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It just dawned on me..


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that I might need to add a separate writing program for my 5th grader this year. EEEKKK!! We use R&S for grammar. Is that enough? Admittedly, we have not done much in the way of writing in the past, other than summaries of what she has read. Should she be composing poetry or other creative writing? Writing book reports or simple research papers? HELP!


ETA: I did notice SL core 3, which we are planning to use this year, has mini-reports and research projects listed. Maybe that's all I need in addition to R&S?

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There is not a lot of writing in R&S 5.


My dd did other writing with this book, but she started it much later than 5th grade. Grammar was/is not her strong suit and we were new to R&S so we decided to start where the WTM suggests and started with 5. I am glad we did. I do plan to use this with my ds earlier, when he is in 5th or 6th. However, I think I still will add in another writing program.


If you are looking into Research paper instruction, CLE sells one very cheap and it looks really thorough. Research Paper I, it is actually the same thing that is taught in Sunrise Level 5 Language Arts LU 507.

Edited by atozmom
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Nathan is entering the fifth grade as well, and I plan to have him do:


1. the writing assignments in Rod and Staff


2. outlining as recommended in the WTM with our science texts


3. some paragraph writing from The Paragraph Book


4. some writing from Imitation in Writing: Aesop's Fables. He's also learning cursive this year, so he will write the morals to the fables in cursive.

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that I might need to add a separate writing program for my 5th grader this year. EEEKKK!! We use R&S for grammar. Is that enough?


Yes, if you apply what you've learned.


Admittedly, we have not done much in the way of writing in the past, other than summaries of what she has read.


Good. That's good.


Should she be composing poetry or other creative writing?




Writing book reports or simple research papers?


Nope. Not even WTM is *that* horrid.




ETA: I did notice SL core 3, which we are planning to use this year, has mini-reports and research projects listed. Maybe that's all I need in addition to R&S?


You could certain use the writing in SL if you wanted to. I don't know specifically what's in SL Core 3. I'm a bit of a WTM'er myself. So, I would tell you to apply what you learn in R&S to your history, science and literature. Write narrations (summaries) and/or reports in those subjects once a week per subject, practicing the things you learn in R&S, and you're good to go.

(Yes, you will have to recycle the lessons over and over again.)


And, if you want to do outlines on top of that - then you're just a true WTM'er at heart and didn't even know it. ;)


ETA: If you use the 4-Day Week, maybe you could arrange it so that your day "off" in each of those subjects is a different day? Nah...probably not.


And, BTW, in 5th grade, those "reports" are paragraphs - not page-long thesis papers!!!! And WTM says that even if those paragraphs are 3 sentences long at the beginning of 5th grade, thats OK! (And people think WTM is just "so torturous" - LOL! - I don't think they've actually read the book.)

Edited by Rhondabee
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I suggest you listen to SWB's Middle Grades Writing lecture, downloadable from the PHP website for $4. It will give you ideas for a complete, high school prep writing program (without buying anything else!), and set your mind at ease.


I've graduated two already, but for my youngers I'm just using her suggestions, with maybe a little IEW rabbit trail.



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I suggest you listen to SWB's Middle Grades Writing lecture, downloadable from the PHP website for $4. It will give you ideas for a complete, high school prep writing program (without buying anything else!), and set your mind at ease.


I've graduated two already, but for my youngers I'm just using her suggestions, with maybe a little IEW rabbit trail.






SWB says if you follow her recommendations for writing you don't even have to do Rod and Staff writing lesssons unless you want to or find it helpful. Her audio MP3s have been the most encouraging lectures I have listened to this year!

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I suggest you listen to SWB's Middle Grades Writing lecture, downloadable from the PHP website for $4. It will give you ideas for a complete, high school prep writing program (without buying anything else!), and set your mind at ease.


I've graduated two already, but for my youngers I'm just using her suggestions, with maybe a little IEW rabbit trail.






SWB says if you follow her recommendations for writing you don't even have to do Rod and Staff writing lesssons unless you want to or find it helpful. Her audio MP3s have been the most encouraging lectures I have listened to this year!


Thank you. I will look into that. Anything that lessens my stress, lol!

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I'm going to go get the lectures!


I planned in Writing Strands. I lucked out and found it at a Garage Sale for $2!!!! After reading through it, I really like the approach and I think my DD will enjoy it. But I would really like to hear what SWB has to say.

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We use Writing Strands. It's presented in a way that the dc don't feel like it's a burden. Lessons take around 15 minutes and my dc can do them independently, which they also like. If they get involved in a lesson it can take longer but when they are doing something they enjoy, they don't mind the extra time. I like the creative writing they do and that WS teaches them the process of writing.

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Whew, I feel better. I honestly don't think I can add one more thing to our curriculum list. I feel overwhelmed already!


I just listened to SWB's presentation on writing during the logic stage and decided to drop Classical Writing from our curriculum and use the time gained for more reading. It's a great feeling!

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My entering 5th grader will be doing R&S 5, too. I think SWB's writing lectures are fabulous, and would highly recommend them!

We are also doing some Writing Tales 2, but I don't think it's necessary if you are doing the above - dd and I both really enjoy it, though.

I will be transitioning to IEW, primarily because it can be incorporated into EVERYTHING, and not a separate subject.

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