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Oh Dr. Hive hive ?'s

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My dd broke out in itchy hives today. They responded well to Benadryl and the nurse said not to bring her in just treat the symptoms.


I am concerned about why she broke out. She has a food allergy which requires us to have an epi-pen on us at all times but hives were not one of her symptoms. She also has a few enviromental allergens but I am concerned about not knowing what triggered hives (our first time she has gotten hives). I am concerned that not knowing what triggered the hives will cause her to have a worse reaction the next time.


Could it be the cat? We have been in house with a cat for 3 weeks now and she has had no problems although there is a chance that she could be developing an allergy to cats according to the allergy testing she did last year?

Also she I insist on having her tested for more or retest cat to see if that could be why she broke out? We aren't scheduled to see the allergist again for a year since she was very much under control with her allergy.



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Sometimes hives just happen for no apparent reason. I broke out once as a young teen, and we never did figure out why.


It could have been the virus--different peoples' symptoms react differently. I'd think if it was the cat, she'd have other symptoms, too (respiratory symptoms, probably), and it wouldn't just go away as the exposure is constant living in the house with the cat.


I wouldn't worry about it unless it becomes a chronic thing.

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This happened to my son a few weeks ago... I'm a bit freaked out by it too... They even tested his blood and he was totally fine other than showing that he'd had an allergic reaction... EEK!


Yikes! I hate not being able to control my dd's environment to keep her from reacting again! I want to know what caused them so I can keep it from happening again...but I guess that doesn't always happen :(

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My oldest had a period where she kept breaking out in hives for no discernible reason. I would literally watch them spread. After it happened about three times, I took her to an allergist because I was worried there was something causing them. The allergist said it was very common for kids to have viral hives....not even necessarily sick, but that they were exposed to something and their body was mounting an immune response to it that manifested in hives. She said it was common to come and go. They stopped happening after about three months.


So, I would try not to worry, if she has no other symptoms.

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Has she eaten anything recently that she hadn't had for a period of time? I ask because my dd15 (with food allergies) broke out in hives about 30 min after eating kiwi for the first time in a few months. She subsequently tested postive to kiwi at her next allergist appointment.

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