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If you decided to start a new career but didn't know what you wanted to do...

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I'd probably start with the job parameters so hours of work, pay level, skill level, job availability, personal passions etc and see if by brainstorming any of these you come up with possibilities or definite no's. Eliminating potential jobs is a good step in the right direction.

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I look at my interests and the underlying gifts I have. I might take a career assessment test.

I might shadow some folks who are doing what I think I might like to do, just to see if the reality matches the idea of the job.

And I'd remember every job has pluses and minuses--the former should outweigh the latter. For example, I HATE picking up dog poo--the smell makes me gag and it's disgusting. That is a major part of my dog walking/pet sitting job, however; it's outweighed by the perks (job freedom, excellent pay, not bringing work home, time with fluffy/furry pets!).

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how would you start the process to figure it out?


I tend to write....free flow writing. I have done things like write down all the things I love to do, and all the things I am good at. I have also filled out career assessments but they dont tend to be incredibly helpful to me.

I think in this day and age....it is possible to make a career doing something quite out of the ordinary, so it is worth thinking beyond the normal ideas.

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