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Confessions of a Workbook Junkie

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I don't know how it happened, but my second son (Tank, who is 4) has become an absolute fiend for workbooks. I thought he would want the hands on activities when we did "Pre-K at home" this year, but he really wants to sit down and work through a dozen pages in a workbook.


Should I embrace this? Try to change his mind? Be thankful for a few minutes of peace? ;)

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I'd embrace it and go for the few minutes of peace. :D My son, who is a can't sit still/bounce off the walls/creative thinker, loves workbooks too. At least, he loves them as long as you let him do whatever he wants on the page after he does what he's supposed to. :tongue_smilie: On his ETC and MEP pages, he writes/circles/etc. what he's supposed to do but then in any blank spaces he's writing a variety of other words, phrases and numbers. I figure as long as he's showing he understands what he's supposed to at that point, he can then do what he wants. Usually its writing words that we haven't worked on and I have no idea how he knows them.

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I'd embrace it and go for the few minutes of peace. :D My son, who is a can't sit still/bounce off the walls/creative thinker, loves workbooks too.


:iagree: We used workbooks when ds was younger. We've since moved away from that, but he still likes workbooks in some subjects.


I'll admit it, I'm a workbook junkie. If I were educating myself I would use a classical workbook program. I loved using new workbooks as a child. I hated having to tear sheets out of them. There is a certain joy I got out of seeing my progression through a subject (and knowing it was okay to write in a book :lol:). If the teacher material doesn't have an exact copy of a workbook, like LFC, I buy a workbook for myself. Instead of having a "new" copy to sell at the end of the year, I always write in them.

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