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Just reminded why we co-sleep.

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I'm sitting at the desk in the bedroom and DD is sleeping about 8 feet away from me. A couple minutes ago she rolled over, still sleeping, and said "mama" and was reaching around looking for me. :001_wub: Sweet girl.


Of course, this is the same girl who will quietly whisper "I love you" when she thinks I've fallen asleep before she has.


I may be crazy for still sleeping together... but it won't be too long before this is just a distant memory and she's shoving me away wanting space.. :tongue_smilie:

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Simply sweet!!


We're a co-sleeping family. From the beginning I thought it was meant to be and still 7 years later we still think the same! Our evenings begin with tucking our oldest children into their bed and our youngest under our wing. Everyone will start the night in their beds but are welcomed into our bed once they've fallen asleep and are woken up. Some morning I wake up alone finding dh up getting ready for work and some morning I find myself clinging to the side of the bed because I have 3 kids in bed with me. I love it either way! :D


We put our children into our bed from birth until they were 2.5yrs old before we showed them they had their own bed and were welcomed to it. Our oldest took to her bed well and easily compared to our middler whom clung to our bed until she was nearly 3.5yrs old. She had her own bed in our room for well over a year. Now she likes to sleep in her big bed with her sister :D Our baby on the other hand began in bed with us from birth but as soon as he turned 10 months old he wanted OUT and into his own bed. Thankfully I get most nights with him in bed with us...but on occasion he'll want his bed over ours.


I remember a while back reading on a forum about a posting about co-sleeping and how it's long term affects on children were outstandingly strong for emotional well being. Of course I couldn't agree more..but there was a quote in the article that was something like "Human mothers are the only mothers in the mammals that put their young in another room than where they are"...."Cat mothers, Elephant mothers..ect will sleep with their young from birth until they are independant enough to live on their own". I am fascinated by that quote..because it's so true!

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I'm glad to see there are other long-term cosleepers. It amuses me to hear people talk about how it's time to move their babies to the crib because they are getting too big. Crib?? When I finally move DD it'll be into a twin bed! lol. She wouldn't even fit in a toddler bed anymore. (Well, she would, but it wouldn't be comfortable)

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We've always coslept. I had never considered the idea until, in a medical anthrpology class in college, my professor told us about a conversation she had with a young man from Africa. Apparently, he said to her, "I have heard something about America, and you have to tell me if it's true or not... Do women in your country really put their babies in cages for the night?"


Ever since hearing that, I've never been able to put my dd in a crib. Plus, I love having her sleep with us. She's warm and snuggly and I'm a compulsive checker, even now that she's two. If I had to run to a different room to check on her at night, I'd be chronically sleep deprived.

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This thread made me smile. I'm about to take my 10 week old into bed to snuggle the night away. We put our queen on the floor, took apart the guest bed, and moved that queen mattress into our room to make a giant family bed. We're in it for the long haul. ;)


I'll try to remember the smile this thread gave when I'm up at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30... :001_smile:

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AWWW. Now that is sweet. We have the same crib/mattress that we got when my first son was born 6.5 years ago. After three children it has probably been slept in a total of 4 hours. It has been a toy box, laundry basket, storage shed, but never a bed. I think its time to pack it up.


The big kids are sleeping in their own beds now, but often end up back with us at some point during the night. A few nights ago my six year old came into the room around 3:00am tapping me on the shoulder and asking if we could make flower planters out of aluminum foil. Umm. Not now baby. He climbed in bed with us. He tossed and turned for a while and then said "its to crowded in here, I'm going back to my room." It hit me at that moment that I am now the parent of a big boy.:crying:

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I'm glad to see there are other long-term cosleepers. It amuses me to hear people talk about how it's time to move their babies to the crib because they are getting too big. Crib?? When I finally move DD it'll be into a twin bed! lol. She wouldn't even fit in a toddler bed anymore. (Well, she would, but it wouldn't be comfortable)
Long term!?:lol: My co-sleeping baby turned 8 today.


If I had to run to a different room to check on her at night, I'd be chronically sleep deprived.


Co-sleeping family here, too. Every 6 months or so I go through a phase where I think the kids all need to sleep in their own beds all night long. I start thinking life would be so perfect if I could just put them in their rooms at 7:30 and they would sleep all night.
Yeah, I go through that too. It takes a lot of time to co-sleep.
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You all co-sleep way too long. My 7 year old is going to move into his own bed soon!!! (we've been saying that a while..) :) I'm ready... but I always thought little babies should be with their mamas... I too heard about it in my college class. Kinda like I imagine Bible days... baby sleeps between the Mama and the Papa.... and when new baby is born... gets transfered to another side! and on and on... depending on how many babies :)



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We bought a full sized bed and pushed it right up against our queen sized bed. Now DH and I are in the queen and both DD's sleep right next to us in the full. Every time I wake up at night I glance over at the kids sleeping. Somtimes I sleep in the full with the girls when they want me to snuggle with them. I was just thinking last night....what if I had to actually get up out of the bed to go check on the kids? I'd go nuts LOL!

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