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Stupid neighbor "kids"!! GRR!

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I could end it right there. The only reason I'm up is that I CAN'T go to sleep even with Nyquil in my system (I have a sinus infection)... even though I fell asleep last night at 3:30 in the morning because of insomnia and am now really really tired... the dumb neighbor "kid" (maybe 17 at the youngest... but I'm betting more like 19) is having a stupid drinking and probably marijuana party (if the past is any indicator) and they are all hanging out in their backyard being incredibly loud.


I had to let my dog out to go the bathroom and of course he barked at them (good for him!) and one of the stupid drunk girls starts barking back and yelling at him to shut the F--- up. GRRR!!! :rant:


I hear cars speeding away at this second. Maybe my dog brought the party down. Gosh I hope so. I'm so mad! I need my sleep dangit!!


Okay, rant over. :angry:

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I'm so sorry you can't sleep b/c of this. We have neighbors several houses down, behind us who occasionally have "band" rehearsal or something like that. They start around 11pm and go for hours and it is LOUD. We usually keep our windows open in the spring/summer b/c we don't have central air and it sounds like it's right outside the window. :glare: We've called the cops before but around here...you're lucky if they come. Can you call the police? Does your town have a "quiet hour"? If there were/are drugs and underage drinking, I'd call anyway. Where are the parents? So frustrating. Hope it quiets down soon so you can rest.

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Because everything reminds me of a story lately!


This is taking me back to soon after I was first married, and the neighbor "kid" (who would be around 30 now) would come home off the night shift at 3:30am, sit in his trashy little car with the *awesome* stereo system in the alley next to our bedroom window and listen to metal music for an hour or so. I swear the bass made even the bed frame vibrate.


This happened 3-4x a week for several months. Calling the police in the little burg did nothing - I'm not even sure they had anyone on duty that time in the morning! When we mentioned it to him, he seemed properly apologetic, but stopped for only one night. His parents just screamed at us to stop hassling their son. It finally stopped on its own - when someone busted out the driver's side window to steal the stereo system! It's shameful how happy we were at his misfortune.


Good luck with those neighbor kids!

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Hee hee. I have a story too.

When I was a teenager myself, living with my parents, we had neighbours 5 houses away who had major parties till 3 or 4 AM every weekend. Calling the cops never helped. However, one morning, another neighbour took his stereo system outside, pointed all speakers towards the partyers' house, and played Mme Butterfly as high as the stereo system could go.

The partiers dared to call the cops on him! For playing opera at 7AM... Needless to say the cops didn't show up (they knew who the real culprits were and were probably cheering for the opera neighbour!), but the partiers got the hint from then on.

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Thanks for the commisseration! The Nyquil finally took over at about 1. :glare: I was going to call the police... other neighbors have called the police before. I guess I would have then stayed awake listening for the police if I did call! As it was I finally nodded off.


If it happens again anytime soon I am not going to wait to call.

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Our neighbors have 6 dogs that bark non-stop. I called the dog control and they said that there wasn't anything we could do. They started coming on our property and scared two of my daughter's baby bunnies to death ( a $100 loss for her rabbit business), and there still wasn't anything we could do. I was going to do the "mdm butterfly" trick, but tape the neighbors dogs and play it back to them to listen to. So the neighbors would understand what we had to listen to. The police said if we did we could get fined for harassing the neighbors! Crazy, huh??!:001_huh:

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Because everything reminds me of a story lately!


This is taking me back to soon after I was first married, and the neighbor "kid" (who would be around 30 now) would come home off the night shift at 3:30am, sit in his trashy little car with the *awesome* stereo system in the alley next to our bedroom window and listen to metal music for an hour or so. I swear the bass made even the bed frame vibrate.


This happened 3-4x a week for several months. Calling the police in the little burg did nothing - I'm not even sure they had anyone on duty that time in the morning! When we mentioned it to him, he seemed properly apologetic, but stopped for only one night. His parents just screamed at us to stop hassling their son. It finally stopped on its own - when someone busted out the driver's side window to steal the stereo system! It's shameful how happy we were at his misfortune.


Good luck with those neighbor kids!


Probably another irritated neighbor:lol:

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