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Singapore or Math Mammoth?


Singapore or Math Mammoth?  

  1. 1. Singapore or Math Mammoth?

    • Singapore
    • Math Mammoth

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Okay, we're getting down to the wire for starting school, and I just canNOT decide on which math program to use. We finished Miquon, and I had been planning on using Singapore after, but all the threads on how much better MM is have confused the issue! Here's what I'm thinking




It is recommended by and scheduled into our core curriculum (HoD)

Both DS and I much prefer the look of it (typeface, illustrations, etc.)

Generally, DS does not need a lot of practice so I like the lack of busywork

I had planned to use it til this summer

I already own it



I'm a little nervous about its "non-traditional" scope and sequence after three years of another non-traditional S&S

I hear it's harder to teach and gets more teacher-intensive in level 6


Math Mammoth


More incremental

Easy to supplement more instruction or practice

Easy to teach/self-teach

Some consider it to include the pre-algebra level, is that correct?

Has the Softpac, Youtubes, etc



Looks dry, dry, dry

Looks like fewer story problems? (Can someone correct me on this?)

Not recommended by our curriculum, which is fine (it's super-easy to switch out math) but I've learned to really respect their choices, and I wonder if I'll be missing out.



Oh, and MM is having a sale now through the Homeschool Coop.

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If someone forced me to choose only one, I would go with MM. For example, just yesterday DD5 was working on subtraction such as 13-7, but Singapore doesn't explain it as well as MM nor does it have enough problems to reinforce the concept. Today, DD, using MM's approach can subtract those kinds of problems in her head without using her fingers. We tried Singapore's way 2 days ago without any success. It makes jumps whereas MM takes incremental steps. However, I still like Singapore because after a concept is understood thoroughly in MM, I go back to Singapore to finish the problems. Maybe having Singapore's Guide would be helpful, but I took a shortcut and only bought the textbooks and workbooks, so for a non-mathy person, I really find MM incredible.


If you are concerned with word problems, like I am, I would consider Singapore's separate book of word problems, which I may buy since DD is not that great with them. It may be an age issue, and although MM does provide enough for a child who can grasp it immediately, DD still can use more practice in this area.


ETA: I don't have enough experience for higher grades since we are only in preschool/K and using level 1 for both books.

Edited by crazyforlatin
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Hi, I would prefer SM to MM. I am planning to use MM for particular topics such as European money, British money and Canadian money, so my child will get familiar with other currency systems. I may consider using MM for grade 4-6 additionally to cover percents, ratios, fractions, but it is not definite. I prefer to use MEP as a supplement to Singapore instead of MM.

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How comfortable are you with teaching math? If you're a "mathy" person, Singapore should be fine. If you like Miquon, I suspect you probably are.


If you don't feel confident in your ability to help your student make the conceptual leaps that Singapore assumes he will, then I'd say go with MM.


Currently, I'm using Singapore as our "spine" and using some of the single-topic MM "blue" worktexts to walk my DD through certain concepts step-by-step-by-step. So far, I've used Multiplication 2, Division 1, and Division 2 with SM 3A chapter 3 and Fractions 1 with 3B chapter 6.

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Given what you've said, I'd go with Singapore.




It is recommended by and scheduled into our core curriculum (HoD)

Both DS and I much prefer the look of it (typeface, illustrations, etc.)

Generally, DS does not need a lot of practice so I like the lack of busywork

I had planned to use it til this summer

I already own it

The CWP and IP add-ons are ideal for kids who obtain mastery quickly.



I'm a little nervous about its "non-traditional" scope and sequence after three years of another non-traditional S&S

I hear it's harder to teach and gets more teacher-intensive in level 6


If you're using the Standards Edition, S&S isn't a problem. If you're using the US Edition, only a few "standard" topics are omitted, but are easily caught up before algebra.
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I personally prefer MM but considering that you already have Singapore and it is scheduled by HOD I would just use it. I do not think you will have a problem switching next year if you want to use MM.



I switched from Singapore to MM, which I prefer for many reasons, but if you already own Singapore and HOD schedules it, then you might as well use it. It's easy to switch from Singapore to MM later if you choose.



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