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Organization Question


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Last year my kids each had a folder where they kept work to be done and finished work. At the end of the week I'd file it in their respective binders. I'm thinking that this year I will have them file their own papers in their binders as soon as they are finished.

Edited by AudreyTN
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I do pretty much the same as everyone else who responded. :) I have the kids put there stuff in an inbox on my shelf, then during the weekend I file it in big 4 inch binders (one per kid) with tabs for each subject.


At the end of the year I go through and keep a sampling of each subject to bring to Staples to be bound. I make a cute cover for it that has the kid's name, grade, and what year it is. I take pictures throughout the school year of all the projects they do and then put the photos in a collage and print a page or two that also get bound with their school papers.

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What do you do with your child's work when he/she is done with it? Do you file it behind a subject folder? Do you put it in a binder? Do you have an inbox?


Just curious. I'm trying to be more organized this year! :lol:


I keep all their work in three ring binders. At the end of the year I will pull out a sampling for their portfolio reviews and throw out the rest. I am planning to do more projects and activities this year. Rather than save all that stuff I'll take a picture of it and throw the project away after a few weeks.

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