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I wish it was Christmas time.

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Christmas time- Blech. Snow that's pretty for a minute then turns to that nasty dirty grey, ice, freezing wind, feeling cold, shoveling, slipping and sliding, being stuck indoors, me wishing I lived in Florida, or that it was still summer, or that everyone and their mother would stop asking my Jewish kids about Santa Claus.... lol.


Nah! I'm perfectly content with summer!

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Christmas time- Blech. Snow that's pretty for a minute then turns to that nasty dirty grey, ice, freezing wind, feeling cold, shoveling, slipping and sliding, being stuck indoors, me wishing I lived in Florida, or that it was still summer, or that everyone and their mother would stop asking my Jewish kids about Santa Claus.... lol.


Nah! I'm perfectly content with summer!


:lol::lol::lol: My kids go to Sunday School at a reform temple, and I have to remind them not to talk about Santa while they're there!

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:lol::lol::lol: My kids go to Sunday School at a reform temple, and I have to remind them not to talk about Santa while they're there!


LOL that's pretty funny!


I had the opposite problem back when my daughter used to go to public school for K through most of 3rd grade.... I told her there was no Santa because I was tired of her wanting to know why all the other kids got Santa and she didn't (and "you're Jewish" was not good enough for her, she felt left out).


But I cautioned her repeatedly NOT to tell the other kids at school that Santa wasn't real.


It was bad enough she was the only Jew in the class, I couldn't let her be the Jew Who Ruined Santa lol.


She's almost 10 now and it's become easier for her. Now it's going to start over with my 4 year old. He won't be in school, but still, you can't go to a store in the month of December or January without hearing things like: "What's Santa going to bring you? Are you being good for Santa? Is Santa coming to your house soon? What did Santa get you?" (and if it's not Santa, it's the Easter Bunny!)

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WE don't do Santa here either. When my oldest was 2.5, some nice woman asked what Santa was bringing for Christmas. Celeste whispered in a quizzacal tone,"You do know he's not real, right?" Love that kid.


I am not quite ready for Christmas yet. I am still enjoying the thunderstorms, the heat, and the outside!

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