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I am so irritated this morning (rant)

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DH and I had been debt free and we were doing well and were happy.


Then we decided to buy a second car. We bought my beautiful little VW convertible and I got to enjoy it for all of 9 days before the airconditioner went out. The dealership gave me the runaround for a week before they admitted to missing the problem on first inspection and selling a faulty car. It has been at the dealership ever since and I have been driving a loaner, a Chevy Cobalt.


The first payment is due in a couple of days and I really don't want to pay it. I haven't seen or driven 'my' car in 9 days and they have no idea when I will get my car back. They sent it to the VW dealer for repairs because (after 7 days of messing with it) the Chevy mechanics decided it was too complicated for them.


My guess is the dealership is beginning to lose money on selling the VW. The rental car expense alone is over $300 plus the cost of their labor and the initial parts and now they are paying the VW people to fix the rest of it.


Does anyone know anything about statute of limitations on returning a car? Do we have any rights here? Or am I stuck with a Chevy until they get things right?


BTW - the dealership we purchased from is an hour away as is the dealership they sent my VW to.

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From what I can see lemon laws apply to new cars only and my car is used.


In my heart I know I am obligated to pay for the car and I will honor that obligation but I am hoping someone might know of a loophole.


You could sell the car and pay the loan off with the proceeds - once it is fixed, of course.

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Please realize that RIGHt NOW I am furious beyond furious with EXPRESS SCRIPTS, and I am going to tell you to do what I would do IF I could show up on their doorstep (which is of course a closely guarded secret b/c if all of their unhappy customers showed up on their doorstep, it would make the news).


Who sold you the car? I would find out when that person is there, and drive there (I know it is far). The last thing they want is an unhappy customer there in person in full view of prospective customers.


I did that a while ago with Toyota - on the phone, I did not get anywhere with them. When I showed up in person, mad as a hornet, WOW! Sudden change of attitude on their part.


I'm sorry this is happened. I know you were so happy when you got the car.

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I'm sorry this is happened. I know you were so happy when you got the car.


Thank you for the encouragement. I am too wimpy to cause a scene. Can we say passive-aggressive?


I am counting my blessings that:

1) they are fixing it

2) they gave me a loaner for the duration


It was a difficult decision to buy a car in the first place, especially since we didn't have any debt (except our mortgage). Now, with all of the problems, it feels like Dave Ramsey is looking over us saying "I told you so."



Maybe I'm just being emotional/feeling overwhelmed this morning. I finished my round of doxy for Lyme disease and I need to call and ask for more because my shoulders and eyes still hurt, DS is becoming ill (pretty heavy wheezing/tightness in chest/achiness), DH is working so much that he is home less than 8 hours and then he's gone again, my comm. college classes are full to bursting (which is nice but means much more work for me), and I haven't really been able to exercise in weeks because my joints hurt and I seem to react strongly to the doxy. And then, of course, today is bill paying day - and I hate doing it.


If I were an alcohol drinking person I would seriously consider downing a 4 pack of Jamaican Me Happy.


How's this for sharing way too much info online?

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If I were an alcohol drinking person I would seriously consider downing a 4 pack of Jamaican Me Happy.


How's this for sharing way too much info online?





Welllllllllllllllllll, they are paying for the loaner?


If so, I would politely nudge them on the phone maybe every other day...as long as I had transportation, and it was reliable and on their dime, well, I would just 'encourage' them to complete the repair. Did they have to send for parts or something? Sometimes, that can add 5 days to a repair.


And, I'm sorry that you still feel sick. My mom told me that her doctor said that between 3 and 6 weeks of being diagnosed (or finding the bullseye mark) is the most painful and worst if you are taking antibiotics.


REST! REST! REST! The LLMD told DS that he MUST rest. B/c most 9 year old boys want to REST, you know.


You have to rest. Mono is often a co-infection of Lyme's and even if you don't have it in addition to Lyme's, you need to rest to get rid of the Lyme's. Much of the pain and stiffness is the toxins in your joints. Epsom salt baths and clay baths will help b/c those draw out the toxins. Something as simple and inexpensive as Epsom salts (put a wet washcloth on the sore areas) will give you relief.


And, as for the other stuff.......pace yourself. You need to lighten the load now so you can heal and so ds can heal. You can do more work when everyone is feeling better.:grouphug:

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The foreign cars are a little trickier on repairs sometimes. The shop had my DH's infiniti for a month because;


1. The part had to be special ordered.


2. Once they got the part they couldn't figure out where it went and no one could tell them.:glare:


Sorry to hear you are having to go through this. It drove me crazy!

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