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Registering for my classes - small vent

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I must have changed my mind at least 30 times. I added and dropped courses all through registration. And now I pick up my textbooks and look through them and my poor head is spinning already. There is no way, and I mean NO way, I can take that philosophy course. What was I thinking?? I don't think logically! I do think it would be interesting to read some of this material. In fact, it could be kind of cool. But I can't participate in class (10% of grade) by arguing effectively, or extrapolate the information from the textbook to write 4 five-page papers in lieu of exams (80% of grade). The last 10% is pop quizzes that include multiple choice and short answer. That part might not be so bad. But ugh! So no, I'm dropping this as soon as registration opens again in the morning.


I hate, hate this requirement. I am not cut out for these particular classes! I've even asked for opinions on this board. I have to choose between philosophy, communications (public speaking in a class of 90 students), or a foreign language (which would take me 2 semesters not just one because only the second semester fulfills the requirement). I've done fine in all my other classes. I'm looking forward to all the other classes I need to take. But a choice out of these 3 subjects is near impossible to make. Hmph! I'm going to delay it until next semester, or maybe even summer when the semester is even shorter and not as much material is covered. Good grief!


okay thanks bye

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C'mon, you can do it!! If you were one of my kids I'd tell you that this is the time to push past your comfort zone. You only grow when you can get out of your own way. You can do this for one semester. You don't have to get an A, you just have to pass. You can pass, right???

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You don't have to get an A, you just have to pass. You can pass, right???


Aww.. but my absolutely beautiful 4.0 will be gone, never to return. :( I knew it was inevitable but that doesn't make it any easier. My GPA was reset when I transferred universities. I had a 'B' average before which isn't bad, but not as pretty as that 'A'! I might have a better shot at keeping it with Communications though.


Actually, my college doesn't have a foreign language requirement in the General Education courses. The first semester would only be an elective and I have lots and lots of those. So DH and I were thinking that I either take 1 semester of yuck (philosophy or communications) or 2 semesters of yuck (foreign language). :tongue_smilie:


I've been stressing over this decision for weeks. No matter which course I take, I'm going to be out of my comfort zone. This past semester was that way, and I did fine. :)

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I think the communications class sounds like fun. Maybe if you take it during the summer it won't be so bad for you as it's over quickly. Also, I've found summer classes to be "friendlier" as you see each other more often and spend a more concentrated time together and professors seem more relaxed. Once you get to know the people in the class, or your smaller group, you'll probably find it easier to do the speaking that's required. Just my 2 pennies. :)

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I take it since you say you would be speaking in front of only 90 students(not 200-300) that you are not at UGA. If you are, NO WAY. I would take the FL. In your major it would probably be helpful to take Spanish. My dd took a communications class at a junior college and did fine, she didn't want to take it after transferring to UGA. Also, she has taken 2 FL and did fine with them(she took 3 Spanish classes in high school though). I am sure you will do fine in either!

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You can do the philosophy course. If you need to boost morale, go to the library for a book on the private lives of philosophers. I read a book like this a few months back, and while they may have been terribly clever and created theories that have changed the world and stuff, some of their private lives indicate they were a bunch of nutjobs and might have lead more pleasant lives had they been sedated for the duration.


You can speak up in class. Open your mouth and say "I don't get it" if you have nothing longer to say. I daresay you'll find it not to be as bad as you think even if you're not a logical thinker. First, you can train yourself to spot flaws of logic, and that will come to you sooner than not using flawed logic yourself. Secondly, who says anyone else is logical? Go read comments on online news articles. Seriously, people write comments on articles they either haven't read, or they didn't understand, and there isn't any good reason why a person shouldn't understand the average news article. Thirdly, treat the class as a learning experience! You don't get marked down for saying incorrect things in tutorial discussions, so say whatever you want. You can get points for participating without ever getting anything right. You're being judged on your willingness to try. Just be good natured about being wrong :)


As for the essays, ask your tutor for help. Ask your hubby for help. Ask your kids for help. You'll manage.


Or swap classes again :)



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I'm guessing the philosophy course won't be as difficult as the book seems to imply.


But if you'd rather use Spanish to fulfill the requirement, one approach would be to learn some Spanish on your own and then place out of the 1st semester. If the college does placement tests.

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