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What grammar to use for 9th?

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Sorry to be a pest today but just realized I only have a month left to plan!


My DS is NOT strong in the grammar department at all. I pulled him out of PS and HS him for 8th and now we are HS'ing through high school. With that said we used Grammar Plus this year which I was not really impressed with.


So now I need realize this year we need something to really reinforce/introduce grammar rules. What would be a good match for him? I don't care how rigorous it is as long as he LEARNS something to help him with constructing sentences.

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I was really impressed by it. It was a very complete course which did not require me to learn grammar before we came to it in the book.


I came of age in the 1970's when grammar wasn't big, at least in Florida. Truly, I don't remember ever learning what a gerund was and I know I never diagrammed a sentance. But the explanations were simple and clear, and the course emphasized DD taking responsibility for checking and reworking her own work as needed.


It's supposed to be a three year program, but they also explain how to compress it for high school students. By the end of it all, the student winds up with a nice little refresher book of all the explanations to keep. Once they finish, there are refresher books to review throughout high school to be sure they keep the knowledge in there.


Good luck! Grammar isn't an exciting subject for many students but it is so very important.



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I just ordered Growing with Grammar level 7 and I plan to do that for 9th and level 8 for 10th. We've been going slowly with grammar. I will look at AG though! I had not heard of that before. I want my kids to learn diagramming.

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Ugh. This decision on which grammar to use is so hard. We did R&S last year and it was good. I want something that the kids can do mostly on their own, I want them to learn grammar and I want them to learn diagramming. It sounds like AG is more in depth than GWG (GWG is really only meant to use up to 8th grade).


How much time will have to spend teaching AG?

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