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lol We did bathing suits, but what about high heels?

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You know what really makes my blood boil with lust? A man working on a road crew, wearing Carharts, no shirt, a nicely tanned, muscled torso. Yum. My dh even points them out to me.


Every discussion we have about modesty seems to always be about what would lead a man into lust and how women need to guard against that. Let's look at it from the other side. I think all men on road crews should have to cover their entire body (no tee shirts that might show their musculature or they need to be covered by another shirt and no tight jeans) even if the temperature is in the triple digits.


My dh is a carpenter. Carpenter shorts, no shirt, and a tool belt get me every time. 30 years of carpentry has been good for his body. :D:):D


Oooo, but what about wearing a bikini AND high heels at the same time?? :D


Only if you're modeled beside a car or motorcycle at the same time. :lol::lol:


I used to wear heels, but now I have knee problems and try to avoid them. Most of the time I don't wear shoes.


I'm a car gal, I love cars. I don't usually look at the person in the car, just the car. However, lately I've noticed it's old people driving, then I realize I might be the old people.

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I already have a hard enough time walking without falling down so I am certainly not going to wear shoes that make it even harder.


Everytime I see a movie in which I see a women having to run (not jogging) I am always saying, dump the shoes woman, dump the shoes already.


During 9/11 passage down many of the stairwells was impeaded because so many women had taken their shoes off.


I have no theoretical problem with women wearing whatever they want though, even if it isn't very much at all. ;)

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I hate high heels since they are uncomfortable to say the least:D I wish they had more attractive flat shoes which I definitely think is possible.



I think 1 or 2 inch heels can look nice and I would wear rarely now and occasionally when I was younger.


I think 3 inch heels and higher are ridiculous. I hate the look of stiletto heels:ack2:

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The only time I wear high heels anymore is when I'm dressed up a little to go somewhere, like out to eat with dh or to church, etc. I like a little heel, maybe 2 inches or so. Anything more is just uncomfortable. I think women should wear what they want to wear and if a man chooses to lust, that is his problem.


I do look at nice cars, but it sure doesn't inspire lust for the person driving. I just appreciate a nice looking car.


And I agree that construction workers are incredibly sexy. :001_smile:

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Oh this is funny!


I love high heels and I wear my hair past shoulders and blown out. My DH likes beauty. He would probably have a wondering eye if I didn't keep attractive. He has made comments all the time how I look so much younger, sexier, and not over weight and matronly like the majority of women my age tend to become.




Yup, yup. My husband is the exact same way. Looks are very important to him. I don't hear that often, so it's nice to hear someone with a similar experience.



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Can they also inspire lustful thoughts? What about cars? Would you check out at a guy in a Jaguar at a stop (even if you don't care about cars). Painted toenails with your one piece?

People stare at me and my husband in the car all the time. And I mean a full stare complete with mouth gaping. I don't know if we look really hot or if we look like an odd couple, or what. But I don't think anyone's looking at my feet. Or his.

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