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Just a little brag moment, and an encouragement to all you young moms........

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I've not been regular on the boards for several years. After our four graduated and got on with their lives and I started teaching in a private school, I'm not camping out here like I used to for years.


I really want to encourage all of you young moms, particularly you with several stair-step children. Raising children, coupled with keeping a home and homeschooling on top of it all can be tremendously overwhelming. Enough so, that you often want to give up and put the kids in a traditional school.


But don't! Keep on! Do your best. No, do better than what you think best is.


It is hard. But it won't last forever. One day--and sooner than you realize--the kids really do grow up and become adults. They move out of your house and have lives of their own.


We homeschooled our four all the way through high school graduation. It took twenty years. And they are all on their own and fairly successful. I just want you to know that if you do your part as their teacher, you will give them what they need.


Many times, the stress of the homeschooling life threatened to drown me, but it didn't. I survived. And better than that, my children have too.


Our oldest will be 29 next month. She finished college, majoring in nursing, and is just o away from ne project away from receiving her master's in nursing as a clinical nurse specialist. Her goal all along has been to teach at the university level. She plans to pursue her DNP (doctorate in nursing practice) shortly. Throughout all this, she's been a post-cardiac surgery nurse, a state-licensed paramedic, and teaches all levels of EMS students for the state. But, her biggest reward so far has been a recent job offer that puts her on her academic teaching tract. She has been offered a position as assistant professor of nursing in our community college system. This is a great first step into the world of academia that she longs for.


Who would have thought just twelve years ago, while we were digging through Spielvogel, Advanced Math, writing, and reading the classics that in such a relatively short space of time, she would be realizing her goal so quickly!


Ladies, press on, even though there are long, tough days. It won't be long before you will begin to see the fruits of your labor and hear you children thank you.

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You are so right. Our babies are now 16, they are going to be gone before I know it. Today I was listening to oldest dd playing the piano and was hit by the realization that next year the piano will be played by one less, and the year after it will be silent.


Enjoy your noises, your lack of privacy, runny noses and spilled milk.

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Was it difficult for your children to get into college? High school/college and homeschooling are uncharted territories for me. I need to do some more reading. I want to continue homeschooling through high school.


Did your children graduate high school with a diploma from your homeschool or did they take the GED or do dual-enrollment?


Sorry to ask so many questions. :D I know all about homeschooling grade schoolers, but I'm a completely blank sheet of paper when it comes to the later years. :tongue_smilie: We'll be at that point before we know it! Thank-you for any insight!


Thanks for the encouragement!

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I really wish a way to make parents of young children realize how fast it goes would appear. I know *I* looked forward to "the next stage" over and over again. And I keep seeing other parents doing the same. It is amazing what all we get caught up in when we could just get caught up in the moment.


Starr, by the time you are looking at high school, the options will be so different than they are now. More and more will come around so that your 7th grade will look SO different from our 7th grade. And you can't possibly anticipate your 2nd grader's 11th grade year (some of us with 10th graders can barely do so!). Additionally, you'll be amazed at what all you DON"T know about homeschooling elementary. That is a GOOD thing! Your plan for your older two looks great, but you may tweak a little or a lot by the time your 2yo makes it to 8yrs old.


The wonderful thing is that things keep changing.


BTW, we had no issue with college and considered everything from "shoo-in" to "VERY competitive." Your kids will be just fine when they are picking the college for them :)

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Starr, by the time you are looking at high school, the options will be so different than they are now. More and more will come around so that your 7th grade will look SO different from our 7th grade. And you can't possibly anticipate your 2nd grader's 11th grade year (some of us with 10th graders can barely do so!). Additionally, you'll be amazed at what all you DON"T know about homeschooling elementary. That is a GOOD thing! Your plan for your older two looks great, but you may tweak a little or a lot by the time your 2yo makes it to 8yrs old.



Yeah, you're right! I'm thinking about how much homeschooling has changed just from the '80's. :tongue_smilie: Ten years from now? Who knows! :001_smile: I like to hear other families' success stories, though. :D

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You are so right. Our babies are now 16, they are going to be gone before I know it. Today I was listening to oldest dd playing the piano and was hit by the realization that next year the piano will be played by one less, and the year after it will be silent.


Enjoy your noises, your lack of privacy, runny noses and spilled milk.


Okay, I'm a pregnant hormonal mess today and that totally just made me cry.


I think I'll go play with the kids who have been driving me up the wall all day...



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Was it difficult for your children to get into college? High school/college and homeschooling are uncharted territories for me. I need to do some more reading. I want to continue homeschooling through high school.


Did your children graduate high school with a diploma from your homeschool or did they take the GED or do dual-enrollment?


Thanks for the encouragement!


Our children had no problem getting into college. In fact, two of them got full academic scholarships. Colleges seem to like homeschoolers. Or at least, well-prepared homeschoolers. And one of our children went edirectly into the military, without a problem, as an E-3 (PFC). She is within months of her promotion to E-8 after only eight years.


We granted all of our children a high school diploma. Obtaining a GED is discouraged for lots of reasons. Do your job as your children's teacher and they will do fine!

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