay Schmooey! He also decided to experiment with them on Mama the other night. Now I have a nice little hole on the very tip of one side. This makes nursing that side to be excruciatingly painful.


I tried a shield - it did not help the pain in the least, and he really didn't like it. Should I try another position, or is there anything I can do to give that side a break for a couple of days to let it heal? Would pumping be less painful?





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Get thee to the store and buy some Lansinoh. As someone who is still nursing a 25 month old, I've been bitten my fair share of times. Lansinoh works pretty quickly, if I smear it on, and try not to nurse for a few hours, it usually already feels quite a bit better, after a day the pain is gone altogether.


My little guy has fallen asleep with the nipple in his mouth and then clamped down in his sleep, drawing blood. It hurts! Lansinoh helps so much for times like that.


Good luck!

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:iagree: Lasinoh is great stuff! Very thick going on, helps the healing wonderfully! My almost 3yo still nurses and falls asleep and once in a while will clamp down while sleeping. Talk about OUCHIE! Now, when she falls asleep...I put a finger in her mouth btwn her teeth and gently pry her off. Typically she'll just let go. Persevere...he'll get out of the biting phase. When mine started this, I took them off and firmly said, "no biting!".

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Lansinoh certainly helps, but my best friend through the nursing years has been my pump, lol! We spend way more time together than I'd like, truth be told, but it has indeed been a lifesaver many times over. With my first born, I ended up in the ER (10 days after delivery) w/ a nasty infection and a yucky mess; ds wasn't going back on my b**b ant time soon! The only thing that I could tolerate was the pump-- no rubbing or biting, etc. So... the long of the short of it-- the pump is a wonderful option if nursing is painful. Just use the milk in your little one's cereal, or make up a bottle and let dh feed babe while you get a nap :o) Good luck!

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I confess that I'm off to take a nap as soon as I type this, so I'll have to respond later. :D


My darling son now has two beautiful teeth! Yay Schmooey! He also decided to experiment with them on Mama the other night. Now I have a nice little hole on the very tip of one side. This makes nursing that side to be excruciatingly painful.


I tried a shield - it did not help the pain in the least, and he really didn't like it. Should I try another position, or is there anything I can do to give that side a break for a couple of days to let it heal? Would pumping be less painful?





:iagree: Everything they said, and yes... you can try another position on that side so the teeth and pressure are at another point.

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And I would change position...that will probably help.


I only had to say "no biting" in a really stern voice, just after disconnecting the fuel pump, once or twice before my dc got the idea--bite mom and the food train shuts down!


I fourth or fifth or sixth :001_huh: the Lansinoh plus removal and short reprimand method. "No biting!" just a few times worked here as well, only about a half dozen incidents total - max. (Babies don't like when Mommy is mad! LOL)

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Guest Lorna

Lanisoh again.

With regards to the 'resting' one side. If you can feed on the sore side only enough to make sure that it doesn't get engorged and feed more on the other side. Babies are more efficient than pumps. If it is too painful to feed at all then use a pump on that side for a few days.

You poor, poor thing. There is no pain like it!

I got bitten a couple of times but my natural reaction was enough to shock them into not doing it again (pulled off straight away and a shocked screech). This certainly surprised my little babies!

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When they bite, you can easily remove them by putting your finger in there and relieving the pressure.


I also found that putting a pillow under their head really helped with positioning and keeping them from biting.


And that lasinoh stuff works really well.


Good luck!:001_smile:

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You could always try Soothies--they are gel filled and go directly on your wounded area. They are made especially for nursing moms. I've used them before and they were a big help. If you can not nurse on that side for a day or so and only pump, you could put some neosporin on that side and then discard the milk. It might promote healing faster than the Lansinoh alone, and then you could use the Lansinoh after it healed a little.


Sometimes it can take a while to get the knack with these things. My now nine-month old has 8 + teeth, with more arriving. He started teething at 3 months, so the nursing became an issue early on.


I hope it all works for you!



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In my experience, I eventually had to abstain from nursing on my sore side and pump in order to get any relief and healing. (This was for a severely cracked n*pple.) A couple days did the trick. I remember that horrible snake bite like pain; I used to break out in a sweat from head-to-toe. :scared:



I hope you heal up soon~ hang in there!



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You could always try Soothies--they are gel filled and go directly on your wounded area. They are made especially for nursing moms. I've used them before and they were a big help. If you can not nurse on that side for a day or so and only pump, you could put some neosporin on that side and then discard the milk. It might promote healing faster than the Lansinoh alone, and then you could use the Lansinoh after it healed a little.


Sometimes it can take a while to get the knack with these things. My now nine-month old has 8 + teeth, with more arriving. He started teething at 3 months, so the nursing became an issue early on.


I hope it all works for you!




These are awesome.. they were just coming out while I was still a breastfeeding support person. :001_smile:

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