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Spin-Off: Am I the only one who thinks Twinkies don't have any flavor?

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Hey now, I think you're crossing the line here. ;) Every now and then I go on a twinkie binge and eat two or three a day for a month, then can't stand to look at them for a year. Towards the end I am thinking "yuk" even as I'm eating them. Weird, I know.

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Does that bring out a "flavor"? Could I add some vanilla syrup to them, before they are battered and fried? And maybe roll them in sprinkles! Oh, and have ice cream on the side? Maybe then, I would feel more like I was eating a dessert, as opposed to some sort of surgical sponge, <ducking>.

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Does that bring out a "flavor"? Could I add some vanilla syrup to them, before they are battered and fried? And maybe roll them in sprinkles! Oh, and have ice cream on the side? Maybe then, I would feel more like I was eating a dessert, as opposed to some sort of surgical sponge, <ducking>.



okay, is it possible to get a sugar rush through mere suggestion? Got the shakes just thinking of rolling twinkies in additional sugar :)

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You know, I resent the fact that you're assuming I've ever even had a Twinkie? I mean, not everyone eats Twinkies. Do you think that everyone in the world is like you? Furthermore, do you know what the ingredients are? I mean, we only eat freshly milled whole wheat, no high fructose corn syrup, honey sweetened, non-hydrogenated, organic, all natural, raw dairy, grass fed, not wrapped in plastic, but purchased in bulk desserts.




(I hope that everyone who reads this knows that I'm picking on myself more than anyone else here!)

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Does that bring out a "flavor"? Could I add some vanilla syrup to them, before they are battered and fried? And maybe roll them in sprinkles! Oh, and have ice cream on the side? Maybe then, I would feel more like I was eating a dessert, as opposed to some sort of surgical sponge, <ducking>.


Here, give it a try...:D


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