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We started Fat Loss for Idiots again today!

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MomsintheGarden and I are starting the Fat Loss for Idiots diet again today. This will be the fourth time I have done this 11-day diet, with the first time being two years ago. We have regenerated the diet to include a list of foods which are more available and also more appealing to MomsintheGarden.


FYI, my previous results have been detailed in this post made when I last did this diet 13 months ago.


My starting weight for this round is 195.9 lbs. This is on a new, more accurate, bathroom scale which I think matches the Wii Fit scale closely. As such, this puts me up ~15 lbs. from my weight of 181.0 lbs. at the end of the diet 13 months ago. Given that about 2 lbs. of that came off immediately at the end of the diet, I estimate that I have been gaining, on average, about one pound each month. Still I am about 30 lbs. lighter than I was two years ago and I am much more active than I was then.


Two 11-day periods each year equates to dieting for 22 days or about 3 weeks, which is about 6% of the time. Given that I always start on Monday or Tuesday, I only diet during two weekends each year or 4% of the weekends. I think this level of dieting should be maintainable for me, long-term, since there are sufficient breaks between diets. Only time will tell.


MomsintheGarden's starting weight is classified, although I will say that she weighs a LOT less than I do.


We will try to keep the whining to a minimum over the next eleven days, but we would appreciate you keeping us in your prayers!


Finally, has anyone else been using Fat Loss for Idiots for maintenance as well as the initial weight loss? If so, what has been your experience?

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Looks tempting...is the diet really anything new?
I think so. Here's why:


1) This diet is NOT a lifestyle change. It is an 11-day diet. That's it! This is the MAIN reason I first chose this diet. My thinking was: "I can do ANYTHING for eleven days."

2) I think this is a sort of "calorie confusion" diet. The theory is that you alternate between eating all carbs to eating all protein so that as your metabolism is ramping up to process one type of food, you are switching to the other. You go through about two cycles of this during the eleven days. The result is that you are not hungry, but your metabolism is forced to switch to burning fat in order to meet your body's need for energy.

3) You eat four meals a day in order to reduce the portion size of each of the meals.

4) The first time I did this diet, I continued to lose weight for about 6 months after completing the diet. Why? I think it is because my body was happily burning fat. I was also used to eating smaller portions. As a result, I had plenty of energy and was losing weight at the same time. Truly, I could not believe I kept losing weight after I stopped the diet. (This did NOT happen the last time I did the diet. I assume this is because I was near my target weight and had much less fat to burn. I am also much more active now than when I first started this diet.)


This diet has been discussed quite a bit in the past on this board. I recall that one poster who tried this diet did not lose much weight. She posted that she had no problems getting her money back from the company under their satisfaction guarantee. For your benefit, I have tagged a bunch of previous threads in which we have discussed this diet. Simply click on the 'fatloss4idiots' tag at the bottom of the page if you would like to see them.


I hope this helps!

Edited by RegGuheert
Replaced a '?' with a '.'
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Today I weighed in at 191.6 lbs. That means I've lost 1.5 lbs. since yesterday and 4.3 lbs. overall after only two days of dieting!


MomsintheGarden lost another 1.1 lbs., so she is down a total of 2.1 lbs. after two days!


Neither of us are uncomfortable with the diet, yet. We'll see how long that lasts...

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Today I weighed in at 191.6 lbs. That means I've lost 1.5 lbs. since yesterday and 4.3 lbs. overall after only two days of dieting!


MomsintheGarden lost another 1.1 lbs., so she is down a total of 2.1 lbs. after two days!


Neither of us are uncomfortable with the diet, yet. We'll see how long that lasts...



Maybe I'll give it another look. I tried it last year when it was being discussed here and thought it was very odd. Shoulda given it a chance!

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Look what I just saw:


Antihistamine use linked to extra pounds:



This study only looked at prescription antihistamines, and it's pretty cautious about saying that it's a "link", not a "cause" (as far as anyone can tell).


However, if you google weight gain antihistamine, a whole lot of sites come up linking the two anecdotally. It's not just prescription antihistamines that people have seen this with.


The question is, can I go off my antihistamines and still have a life?

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I will pray for you two!


Dh and I did it twice and lost both times. The trouble is, we always gained it back. And we've gained a lot. That could have nothing to do with the diet. (Or it could be that we shouldn't have had permission to eat all the bacon we wanted;o)

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I will pray for you two!


Dh and I did it twice and lost both times. The trouble is, we always gained it back. And we've gained a lot. That could have nothing to do with the diet. (Or it could be that we shouldn't have had permission to eat all the bacon we wanted;o)

I remember that you had done this previously. Didn't you do it back-to-back (with the recommended three-day hiatus)? I've always feared that I would not be able to handle that, so I have chosen to always lay off the diet for some time before trying again.


I'm sorry to hear that you have gained it back. While we have both gained *some* weight back, neither of us have returned to our original weight. In addition, I think *most* of the weight that I have regained is muscle rather than fat, so after only three days into this round I look very similar to how I did when I achieved 177 lbs. at the end of the last round 13 months ago. I'm well on my way to losing the expected 9 lbs. again and MomsintheGarden should achieve the 5 lb. loss she had in her previous attempt. We will see.


I'm wondering: Would you do it again, or not?

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After day three I have lost another 0.1 lbs. (4.4 lbs. lost total) while MomsintheGarden has lost another 0.2 lbs. (2.3 lbs. lost total). (I'm thinking I may have eaten a few too many Macadamia nuts yesterday! :tongue_smilie:) No matter, I am confident I will again make the goal of 9 lbs. in 11 days.

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After day five (Saturday) I weighed in at 190.1 lbs. As such, I have lost another 0.8 lbs. (5.8 lbs. lost total). MomsintheGarden did not lose any weight during day five. (3.2 lbs. lost total).


After day six (Sunday) I weighed in at 189.4 lbs. As such, I have lost another 0.7 lbs. (6.5 lbs. lost total). MomsintheGarden has lost another 1.0 lb. (4.2 lbs. lost total).

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I'm wondering: Would you do it again, or not?


How are you guys doing? Keep up the good work!


Dh and I did it twice, though we did take a week off in between. We lost, but have gained it all back. (This could be because our lives have been quite stressful the past few months.)


I think my metabolism is all messed up. Now that life has settled down, we're going to eliminate processed foods and sugar as much as we can handle. I lost 30# that way years ago and kept it off for years.


I've been seeing people have success with weight loss by weight lifting as well as eating well. I'd like to incorporate weight training more, but at this point, there's no easy way for me to do that. Dh wants to do the Power90 or whatever it's called. His friend has lost and toned and looks great.


Let us know how we can encourage you!!!

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Thanks for the encouragement, ladies!


We both gained on day seven. (Interestingly, looking back at the log from last time around, I gained on day seven then, also.) After day seven I weighed in at 189.5 lbs. As such, I gained 0.1 lbs. (6.4 lbs. lost total). MomsintheGarden gained 1.3 lbs. on day seven. :confused: (2.9 lbs. lost total).


Day eight was vegetable day. After day eight I weighed in at 188.0 lbs. As such, I have lost another 1.5 lbs. (7.9 lbs. lost total). MomsintheGarden has lost another 1.1 lb. (4.0 lbs. lost total).


Three more days left! We are both feeling fine, so it should be no problem finishing. In fact, since I'm not very hungry and my body is now burning fat, I'm hoping to try to continue to lose weight for a while after the diet completes. We'll see how that goes.

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Congrats on the four pounds and the eight pounds! Almost time for a break!
Thanks! Almost there!
Great job!! Are you going to do it again after the 11 days? If so I will join you--I did it last yr and did well.
Sorry, but we are both about where we want to be, so we will be returning to our regularly scheduled diet soon. I'm also sorry we didn't give anyone any notice on this, but we did it on the spur of the moment.


I'm betting you could get some diet co-conspirators to join you if you post a thread about it! mom2abcd seems to have a renewed interest in fatloss4idiots these days (hint! hint!). ;) OTOH, there seem to be a lot of competing diets being discussed on these boards recently!

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Look what I just saw:


Antihistamine use linked to extra pounds:



This study only looked at prescription antihistamines, and it's pretty cautious about saying that it's a "link", not a "cause" (as far as anyone can tell).


However, if you google weight gain antihistamine, a whole lot of sites come up linking the two anecdotally. It's not just prescription antihistamines that people have seen this with.


The question is, can I go off my antihistamines and still have a life?


I've actually wondered for awhile if the antihistamines and other medicines I take for my allergies/allergy induced asthma are part of my problem. If for no other reason than they leaving me feeling somewhat tired and unmotivated.


Since I stopped nursing my youngest (which is also when I started all my meds again) my weight stays within the same 5 pound range no matter what I do (175 to 180). I can go on a strict, low calorie, low fat, high fiber, lots of natural foods diet with daily exercise and I will lose maybe 5 pounds. I can eat whatever I want, in whatever quantities I want, eat ice cream every day, never get off the couch and I'll still be within that range. Very frustrating (at least when I'm trying to lose).


Unfortunately I'm about to enter the worst time of year for me with my allergies. If I stop my meds now I'll probably be in the hospital for asthma treatments within a month or two. Once things freeze (and stay that way) I can take a break from my meds for a month or so until Spring comes. Might be worth a little experiment at that point.


I may check out this diet. I always figured I could do anything for 11 days and maybe it will work.

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I may check out this diet. I always figured I could do anything for 11 days and maybe it will work.
I encourage you to try it. I've lost about 9 pounds every time I've done this diet, regardless of my starting weight. MomsintheGarden seems to lose about 5 lbs., probably because she is *much* lighter than me to start with.


You can click on the 'fatloss4idiots' tag below to read about others' experiences here.

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After day eleven I weighed in at 187.0 lbs. As such, I have lost another 0.2 lbs. (8.9 lbs. lost total). MomsintheGarden again gained: 0.3 lb. (4.0 lbs. lost total). Her weight is interesting since she showed 4.9 lbs. lost after day 9. To me, she looks much better!


I've now done this diet four times. Here are my results:


1) -8.0 lbs.

2) -10.0 lbs.

3) -9.0 lbs.

4) -8.9 lbs.


Note that the first three times I did this diet we had an old bathroom scale with a resolution of 0.5 lbs. That's why the numbers were so round the first three times. Our new scale has a resolution of 0.1 lbs.


MomsintheGarden has done this diet twice:


1) -5.0 lbs.

2) -4.0 lbs.


For m, this diet is very rewarding since I consistently lose the nine pounds advertised (in the ad which first got me to purchase the diet). For MomsintheGarden, it is not as rewarding, since her weight loss is not as great. But again, she weighs a lot less than I do.


Overall, another success!

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Maybe this diet just works better for men?
It's certainly a possibility!


Just an update one week after our final weigh-in (we have not been dieting during this period):


This morning I weighed in at 186.9 lbs. As such, I have lost another 0.1 lbs. (9.0 lbs. lost total). MomsintheGarden has gained 0.7 lb. (3.3 lbs. lost total).

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I think MomsintheGarden should bake you your own, personal, extravagantly calorie-rich chocolate cake to congratulate you! :glare: :D
:D I'm quite sure that thought has crossed her mind! And she has an AWESOME chocolate cake recipe! She won the brown ribbon at the fair with it a couple of years ago! However, she is torn. On one hand, she is not thrilled that my dieting results have been better than hers. On the other hand, she prefers thin Reg. What to do??


But MomsintheGarden looks great already! I suspect that is the REAL reason why she doesn't lose so much on this diet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is an update thee weeks after our final weigh-in (we have not been dieting during this period):


This morning I weighed in at 185.6 lbs. As such, I have lost another 1.3 lbs. (10.3 lbs. lost total). So I have continued to lose some weight after the completion of the diet, as hoped. Unfortunately, MomsintheGarden has regained her original weight that she had when she started the diet. :( I doubt she will ever join me again if I do this diet in the future...

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US$40.00. It was the best US$40.00 I've ever spent since I'm now 40 lbs. lighter than before I did this! Unfortunately it does not work for everyone. The good thing is that it is easy to try and they have a full money-back guarantee. Someone on this board said they had no problem getting a refund.


Good luck with whatever you do!

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Did you do the extra plan with it or just the original diet plan?
I did, but it is not required for the diet, so I do not recommend it to others. IIRC, it contains ten tips on losing weight. I found it interesting, but those tips do NOT apply when using the 11-day diet. The 11-day diet is one thing and the tips are something different. In fact, I think they specifically tell you not to follow the tips while on the 11-day diet.


Again, good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is an update five weeks and two days after our final weigh-in (we have not been dieting during this period):


This morning I weighed in at 184.1 lbs. As such, I have lost another 2.8 lbs. since the end of the diet (11.8 lbs. lost since the beginning). So I have continued to lose some weight after the completion of the diet, as hoped.


I am restarting the diet for one last time this year, so 184.1 lbs. is my new starting weight. If I succeed in losing the standard 9 lbs. I should finish at my target weight of 175 lbs. Wish me luck!

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Reg, on a whim I went to the website. In my fading memory I seemed to recall having paid for that plan a few years ago, but being the idiot that I am about diets, I failed to investigate. :D I tried a few password combinations and it came right up to the download page. So, I'm printing off a plan right now. I remember it looking to me like a bunch of silliness, but your success has me intrigued. We'll see. I ordered P90 this morning, too, so hopefully I'll have a *double whammy*. Good luck to you!

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Reg, on a whim I went to the website. In my fading memory I seemed to recall having paid for that plan a few years ago, but being the idiot that I am about diets, I failed to investigate. :D I tried a few password combinations and it came right up to the download page. So, I'm printing off a plan right now. I remember it looking to me like a bunch of silliness, but your success has me intrigued. We'll see. I ordered P90 this morning, too, so hopefully I'll have a *double whammy*. Good luck to you!
I strongly recommend that you either do this OR P90X, but not both at the same time. I find that I can make a vigorous 1.5 mile walk each day on this diet, but that's about it. I don't think doing P90X would be possible.


Perhaps you could start this diet today, which would have you finish next Friday. Then you could start P90X the following Monday. Just a thought.

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Today I weighed in at 184.4 lbs. That means I have GAINED 0.3 lbs. since yesterday!


That's interesting, since I have always lost quite a bit on the first couple of days of this diet. I suspect it may be because I am getting very close to my target weight. If that turns out to be the case, then that would confirm my theory about why MomsintheGarden did not lose much last time she tried it.


This is the fifth time I have done this diet. I can remember feeling quite uncomfortable on this diet the first couple of times I did it, but it has become progressively easier each time. Yesterday I really did feel like perhaps I was eating too much even though the portions were pretty small. I think I may have to adjust my portion sizes down since I simply do not eat as much food as I used to. We'll see.

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Today I weighed in at 183.2 lbs. That means I have lost 1.2 lbs. since yesterday and 0.9 lbs. overall. At least I am going in the right direction now!


So much for not feeling the diet! Yesterday was fruit day and I REALLY felt it right before lunch. Fortunately I was allowed a sandwich for lunch and I have been fine since then.


MomsintheGarden just fixed me a tuna and onion omelet with salsa for breakfast. Delicious! Everything in and on the omelet was grown here except for the tuna!

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