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Photos of our Chicken Mummy

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Congratulations! I can almost smell him from here! lol Ours was a beast until the drying out really took.


Ours moved with us from St Louis to Alaska and was buried in a tomb of fireplace ashes. The movers really gave me a look when they packed him. I told them he was an antique. :D


Someone else here mentioned giving theirs away at a white elephant Christmas exchange. Home schoolers really are weird. :w00t::lol:

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Please share pictures when it's all done too! The looks on your boys' faces brings back such memories of the enthusiasm my kids had when they were younger. :glare:


Someone else here mentioned giving theirs away at a white elephant Christmas exchange. Home schoolers really are weird. :w00t::lol:


Oh.my.goodness. Let's be sure we never "do" Christmas together. :lol::lol:

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Can you mumify something other than a chicken? Mumifying something sounds like fun, but not the chicken part. At least to me, my kids would probably think it was cool. Just curious.


We did a Cornish Game Hen instead of a big chicken, but if I had it to do again (and I do....) I would do this:



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I love pictures like this because I can be nosy about your house :blushing:. I especially like the clutter on one of your counters (with the baseball hats.) I'm always sooo curious about everyone else's house. Is there clutter? How is it decorated?


I tried doing the full sized chicken, but it stank sooo badly. Next time we do this (in 2 more years), I'm using a cornish hen, and thinking of keeping it in the fridge for the first week. I wonder if that will work. When I kept it on the counter, the smell was so awful that I figured I hadn't added enough salt and it was rotten. But if I add more salt and keep it in the fridge, maybe it will not stink so badly during that first week.

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I love pictures like this because I can be nosy about your house :blushing:. I especially like the clutter on one of your counters (with the baseball hats.) I'm always sooo curious about everyone else's house. Is there clutter? How is it decorated?


I tried doing the full sized chicken, but it stank sooo badly. Next time we do this (in 2 more years), I'm using a cornish hen, and thinking of keeping it in the fridge for the first week. I wonder if that will work. When I kept it on the counter, the smell was so awful that I figured I hadn't added enough salt and it was rotten. But if I add more salt and keep it in the fridge, maybe it will not stink so badly during that first week.

We're only a week into ours, so I may have to recant this later, but it still doesn't stink. At all. I *can* smell the rubbing alcohol still, though, so I'm wondering if the fact that we thoroughly and completely doused the hens in rubbing alcohol was a factor. I mean, we SOAKED them! :lol: I had several helpers (two 6-year-olds and two 4-year-olds) who were all about the pouring.


I definitely support the cornish hen approach. It's got to be easier. We have two at our house, and they fit together in a large tupperware-type thing. I'd also suggest trying to find washing soda (soda ash/sodium carbonate). It was recommended, and the woman who did it only had to change her salt mix one time. I've already changed ours 3 or 4. :001_huh: That also would cut down on the stink, I bet.


Anyway, ours is just sitting on the counter, and we're having one seriously hot summer, and still, no stench (yet). My fingers are crossed, but I'd say there's hope.


OP, thanks so, so much for sharing the pictures! Well done on Chick Ahkenaten. :D

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Yes, I changed the salt a little more frequently than called for. It didn't really stink, either, except it smelled like the spices we put in. DS 6 said it smelled like Egyptian cake. :confused:


I didn't have enough rubbing alcohol, so I used a cheap bottle of wine I had sitting around.


ETA: That is funny about the clutter. We have 2 main clutter areas- the one in the picture which is all dh's stuff, and my desk in the office, which is where all my stuff gets dumped.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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I read somewhere (?) about mummifying a carrot. You can carve the carrot into a little body with crossed arms, then mummify it. If I find the link, I'll post it here.


The Cornish Game Hen idea sounds pretty good too. I may do that one.

Oh please do, my husband is completely appalled by the chicken idea LOL Strangly when I asked if he thought a fish would be better he said he thought it was less "disgusting" LOL Anyone think a fish would work????

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Good for you!! I skipped that particular activity! LOL.


We skipped this, too. It was a few years ago when we came to that activitiy and we were going to be on a trip. I decided we would wait (and was secretly hoping they would forget).


They are going into 6th and 8th and remind me constantly that we didn't do the mummification.:glare:


I guess I know what we'll be doing when it gets a bit cooler! It sure looks like your little ones loved it!

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