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Filing by subject instead of by week


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I read about 300 posts on the great-big-huge-ginormous thread! Filing by week didn't really make sense to me until it dawned on me that this is basically what Sonlight does--has a tab in the binder for every week.


Shhhh....I've never really followed those tabs exactly, LOL!


But...That flip-top file box concept was calling to me (especially since this year we are generating a bit more paper with MOH--I've got maps & quizzes and timeline figures and coloring pages...).


So what's a wannabe organized but not that organized gal like me to do?!


I decided to get one to be my teacher box. The one I have even has a storage compartment up top that organizes note cards, paperclips, and maybe a shorter pencil (that part cracked me up, but I guess they sacrificed the length a bit to fit note cards?!).


I had already assigned colors for each subject--my kids have blue folders and notebooks for math, red for spelling, etc... So, I got colored hanging folders to coordinate. Whatever I print out, I can sort by subject easily and keep it all together in my box. There is also room enough for my answer guides, and my "working binder" where I keep things like my weekly schedule pages (see, I DO have something by weeks, LOL!), 1-page summaries that list out readers or lit or history extras, etc.. that help me stay organized.


I'm still working on setting it up, maybe I'll take pictures and blog next week. Just had to say how you all have affected me, LOL!


Merry :-)

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Guest aquiverfull

I'm doing something similar. I'm only filing 9 weeks at a time. I have 3 children to file things for, so I have 27 hanging file folders- 9 for each child labeled Week 1 - Week 9. Within those weeks I have regular file folders, one for each Subject.... history, geography, Math, Science, LAs, etc.


At first I had the regular files within the hanging files labeled as Mon-Fri, but I quickly realized that doing it by subject would work much better for us. I still plan on using a weekly binder for each child.

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I guess I'm filing by subject as well, but only for 1 term at a time.


Each boy has a binder with tabs for each subject (like Latin) or book (so instead of having a grammar tab they have a tab for Easy Grammar and a tab for Daily Grams). I made copies of all their worksheets or placed notebook paper behind each tab for the first 40 days of our school year.


Over the summer I planned all of our subjects so I know where they fist within our 180 day framework (only Daily Grams & Sonlight required all 180 days). I use Homeschool Tracker. Once a week I assign work and I check it off daily. I print a Daily Task List for each of my boys every morning.


Filing by week wouldn't work for me because we're never on the same day or week in every subject. We're on day 18 of school and in Sonlight & Daily Grams, but one of my sons is only on day 13 in math. Another son is on day 15 in math.


Anyway, this is working well for us. It has freed up a lot of time on the weekends, which has been wonderful.

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I'm going by subject too. I have the master plan list of how much must be done to finish (no dates though) and behind that the year's worth of whatever. History took the longest as that was 3 levels all coordinated together by Sotw flow along with reading lists, topic writing, projects,maps, and those pesky figures.


Then my binder has a week or two behind each subject tab. I can just check off when we do it. And anything needed for those couple of weeks is there.


Each kid has an agenda. It tells them what subjects are done which days and how much work should be done each time. That saved me on all those just do what comes next subjects. If we miss some days, I can still look over the assignments during check time and tell them to skip this, only do this or whatever. That's a huge insight from the other thread. Adjust on the fly instead of the end of the year.;)


It's a lot of work but since I'm saving it on the computer. I will be able to use it for the next cycle around with the other kids. So in four years, planning will be a snap LOL! The last kid may never know the throes of all night planning and seeing mom behind piles and piles of stuff.:lol:

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I am filing for the year by subject. Each subject has a folder for chapter or lesson if applicable, except English which has 36 weeks because I use more than one resource. Then on my desk I am keeping 2 mesh hanging folder holders (one for each kid) with files for Weeks I-VI, and days are paperclipped within those weeks if necessary.

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For a little different spin-


I only file planned two subjects- History and Science. Each has it's own file box and a folder for every week. Books and kits can go in the back.


Most of the rest of my subjects are more of a "do the next thing" planning, so I can do that every week.


This way maybe we'll actually get to some of those hands on things that I can stick in each folder ;)

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I think that's a great idea! If you file by subject instead of day you don't have to switch around things if you get "behind". I already have that weekly system set up and it works for the most part so I'm not changing.... yet!:lol: If I hadn't organized already I would try the subject way! Hope this works well for you!:D

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