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Wish me luck. I've got to be sociable with one of those women.

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Do you remember the bow out or suck it up thread I started? Well, bowing out isn't going to be easy.


We went to a shin-dig this afternoon. I got told what's what about children from a childless women. You know the type. And in the being told I was also reminded that I'm the new comer. She was good. In two sentences I was put in my place. ;)


Of course it was one of the women that was huddled after the meeting. Actually the one doing all the gesturing.


I'm an introvert and a bit quiet. I can't imagine anyone being that insecure. (Yes, I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. She is also very young.)


So the shin-dig was a multi-agency get together. Four couples represented dh's agency. We were the last of our "group" to leave. There was us, dh's best bud and his wife, the trouble maker and her boyfriend. On the way home dh's best bud called. Wanna take the boat out and go fishing? Yeah, sure. Why not. We will refill the cooler and off we go.

As we are gathering gear, dh mentions we were not the only ones to get invited.


Yup, you guessed it. Troublemaker and her SO will be there too.


You guys know I have very little patience. We are already committed. We have to go. We pulled dd away from her friends to come home from the shin-dig. This is her first fishing trip of the year. She is so excited.


Say a quick prayer that I will be blessed with patience. Send good happy thoughts my way. I'd hate to have to push troublemaker out of the boat.:lol:

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And remind yourself of this quote:

Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children, and no theories.

~John Wilmot



Okay they are looking at me with those "aren't you going to get off the computer so we can go" faces.


Maybe I should stop and get alcohol.

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Say a quick prayer that I will be blessed with patience. Send good happy thoughts my way. I'd hate to have to push troublemaker out of the boat.:lol:

Sounds like she is so full of hot air that she would be sure to float. :glare:

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Sounds like she is so full of hot air that she would be sure to float. :glare:


I agree with the quote too. Why is it that the childless/unmarrieds always KNOW the best/right thing? I remember all sorts of lovely theories on marriage I once had...until I had been married, say, six months or so. One of the ones that I still hear in my head is the assertion that marriage ="TeA on tap"


Yes, I actually thought that. :blink::smilielol5::o


Although, I must admit, my favourite has GOT to be Wolf's bsis giving him advice on marriage. As I said to him, "If you're going to take advice, how about from someone whose been successfully married a few decades, rather than divorced x3 and brags about cheating?!"


She learned to parent from TV too :glare:

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Good luck! Keep her talking about herself, deflect any questions or comments about you.


An excellent strategy! I have watched dh make allies with the most... intersting... people simply by feeding them with smiles, nods and occasional questions as they enjoy listening to themselves talk about themselves. Quite fun to observe, actually.

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Good luck! Keep her talking about herself, deflect any questions or comments about you.


:iagree: This method is the only one I've used for so long I don't even know how else to handle people. I think that's why so many people tell me way too much about themselves right off the bat - I've just gotten that good at it. They talk and talk and talk some more, and before you know it, it's time to go home. That's the seal of a good time ;).


Are you back yet?? How did it go?

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I'm back. I went much better than I thought. Best Bud's wife didn't come. She is 7 months pregnant. So it was me and Trouble.


To start we both sat in the back of the boat. I tried to smile, chat and ask questions. It was like pulling teeth. I'm really starting to feel she simply doesn't like me.


Eventually after about half way through I ended up in the front of the boat trying to sunbathe since I don't fish (legally). I tried to throw a few comments her way. It got too hard to try to communicate so for the last hour or so I talked to her SO, Dh, dd, Best Bud, and Best Bud's 7-year old son.


I realized she was limiting herself. Most of her conversation was directed at her SO and Best Bud. Every once in a while she would talk to Dh. If I hadn't seen her so animated on several different occasions I'd say she is shy.


So her loss. I don't think it was me she and the other lady were whispering about after the meeting on Sunday. It could be, but I doubt it. I think she is simply young (I've got almost 20 years on her) and insecure.


I may invite her and her SO and some other people over for dinner in a couple of weeks. See what happens. If things don't change then I'll know I've tried what I could and put it down to lost cause.

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Maybe she realized she was out of line and was embarrassed. Her behavior reminds me of how I react when I realize I've said something idiotic. Which seems to happen fairly frequently.


I think inviting her over is a great idea. If she's embarrassed she'll be relieved and maybe she'll stop running her mouth.

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Perhaps a good idea lol. Try hard not to push her out of the boat. :001_smile:


now see, I disagree. My suggestion would be to drink alcohol and then use it as the excuse after you throw her off the boat.

:biggrinjester: Kidding, but it makes for a better ending to the story that goes around in my head as I read your posts about this.

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